GOD BLESS THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS, especially in Poland and Ukraine: What they are doing is Amazing!

GOD BLESS THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS, especially in Poland and Ukraine: What they are doing is Amazing!

Tears well up as we watch the short video below. While mainstream news, other news outlets, pundits, historians and “experts” of every stripe and perspective flood the airwaves and internet regarding the nightmare unfolding in Ukraine, the Knights of Columbus took—and are taking—strategic and meaningful action, quickly. Here is the story—culled from Catholic News Agency’s…

Keep Your Eyes on Poland

Keep Your Eyes on Poland

Crisis—As the world watches Ukraine right now, keep your eyes on Poland.  Poland has had a special place in the history of the last 100 years, from turning back Russian communists at the Miracle on the Vistula in 1920 onward through World War II and the Cold War. I call Poland “the fulcrum.” Critical events…

Russian Invasion of Ukraine: What will China Do? Why does Putin want Ukraine? It has begun…

Russian Invasion of Ukraine: What will China Do? Why does Putin want Ukraine? It has begun…

These two short video segments below give clear historic context for two important questions: What will China do if war (in Ukraine) breaks out? Why does Putin want Ukraine? What will China do if Russia Invades Ukraine? (6:42)   Explained: The Russian-Ukraine Conflict. Why does Putin want Ukraine?   ———— Russia-Ukraine crisis live news: Putin…

This Catholic Doctor Lost Everything in the Nagasaki Bombing, Except Faith, Hope and Love

This Catholic Doctor Lost Everything in the Nagasaki Bombing, Except Faith, Hope and Love

Dr. Takashi Nagai’s work to help survivors of the Nagasaki atomic bombing and to console his devastated Japanese Catholic community is an unusual example of live-giving love and faith amid desolation and death, various speakers said at the New York Encounter on Sunday. “There was nothing, nothing anymore around him. He had completely lost everything,”…

Pope Francis hails ‘the beauty of Mary’s heart’ on Immaculate Conception feast

Pope Francis hails ‘the beauty of Mary’s heart’ on Immaculate Conception feast

CNA—Pope Francis highlighted “the beauty of Mary’s heart” in his Angelus address on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception. The pope said on Dec. 8 that the Blessed Virgin Mary’s encounter with the Angel Gabriel, described in St. Luke’s Gospel, revealed her deep humility. “Within the domestic walls, a person reveals him or herself better…

9/11—Twenty Years Ago: Never Forget, Never Take Our Freedom For Granted

9/11—Twenty Years Ago: Never Forget, Never Take Our Freedom For Granted

Those who fail to learn from history are destined to repeat it.  Let’s make sure our children and grandchildren, nieces and nephews, are learning real history in school… so that we NEVER FORGET, Never take our freedoms for granted! Yes we are called to live in Christ-centered Courage, self-discipline, love, hope.  We are called to…

July Fourth Trivia: The Original and Fascinating History of July 4th

July Fourth Trivia: The Original and Fascinating History of July 4th

At the outbreak of fighting in April 1775, few colonists wanted complete independence from Great Britain. Those who did were thought to be radical. By the middle of the following year, however, sentiments had shifted and many more colonists now favored independence. Then, in August 1775, a royal proclamation from Great Britain declared that the…

First U.S. Cathedral Turns 200: Baltimore’s Basilica Cathedral of the Assumption

First U.S. Cathedral Turns 200: Baltimore’s Basilica Cathedral of the Assumption

WSJ—Baltimore’s Bishop John Carroll had a decision to make. It was 1805, and the diocese then encompassed the entire U.S. Years before, Pope Pius VI had urged Carroll to build a cathedral church. But what kind of building would it be? And what would it say about American Catholics? His choice would set American Catholicism’s…

ACTION SPEAKS LOUDER THAN WORDS:  A Look at the First Three Weeks of Catholic Biden’s Presidency

ACTION SPEAKS LOUDER THAN WORDS: A Look at the First Three Weeks of Catholic Biden’s Presidency

Today marks the end of the 3rd week of the new U.S. presidential administration. At Catholic Business Journal, we strongly believe that action speaks far louder than words. So, with the help of attorney David G. Bjornstrom, here’s a look at Catholic President Biden’s first three weeks as U.S. President: “Joe Biden Has Issued 42…

How a Catholic pastor saved hundreds of his Jewish neighbors in the Warsaw Ghetto

How a Catholic pastor saved hundreds of his Jewish neighbors in the Warsaw Ghetto

CNA—All Saints Church in Warsaw is an imposing edifice. Its soaring twin bell towers were inspired by a Renaissance abbey in Italy. In 2017, it became the first building in Poland to be designated a “House of Life.” The title was awarded by the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation, named after the Swedish diplomat who saved tens of…

Lyrics and Links to “Precious Lord,” favorite hymn of Dr. Martin Luther King

Lyrics and Links to “Precious Lord,” favorite hymn of Dr. Martin Luther King

Precious Lord, take my hand Lead me on, let me stand. I am tired, I am weak, I am worn Through the storm, through the night Lead me on to the light Take my hand precious Lord, lead me home.   When my way grows drear Precious Lord linger near When my life is almost…

Historic Moment:  Franciscan Friars Return to Site of Christ’s Baptism After More Than 50 Years

Historic Moment: Franciscan Friars Return to Site of Christ’s Baptism After More Than 50 Years

CNA—For the first time in over 54 years, the Franciscan friars of the Custody of the Holy Land were able to offer Mass on their property at the site of Christ’s baptism, located in the West Bank. The Mass for the feast of the Baptism of the Lord was said in the Church of St.…

See and Hear for Yourself – A Taste of Election Realities: The Long Tail

See and Hear for Yourself – A Taste of Election Realities: The Long Tail

Even in a world bombarded with sound bytes and tweets, the long tail story — the truth — still wins the day.  Eventually those who care about the truth of an issue want to know the full story, the true story. And those who care about truth will search beyond mainstream news and agenda-driven “infomercials”…

HISTORY: The Past gives valuable Perspective to the Present

HISTORY: The Past gives valuable Perspective to the Present

Popular culture holds a dismissive attitude toward history. Common headlines include “unprecedented times”, “worse than ever”, and “never before.” But how often is that really true? What do we face that is truly without precedent? This mindset—that all things have either escalated or de-escalated, that the present is always somehow more or less than the…

HISTORY:  Mussolini and His Blackshirts March on Rome

HISTORY: Mussolini and His Blackshirts March on Rome

“Either the government will be given to us, or we will seize it by marching on Rome!” declared Mussolini. And his Fascists responded with the cry, Roma! Roma! Roma! The following text comes from the pre-eminent history textbook series for Catholic students, Volume:  “Light to the Nations II: The Making of the Modern World.” The…

History Matters: Google, Columbus Day and More

History Matters: Google, Columbus Day and More

Today, October 14, is a long-established U.S. national holiday in honor of the Catholic Italian Explorer Christopher Columbus who was the first to discover and bring settlers to the new world of what just a few centuries later became the United States of America. There’s much more to the story that you and I learned…

Christopher Columbus and True History from The Mariners’ Museum

Christopher Columbus and True History from The Mariners’ Museum

Non-millennials may recall that the Columbus holiday used to be always celebrated on October 12th, the day Columbus landed on San Salvador. They may not realize that genuine, long-standing and well-researched historical accounts show that Columbus was a deeply religious man, and part of his motivation for crossing the ocean was to bring the Gospel…

HISTORY: 158 Years Ago, Lincoln Threatens Emancipation, on September 22, 1862

HISTORY: 158 Years Ago, Lincoln Threatens Emancipation, on September 22, 1862

“God bless you and all with you,” wrote Lincoln to McClellan after the Battle of Sharpsburg (or Antietam). “Destroy the rebel army if possible.” But September passed, and McClellan still did not pursue Lee. On October 1, Lincoln ordered McClellan to pursue Lee. McClellan obeyed — but only after another 18-day delay. Though not a…

Saint vs. Congresswoman:  After AOC decries statue, Hawaiian Catholic says St Damien of Molokai ‘gave his life’ serving lepers

Saint vs. Congresswoman: After AOC decries statue, Hawaiian Catholic says St Damien of Molokai ‘gave his life’ serving lepers

CNA—A Hawaiian Catholic catechist said that St. Damien of Molokai is a “hero” to the Hawaiian people, after an outspoken congresswoman, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), claimed the statue honoring him in the U.S. Capitol is part of colonialism and “patriarchy and white supremacist culture.”  St. Damien “gave his life” serving the isolated leper colony at Kalaupapa…

HISTORY: The Holy Roman Empire’s Quiet End on August 6, 1806

HISTORY: The Holy Roman Empire’s Quiet End on August 6, 1806

With war threatening the French empire, Napoleon backed off from dealing with the pope for awhile.  At this point other matters occupied his mind, such as securing the crown of the Holy Roman Empire for himself.  Pictured to the left (or above), the crown of the once-mighty Holy Roman Empire was in use from the…

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