BOOK REVIEW: Ram Charan’s Guide to Catching Structural Transitions before They Arrive, Using Perceptual Acuity, Reinvention and Courage

BOOK REVIEW: Ram Charan’s Guide to Catching Structural Transitions before They Arrive, Using Perceptual Acuity, Reinvention and Courage

Best-selling author and global consultant to CEOs, Ram Charan has been a privileged insider and an acute observer of business for more than 40 years. He has written and lectured extensively on strategy, execution, innovation, executive leadership, the board’s role, alignment, and global competition.

Fr. Ted’s Big Trade

Fr. Ted’s Big Trade

Fr. Wilson D. Miscamble’s American Priest was intended to be a critical biography of Theodore Hesburgh, the priest who was president of the University of Notre Dame for 50 years. Notre Dame loyalists who hold Hesburgh in reverence and are intolerant of criticism need not worry: Nothing in the book will lead to removal of…

BOOK REVIEW: A Leader’s Manual for High Performance Management: Structure/Clarity, Meaning, Dependability, Safety and Meaning at Work

BOOK REVIEW: A Leader’s Manual for High Performance Management: Structure/Clarity, Meaning, Dependability, Safety and Meaning at Work

Book Review of “Measure What Matters: How Google, Bono, and the Gates Foundation Rock the World with OKRs,” by John Doerr The real job of leaders is not to formulate a “vision” and then delegate it to others to make it happen. Leadership is many things but at its essence, it is about delivering results.…

Did Pope Benedict XVI write new book with Cardinal Robert Sarah New Book on Priestly Celibacy and Crisis of the Catholic Church?

Did Pope Benedict XVI write new book with Cardinal Robert Sarah New Book on Priestly Celibacy and Crisis of the Catholic Church?

CNS—At the request of retired Pope Benedict XVI, his name will be removed as co-author of a book—From the Depths of Our Hearts: Priesthood, Celibacy and the Crisis of the Catholic Church—defending priestly celibacy, said Cardinal Robert Sarah, the Vatican official who coordinated work on the book. “Considering the polemics provoked by the publication of…

The world needs “St.” Gilbert Keith Chesterton

The world needs “St.” Gilbert Keith Chesterton

For those who have experienced the joy of savoring any writing by G.K. Chesterton (photo, left), the following Crisis article is for you—ed.   Crisis Magazine—…I’ve called Chesterton “The Apostle of Common Sense.” I’d also like to call him “The Apostle of Life.” In his fantastical novel The Man Who Was Thursday, Chesterton says that modern…

Make Today Matter: A remarkable little life-transforming, award-winning book by Chris Lowney

Make Today Matter: A remarkable little life-transforming, award-winning book by Chris Lowney

Everybody wants to live a better life. Whether we are graduating or encountering post-retirement opportunities and challenges, we want to stay on track and contribute to what is good, inspiring, and helpful in the world. But how? Chris Lowney, a popular speaker on leadership, corporate ethics, and decision making, wants to share with you his…

Interview with Michael Walsh on The Fiery Angel and the link between cultural and political crisis in the West

Interview with Michael Walsh on The Fiery Angel and the link between cultural and political crisis in the West

Michael Saltis with the Catholic Business Journal, caught up with author Michael Walsh by phone regarding Walsh’s compelling book, The Fiery Angel: Art, Culture, Sex, Politics and the Struggle for the Soul of the West. As a journalist, author and screenwriter whose works include six novels, seven works of nonfiction, and the hit Disney movie…

BOOK REVIEW: Thomas Aquinas: The Dumb Ox

BOOK REVIEW: Thomas Aquinas: The Dumb Ox

G.K. Chesterton’s brilliant sketch of the life and thought of Thomas Aquinas is as relevant today as when it was published in 1933. Then it earned the praise of such distinguished writers as Etienne Gilson, Jacques Martain, and Anton Pegis as the best book ever written on the great thirteenth-century Dominican. Today Chesterton’s classic stands…

Loyola Press wins Seven Illumination Book Awards

Loyola Press wins Seven Illumination Book Awards

Loyola Press proudly announces seven books as 2019 Illumination Awards medalists. Illumination Award medals honor books that represent a dedication to Christian literature. The full list of Loyola Press medalists is: CHRISTIAN LIVING: GOLD: God Isn’t Finished with Me Yet by Barbara Lee CATHOLIC: GOLD- Living the Sacraments by Joe Paprocki BRONZE- On Hope by…

New book releases for young readers expose much bigger, stiffling issue

New book releases for young readers expose much bigger, stiffling issue

In a recent Wall Street Journal opinion piece, journalist and former diplomat Dave Seminara does an excellent job of showcasing the depth to which agenda-driven, cultural “group think” has saturated our culture, and hence, our children’s and grandchildren’s perception of the world.. Those of us who aren’t kids any more have no clue.  We assume…

Catholic Business Journal proudly announces new sponsor: Loyola Press

Catholic Business Journal proudly announces new sponsor: Loyola Press

Jesuit ministry Loyola Press brings its mission of finding God in all things to Catholic Business professionals in its new partnership with Catholic Business Journal. As a Jesuit publisher since 1912, Loyola Press strives to publish resources that maintain their mission–to serve people, listen to their spiritual needs, and nurture their friendship with God and…

Benedict XVI praises Cardinal Sarah as great spiritual teacher

Benedict XVI praises Cardinal Sarah as great spiritual teacher

In an afterword to a book on silence and prayer authored by Cardinal Robert Sarah (released late Spring 2017), Benedict XVI praised the prelate as a spiritual model given the depth of his interior life, saying the liturgy is safe in his hands. “Cardinal Sarah is a spiritual teacher, who speaks out of the depths…

BOOK REVIEW: Sword and Scimitar – Islam’s Thousand Year War on Christendom

BOOK REVIEW: Sword and Scimitar – Islam’s Thousand Year War on Christendom

Crisis mag—At a time when Catholic youth are taught that Islam means peace, pilgrimage and prayer, and Catholic adults are under the impression that Muslims are a misunderstood minority who only want to share their values and their baba ghanoush, it’s refreshing to occasionally make contact with reality. I mean “refreshing” here in the sense…

BOOK REVIEW: Camino de Santiago: The Dark Night of the Soul & Emptying Oneself to Move Forward

BOOK REVIEW: Camino de Santiago: The Dark Night of the Soul & Emptying Oneself to Move Forward

In the course of six weeks, author Sonia Choquette’s father and brother died unexpectedly, then she concluded she did not like her husband of 30 years. What was happening?

BOOK REVIEW: Inconvenient Facts—The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels

BOOK REVIEW: Inconvenient Facts—The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels

Alex Epstein’s book, The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels, begins to provide balance to the global debate on climate change, the use of fossil fuels, and the use of alternative sources of energy.

BOOK REVIEW: There is No Excuse Not to Innovate; Stakes are High and Time is Short

BOOK REVIEW: There is No Excuse Not to Innovate; Stakes are High and Time is Short

We live in a period of accelerating change—socially, culturally, and organizationally. Old norms and old institutions are being challenged, transformed and destroyed as never before. The massive structural change that is underway makes this period very different from all previous periods.

SAINTS AT WORK: St. Charles Borromeo

SAINTS AT WORK: St. Charles Borromeo

No computers… No phones… Yet what powerful business tips are found in the life of this 16th Century saint! As we scramble to daily improve our FaceBook and Twitter sales and awareness outreach, it’s difficult to imagine that anything—or anyone—from the 16th Century could reveal powerful business tips for success today.  But the life of…

BOOK REVIEW: Idea of a University by Cardinal Newman

No man was ever better qualified to write such a book as The Life of a University than Cardinal Newman was. And the subject has never been more pressing than it is today. In this classic, Newman poses a number of important questions: What is the purpose of education? What does it mean to be educated? What is the role of a university? What is the relationship between learning and the life of a society? And where does Catholicism fit in?

The issues Newman examined with incomparable insight continue to be relevant today, one hundred and fifty years after it was first published.

BOOK REVIEW: Parochial and Plain Sermons, by John Henry Cardinal Newman

Parochial and Plain Sermons by John Henry Cardinal Newman.  All eight volumes of Newman’s famous sermons are brought together in this new edition that is beautifully printed and bound on Bible paper with a flexible leatherette cover and red ribbon. Newman’s sermons are as powerful, fresh and challenging today as when he first gave them.…

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