D.C. Dignity of Work Conference Delivers – for seasoned and young professionals alike

D.C. Dignity of Work Conference Delivers – for seasoned and young professionals alike

The Napa Institute, in conjunction with The Busch School of Business at the Catholic University of America (CUA), held its fourth annual Principled Entrepreneurship Conference in Washington, D.C. this past week. This year’s conference drew together more than 150 businessmen and women, priests and religious who listened to dynamic presentations, participated in discussion-based focus groups,…

An Open Letter to Archbishop Chaput Supporting His Call to Cancel the Youth Synod

An Open Letter to Archbishop Chaput Supporting His Call to Cancel the Youth Synod

Crisis —  Your Excellency:   As a young Catholic, I write to share my grave concerns about the looming youth synod. I am grateful for your repeated efforts to promote orthodoxy at this event and your attempt to ask Pope Francis to presently cancel it in light of the sexual abuse crisis. “Right now, the bishops…

Cardinal Baldisseri counters Chaput, says abuse crisis won’t stop synod success

Cardinal Baldisseri counters Chaput, says abuse crisis won’t stop synod success

Vatican City (CNA) – The secretary general of an upcoming synod of bishops said Monday he thinks the abuse scandal in the Catholic Church will not be a hindrance to the success of the meeting. He also criticized the recent decision of an American archbishop to publish a theologian’s critique of the synod’s working document.…

Archbishop Chaput: Youth synod depends on faith, not sentimentality

Archbishop Chaput: Youth synod depends on faith, not sentimentality

Rome, Italy (CNA) – In an op-ed column published Saturday, Archbishop Charles Chaput of Philadelphia restated his concerns about the upcoming synod of bishops on young adults, faith and vocational discernment, set to begin Oct. 3. The column was published in the Italian newspaper Il Foglio. According to Chaput, after the Pennsylvania statewide grand jury…

2018 Napa Institute Brings out the Best: Fully Catholic, Fully Alive

2018 Napa Institute Brings out the Best: Fully Catholic, Fully Alive

by Karen A. Walker — Now in its ninth year, the Napa Institute has evolved into a wide grouping of interesting persons—lay men and women, religious orders, and clergy of every rank, each passionately following remarkably unique and varied paths, yet each profoundly united in a shared priority to obey and serve God fully with…

Thomas Loarie Reports LIVE from the Napa Institute

Stay on top of talks and news from the Napa Institute conference going on July 7-9 with Tweets, photos and links from our on-the-scene reporter Thomas Loarie.

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