Saving More Babies’ Lives—A Remarkable New Opportunity: This is what happens when Catholic leaders lead with faith and business-savvy

Saving More Babies’ Lives—a Remarkable New Opportunity: This Is What Happens When Catholic Leaders Lead With Faith And Business-savvy

November 18, 2021

CBJ editor note:  At Catholic Business Journal we are committed to showcasing Catholic business men and women who vibrantly live their Catholic faith in business, at work, in their family and in their daily lives.  We are so proud to have long featured the articles and thoughts of Catholic businessman extraordinaire, Tim Von Dohlen, who writes for us from Austin,...

Tim Von Dohlen

View Articles If you’ve met Tim, you know that his life was shaped by good values that were imparted to him by his parents and he...

Catching Air: 

Vaccine Mandates Must Allow Religious Exemptions

Vaccine Mandates Must Allow Religious Exemptions

November 4, 2021

Many of us as Christians have moral and religious objections to the Covid vaccine based on the fact that aborted baby tissue was used in its development and testing. There may be other religious objections as well based on beliefs about God's design for the human body and bodily autonomy. When employers, public schools or other institutions try to mandate...

David G. Bjornstrom


David G. Bjornstrom is a member of the U.S. Supreme Court bar and retired California attorney at law with 38 years specializing in business, estate and...

Ceo Learnings: 

Codevilla and Lohmeier Provide a One-Two Punch on The Big Picture: What Underlies Today’s Societal Clashes and Division

Codevilla And Lohmeier Provide A One-two Punch On The Big Picture: What Underlies Today’s Societal Clashes And Division

November 4, 2021

Like many, I have had a sense something bigger is afoot in America than plain old partisan politics. I have not been able to connect all the dots, but I am finding dots to connect. Angelo M. Codevilla’s The Ruling Class (2010) and Matthew Lohmeier’s The Irresistible Revolution (2021) are two of the bigger dots I have found in my...

Thomas M. Loarie

(CEO, Bryologyx)

View Articles Thomas M. Loarie is a popular host of The Mentors Radio Show, the founder and CEO of BryoLogyx Inc. (, and a seasoned corporate...

" Thomas Loarie is CEO of Bryologyx, a radio host of The Mentors Radio Show, and the former, seasoned and pioneering CEO of life science... "

Ceo Learnings: 

BOOK REVIEW: Failure Is An Option: Rising Above Where We Are and Moving Us to What We Can Be

Book Review: Failure Is An Option: Rising Above Where We Are And Moving Us To What We Can Be

October 27, 2021

I received a copy of Rich Karlgaard’s Late Bloomers: The Power of Patience in a World Obsessed with Early Achievement to review just before it was a published. This book really resonated with me since I have been working with people in transition since 2001 through a parish based ministry. Over 6,000 executives, managers and professionals have passed through our...

Thomas M. Loarie

(CEO, Bryologyx)

View Articles Thomas M. Loarie is a popular host of The Mentors Radio Show, the founder and CEO of BryoLogyx Inc. (, and a seasoned corporate...

" Thomas Loarie is CEO of Bryologyx, a radio host of The Mentors Radio Show, and the former, seasoned and pioneering CEO of life science... "


Spreading the Thinking of Pope John Paul II

Spreading The Thinking Of Pope John Paul Ii

October 20, 2021

It’s sometimes said Pope St. John Paul II was the most intellectually gifted occupant of the See of Peter ever, but inasmuch as the line of popes stretches back two millennia and includes some known to history only by their names, there is no realistic way of verifying that. What is certain, though, is that Karol Wojtyla was an original...

Russell Shaw

Russell Shaw is the author of more than 20 books, including three novels and volumes on ethics and moral theology, the Catholic laity, clericalism, the abuse...

Finding An American Dream

Finding An American Dream

October 6, 2021

The last eight weeks have been amazingly unconventional! Nothing since March 2020 has been conventional. Covid-19 has turned everything upside down and made it topsy turvy. An amazingly unconventional time! From the ways we have operated—and had to pivot and re-think—our businesses, handled employee issues, been unable to visit in person with family and friends, endured deciding who and where...

Tim Von Dohlen

View Articles If you’ve met Tim, you know that his life was shaped by good values that were imparted to him by his parents and he...

Better Life, Better Business: 

Yes, You Can Avoid Burn-out and Live a Balanced Life…

Yes, You Can Avoid Burn-out And Live A Balanced Life…

September 28, 2021

Professional burn-out is on the rise. Working too much and not having any balance and time off is contributing is becoming the new norm. It is critically important to avoid this. Find out how here: Watch video: Are you a business owner who says: I’m so busy, I don’t have time. I’d like to make more money, my business needs...

Christoph Nauer

(Business Coach)

Christoph Nauer is a certified business coach, helping business owners to increase their productivity, profits, and to improve their personal lives. He coaches business owners to...

" Christoph Nauer is a Brian Tracy certified business coach and the founder of Balance6 "

Ceo Learnings: 

BOOK REVIEW: “Take Care of the People” – Seven Decades as a Priest Devoted to Pastoral Care

Book Review: “take Care Of The People” – Seven Decades As A Priest Devoted To Pastoral Care

September 28, 2021

As he approaches his ninth decade of life, Monsignor Hilary C. Franco, author of Bishop Sheen: Mentor and Friend, has given us a gem of his reflections, Six Popes: A Son of the Church Remembers, encompassing a distinguished life that spans his nearly 70 years as a priest. As a son of Italian immigrants from Calabria, Franco grew up in...

Thomas M. Loarie

(CEO, Bryologyx)

View Articles Thomas M. Loarie is a popular host of The Mentors Radio Show, the founder and CEO of BryoLogyx Inc. (, and a seasoned corporate...

" Thomas Loarie is CEO of Bryologyx, a radio host of The Mentors Radio Show, and the former, seasoned and pioneering CEO of life science... "

Catching Air: 

Vaccine Mandates versus Natural Immunity or Testing

Vaccine Mandates Versus Natural Immunity Or Testing

September 27, 2021

We keep reading about new Covid vaccine mandates imposed by governments, employers, educational institutions and entertainment venues. They make no exception for people who have already had the disease, despite numerous studies showing that natural immunity from having the disease is better protection than the vaccine. What about natural immunity? Isn't natural immunity something we all pretty much knew from...

David G. Bjornstrom


David G. Bjornstrom is a member of the U.S. Supreme Court bar and retired California attorney at law with 38 years specializing in business, estate and...

Ceo Learnings: 

BOOK REVIEW: Digging Your Way to a Good Life

Book Review: Digging Your Way To A Good Life

September 20, 2021

A Book Review of Ken Rusk’s Blue Collar Cash: Love Your Work, Secure Your Future, and Find Happiness for Life— I had the good fortune of working in the construction industry as a bricklayer’s labor during my college years. It was very hard work, but it enabled me to develop physically beyond belief, work with some very fine people, develop...

Thomas M. Loarie

(CEO, Bryologyx)

View Articles Thomas M. Loarie is a popular host of The Mentors Radio Show, the founder and CEO of BryoLogyx Inc. (, and a seasoned corporate...

" Thomas Loarie is CEO of Bryologyx, a radio host of The Mentors Radio Show, and the former, seasoned and pioneering CEO of life science... "

Catching Air: 

The Texas Heartbeat Law Needs Follow-Through

The Texas Heartbeat Law Needs Follow-through

September 8, 2021

The Supreme Court has taken a big step in rebuffing legal challenges to the Texas Heartbeat law that outlaws most abortions in Texas after about six weeks from conception. We need the Court to follow through later this year by overturning the so-called constitutional "right" to abortion when it hears the case of Dobbs vs. Jackson Women’s Health Organization. The...

David G. Bjornstrom


David G. Bjornstrom is a member of the U.S. Supreme Court bar and retired California attorney at law with 38 years specializing in business, estate and...

Catching Air: 

Free Speech and Social Media – Does Big Tech Work for the Government?

Free Speech And Social Media – Does Big Tech Work For The Government?

September 2, 2021

President Trump has filed lawsuits against Facebook, YouTube and Twitter accusing them of working with the government to censor free speech. His lawsuits raise two points: The big internet platforms are violating the First Amendment by colluding with government officials to censor unapproved ideas. Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act is unconstitutional in granting those companies legal immunity to...

David G. Bjornstrom


David G. Bjornstrom is a member of the U.S. Supreme Court bar and retired California attorney at law with 38 years specializing in business, estate and...

Ceo Learnings: 

Spirituality at the Intersection of a Career Transition and the Discernment of One’s Purpose

Spirituality At The Intersection Of A Career Transition And The Discernment Of One’s Purpose

August 20, 2021

A Review of Joe Murphy’s Spiritual Lifeboat. I was introduced to author Joe Murphy by Mary Jo Potter, the former Dignity Health Board Chair and a recent guest on my radio show, THE MENTORS RADIO. Mary Jo suggested we meet due to my work over 20 years helping more than 6,000 professionals navigate their career transition through a parish ministry...

Thomas M. Loarie

(CEO, Bryologyx)

View Articles Thomas M. Loarie is a popular host of The Mentors Radio Show, the founder and CEO of BryoLogyx Inc. (, and a seasoned corporate...

" Thomas Loarie is CEO of Bryologyx, a radio host of The Mentors Radio Show, and the former, seasoned and pioneering CEO of life science... "
Forward Movement and Inspiration from the Holy Spirit

Forward Movement And Inspiration From The Holy Spirit

August 18, 2021

I am so thankful that the Catholic Bishops voted overwhelmingly to approve drafting a paper for consideration at their November 2021, in person, United States Catholic Conference of Bishops (USCCB) meeting. The damage to the Catholic Church laity caused by a small number of outspoken Cardinals and Bishops who publicly oppose Christ’s teachings is significant. These Church leaders publicly express...

Tim Von Dohlen

View Articles If you’ve met Tim, you know that his life was shaped by good values that were imparted to him by his parents and he...

Catching Air: 

China and the Vatican

China And The Vatican

August 17, 2021

Father Paul Mariani, S.J., professor at Santa Clara University, gave a fascinating talk at the Napa Institute Summer Conference on the subject of China and the Vatican. Father Mariani's presentation centered on a 2018 "provisional accord" between China and the Vatican that was apparently designed to work toward normalizing relations and resolving issues over the appointment of Chinese bishops. Father...

David G. Bjornstrom


David G. Bjornstrom is a member of the U.S. Supreme Court bar and retired California attorney at law with 38 years specializing in business, estate and...

Catching Air: 

FASTING: Something concrete and powerful we can do while the world goes crazy

Fasting: Something Concrete And Powerful We Can Do While The World Goes Crazy

August 1, 2021

The Eleventh Annual Napa Institute Catholic Conference included a practical but very profound talk on the subject of fasting by Jay W. Richards, Ph.D., O.P., of The Busch School of Business at Catholic University of America. The Bible is full of references to fasting, especially at critical times during a person's life, especially necessary along with prayer and penance during...

David G. Bjornstrom


David G. Bjornstrom is a member of the U.S. Supreme Court bar and retired California attorney at law with 38 years specializing in business, estate and...

Donner's Pass: 

Risks of Social Media: Advice from Fr. Norbert at St. Michael’s Abbey

Risks Of Social Media: Advice From Fr. Norbert At St. Michael’s Abbey

July 27, 2021

From St. Michael’s Abbey in Orange County, Fr. Norbert Wood, O.Praem, recently warned of some dangers we face in today’s avalanche of social media, and how to manage these risks in a worthwhile contemporary human life. Focus on what's important in life Fr. Norbert emphasized that the overwhelming use of social media makes it very difficult to focus on what...

Al Donner

Al Donner worked as a professional journalist for several decades, first in Sacramento, covering Jerry and Willie Brown in the Capitol and California state agencies. He...

" Al Donner is a professional journalist, and a Catholic, with an interesting history of assignments and experience ...... "

Catching Air: 

All Things Made New: Napa Institute Summer Conference Overview

All Things Made New: Napa Institute Summer Conference Overview

July 26, 2021

The Eleventh Annual Napa Catholic Conference was held July 22-24, 2021, with an impressive lineup of Catholic speakers on the theme "All Things Made New." The conference included Mass and a wide range of talks, including religious and spiritual topics, lots of commentary on current Church and world events, apologetics and some very practical subjects like fasting and a legal...

David G. Bjornstrom


David G. Bjornstrom is a member of the U.S. Supreme Court bar and retired California attorney at law with 38 years specializing in business, estate and...

Catching Air: 

Sanctuary Cities For The Unborn- Abortion Illegal in 33 Cities (and the number is increasing)

Sanctuary Cities For The Unborn- Abortion Illegal In 33 Cities (and The Number Is Increasing)

July 14, 2021

A growing number of cities in America are taking steps to outlaw abortion, sending a strong message to the abortion industry that they are not welcome. "Sanctuary Cities For The Unborn" include 33 cities as of July 12, 2021, in Texas, Ohio and Nebraska that have passed ordinances fining and imposing legal liability on abortion clinics and anyone aiding or...

David G. Bjornstrom


David G. Bjornstrom is a member of the U.S. Supreme Court bar and retired California attorney at law with 38 years specializing in business, estate and...