Excerpt on the Eucharist from Archbishop Chaput book

Excerpt on the Eucharist from Archbishop Chaput book

Friends-good morning. I am currently reading a wonderful book by Archbishop Charles Chaput titled “Living the Catholic Faith: Rediscovering the Basics.” I highly recommend the book and have shared below an excerpt from Chapter 4 on the Eucharist that I strongly encourage you to read, reflect on and share. I hope you find it meaningful…

Consecration to Mary: Start This Week and Finish on Feast of Assumption

Consecration to Mary: Start This Week and Finish on Feast of Assumption

In talking with a friend a while back, we figured out that if you start the Consecration to Mary today (July 14) — the St. Louis de Montefort one is the most popular one and the one that St. Maximillian Kolbe used originally, then you’ll end up making your Consecration on the Feast of the…

BOOK REVIEW: “Raving Fans,” by Ken Blanchard and Sheldon Bowles

BOOK REVIEW: “Raving Fans,” by Ken Blanchard and Sheldon Bowles

Raving Fans: A revolutionary Approach to Customer Service, by Ken Blanchard and Sheldon Bowles (1993, William Morrow and Company) is a simple and satisfying morsel of sage business advice echoing Catholic economic and moral principles of subsidiary, self-surrender and charity. Written as a fast-moving fable, resulting in a simple, quick read, typical of Blanchard’s style,…

BOOK REVIEW: He Leadeth Me

BOOK REVIEW: He Leadeth Me

He Leadeth Me is the deeply moving personal story of one man’s spiritual odyssey and the unflagging faith which enabled him to survive the horrendous ordeal that wrenched his body and spirit to near collapse. Captured by the Russian army during World War II and convicted of being a “Vatican spy,” American Jesuit Father Walter…

BOOK REVIEW: Fired Up or Burned Out; Connectors, Disconnectors, Productivity and Passion

BOOK REVIEW: Fired Up or Burned Out; Connectors, Disconnectors, Productivity and Passion

Are you a connector or a disconnector? Does it matter? Author Michael Stallard in his recently published Fired Up or Burned Out: How to Reignite your Team’s Passion, Creativity and Productivity thinks so. Stallard has had an interest in work cultures throughout his career as he wanted to understand the culture that would bring out…

BOOK: Edmund Campion – A Life

BOOK: Edmund Campion – A Life

Penned by famed English writer Evelyn Waugh, this book is so well-written and historically accurate as to make the saint (and the times in which he lived) jump from the page and come alive before you.  If you read only one book this year, consider this one! Evelyn Waugh presents his biography of St. Edmund…

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