The Battle of Lepanto: The Battle that Saved Christian West and A Lesson for Our Times

The Battle of Lepanto: The Battle that Saved Christian West and A Lesson for Our Times

On October 7, the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, more than on any other feast day, I feel especially emboldened in faith and hope, no matter what the anti-common sense, anti-life, anti-Christian news of the day!  The reason is simple.  The power of praying the Rosary was manifest in such a remarkable, historical…

Christopher Columbus and True History from The Mariners’ Museum

Christopher Columbus and True History from The Mariners’ Museum

Non-millennials may recall that the Columbus holiday used to be always celebrated on October 12th, the day Columbus landed on San Salvador. They may not realize that genuine, long-standing and well-researched historical accounts show that Columbus was a deeply religious man, and part of his motivation for crossing the ocean was to bring the Gospel…

Two Florida teens lost in the ocean prayed for help; Saved by a boat named Amen

Two Florida teens lost in the ocean prayed for help; Saved by a boat named Amen

God is the great communicator.  He knows us each individually better than we know ourselves.  He speaks to us in ways that best suit our individual personalities, and has done so from the beginning of time, literally.  For the apostle Thomas, also known through the centuries as “doubting Thomas,” Our Risen Lord told him to…

Catholic Businessmen and Women on their Knees in October…Find out Why…

Catholic Businessmen and Women on their Knees in October…Find out Why…

Catholic business owners and Catholic business professionals at all levels—including the Catholic Medical Association, Legatus International, Catholics@Work (Oakland), Catholic business owners and Catholic business professionals at all levels—including the members of Catholics@Work (Oakland), Catholics at Work OC (Orange County), Catholic Professional & Business Club (Reno, NV), many Catholic lawyers and judges nationwide at St. Thomas…