COVID restrictions on religion: I’m still attending Mass from my church parking lot

COVID restrictions on religion: I’m still attending Mass from my church parking lot

I never thought I’d watch Mass from the front seat of my car. I never thought I’d receive Holy Communion standing in the parish parking lot. But there I’ve been, Sunday after Sunday for months on end, in the parking lot at St. Kilian Catholic Church in Mission Viejo, California. From the start, I knew…

PIVOT: Adapting During the Pandemic

PIVOT: Adapting During the Pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic has forced us all to rethink our daily lives. From the personal to the professional to the spiritual, the habits and rituals that we have come to rely on have been upended. It’s been difficult, to say the least. But it’s also a good time for us to ask: How can we…

Every Day Of Advent Is Preparation — And Celebration

Every Day Of Advent Is Preparation — And Celebration

If you ask my family what I’m like during the holidays, they’ll tell you that I tend to go a little overboard. The get-togethers, the gifts, the good times with loved ones and treasured friends — I can’t get or give enough during this special season. My wife and kids make fun of me for…

Undaunted, Justice Thomas Seeks the Court’s Atonement on Abortion

Undaunted, Justice Thomas Seeks the Court’s Atonement on Abortion

by Tim Busch and Kevin Stidham—Another Supreme Court term has ended, and once again the court failed to revisit the question of abortion. In our time, it seems that abortion is discussed everywhere except the Supreme Court, where most justices seem intent to do anything to avoid the topic. And still, each passing term, the…

A Book Worth Reading: American Priest

A Book Worth Reading: American Priest

There are books worth reading, and then there are books worth sharing after you’ve read them. I heartily recommend the new book by Father Bill Miscamble, a Holy Cross Father, at the University of Notre Dame. It’s called American Priest: The Ambitious Life and Conflicted Legacy of Notre Dame’s Father Ted Hesburgh , and it profiles the…

Lenten Reflections from a Catholic Business Leader

Lenten Reflections from a Catholic Business Leader

For this article, I’ve been asked to “dig deeper” and to share some of my inner, personal motivations for Lent this year. It’s a challenge I am happy to embrace, even though imperfectly, because throughout my career and even now I have been — and continue to be — inspired by and learn so much…

WHAT IS IN STORE FOR 2019 :  Good News, Perseverance, Enduring Hope

WHAT IS IN STORE FOR 2019 : Good News, Perseverance, Enduring Hope

We are in very tumultuous times in the stock market. One day it is down 600 points and the next day it is up 1,000. But this isn’t the time to panic. After 10 years of very cheap money which has driven up asset prices, including the stock market, the Fed has been normalizing interest…

Christmas is to Save us

Christmas is to Save us

As practicing Roman Catholics, the title may seem obvious. Of course, Jesus Christ became flesh and blood so that He could die on the Cross and save us from Original Sin. This may lead us to wonder why we celebrate this Feast of the birth of Christ with so much festivity, while the Easter Triduum…

Unity Through Reform

Unity Through Reform

May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus (Romans 15:5) — The 2018 “Summer of Sorrow” has proven to be a tumultuous time for the Church. The Barque of Peter has been rocked by scandal after scandal, and many Church leaders…

Our Great Commission: The Call of the Laity to Holiness & Reform in Times of Scandal

Our Great Commission: The Call of the Laity to Holiness & Reform in Times of Scandal

I, like many of you, have been disheartened by the unfolding scandal regarding now Archbishop Theodore McCarrick – a scandal we thought had been sufficiently handled in 2002 with the implementation of the Dallas Charter, which adopted a zero tolerance policy for sexual indiscretions with minors by priests and deacons. (It has come to light…