“One last look of tenderness towards those who die alone”

“One last look of tenderness towards those who die alone”

C&L—Luca Salvi (see featured photo) works at the Alzano Lombardo Hospital in Bergamo, Italy, one of the hotbeds of the epidemic, where everything has changed—from the conception of work to relationships amongst colleagues. “What is happening makes us reflect on our consistency,” he says. For over thirty years, Luca Salvi, an orthopedic doctor, has only…

Lives worth living? Why healthcare rationing must be ethical

Lives worth living? Why healthcare rationing must be ethical

CNA—As state health officials plan for health care rationing during the coronavirus pandemic, lawyers, ethicists and theologians are warning that denying care on the basis of age or disability violates federal law.  “There’s always the temptation when things get rough, and when you’re looking at rationing situations and looking at triage, to fall into the…

Ohio AG: Abortion Clinics Can’t Use Resources Needed for Coronavirus Fight

Ohio AG: Abortion Clinics Can’t Use Resources Needed for Coronavirus Fight

This will be another one for the history books, sadly. Amid near nationwide lockdown in a radical attempt to stem the tide of coronavirus infections, daily rising coronavirus cases in the U.S., and the critical need for all spare facemasks, gowns and medical-personnel protection that is in short supply and needed for those treating severe…

Perspective: The 1918 Influenza Pandemic and 3 short well-researched videos

Perspective: The 1918 Influenza Pandemic and 3 short well-researched videos

Patheos—[As my colleague] Philip wrote last Friday, “With all the unavoidable news right now about disease and epidemics, it’s an obvious temptation to look back to past eras to see how they coped with such things, culturally as well as medically.” Indeed, as I get more and more emails from my employer, our kids’ school,…

CDC director ‘not shy about his Catholic faith,’ says Baltimore pastor

CDC director ‘not shy about his Catholic faith,’ says Baltimore pastor

Crux—When Msgr. Richard Woy sees Dr. William Redfield, the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, on television these days flanked by medical experts issuing the latest guidance on the novel coronavirus he doesn’t just see one of the top health officials in the U.S., he sees one of the faithful. Woy, rector…

Coronavirus: message from the front lines

Coronavirus: message from the front lines

BioEdge—Daniele Macchini, a doctor at the Humanitas Gavazzeni hospital in the northern Italian city of Bergamo, damned complacency about coronavirus in a lengthy post on Facebook. “The war has literally exploded and battles are uninterrupted day and night. But now that need for beds has arrived in all its drama. One after the other the departments…

Catholic Response to Novel Coronavirus Outbreak

Catholic Response to Novel Coronavirus Outbreak

Bishop David J. Malloy of Rockford and chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on International Justice and Peace; Sean Callahan, president of Catholic Relief Services; and Sr. Mary Haddad, RSM, president of the Catholic Health Association of the United States, issued a statement addressing the Catholic response to the outbreak of the…

Medical Science: What Politicians, the Media and For-Profit Marijuana Advocates Do Not Tell You About Pot Use

Medical Science: What Politicians, the Media and For-Profit Marijuana Advocates Do Not Tell You About Pot Use

A Review of Alex Berenson’s “Tell Your Children: The Truth About Marijuana, Mental Illness, and Violence” Over the past 35 years we have seen a sea-change in attitudes on recreational marijuana drug use. According to Pew Research an overwhelming majority of U.S. adults (91%) say marijuana should be legal either for medical or recreational use…

What to know about China’s Coronavirus

What to know about China’s Coronavirus

The following article was eye-opening.  Apparently “coronavirus” is a genus and there are different species under it.  Put another way, “coronavirus” is a generic term referring to a specific type of virus.  The current outbreak has been dubbed the “Wuhan virus” after the city where the first report emerged earlier this month. That said, there…

Co-host of The Mentors Radio Show Tom Loarie leads Bryologyx in Radically improving cancer immunotherapies, announcing new VP David Crockford

Co-host of The Mentors Radio Show Tom Loarie leads Bryologyx in Radically improving cancer immunotherapies, announcing new VP David Crockford

BryoLogyx Inc., (www.BryoLogyx.com), a privately-held, pre-clinical company developing a new class of proprietary drugs to enhance the response rates and treatment durability of cancer immunotherapies, announced today that David Crockford has joined the Company as vice president of clinical development and logistics, a new position. Crockford joins BryoLogyx after more than 40 years at pharmaceutical…

Federal judge in NY blocks conscience protection rule for healthcare workers

Federal judge in NY blocks conscience protection rule for healthcare workers

New York City, N.Y., Nov 6, 2019-(CNA)—A federal judge in New York overturned the Trump administration’s conscience protection rule for health care workers on Wednesday. The “Protecting Statutory Conscience Rights in Health Care” rule was finalized by the Department of Health and Human Services in May and set to go into effect on Nov. 22.…

Second federal court rules against HHS conscience protection rule

Second federal court rules against HHS conscience protection rule

Spokane, Wash., Nov 8, 2019- (CNA)—For the second time in two days, a federal judge on Thursday said the Trump administration’s conscience protection rule for health care workers violated the law. Judge Stanley Bastian in the Eastern District Court of Washington, an Obama appointee, ruled against the Department of Health and Human Services Nov. 7…

NY federal court ruling leaves medical professionals’ core convictions in the cold

NY federal court ruling leaves medical professionals’ core convictions in the cold

Last Wednesday, a New York federal district court issued an order to vacate a May 2019 rule issued by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to protect the conscience rights of health care professionals. This is unimaginable in a country founded upon, guaranteeing and listing, as our nation’s foundational document in the…

Walmart’s New Healthcare Experiment has begun

Walmart’s New Healthcare Experiment has begun

Walmart is going into price-competitive health  care. I live in exactly the right location to see the outcome of a grand experiment. The pilot Walmart Supercenter is located in Dallas, Georgia. So am I. On Friday, September 13, the CEO of Walmart cut the ribbon at the grand opening. Sadly, I only learned about this…

Good News for Catholic Physicians:  ‘Transgender mandate’ struck down by federal court

Good News for Catholic Physicians: ‘Transgender mandate’ struck down by federal court

CNA—A federal judge struck down the so-called “transgender mandate” on Tuesday, vacating an Obama-era requirement that doctors perform gender-transition surgeries upon request. Judge Reed O’Connor of the North District of Texas—who had issued a preliminary injunction on the transgender mandate at the end of 2016—struck down the mandate Oct. 15 in the case of Franciscan Alliance…

Suit challenges religious liberty of Catholic hospitals over assisted suicide

Suit challenges religious liberty of Catholic hospitals over assisted suicide

CNA—Sept 6, 2019—Denver—A Colorado man with cancer along with his doctor have filed a suit last month against a health system run by the Catholic Church. The suit alleges that hospital policy barring doctors from participating in assisted suicide violates state law. Cornelius “Neil” Mahoney, 64, was told July 16 that his cancer was incurable…

Catholic Medical Association Issues Support of the Palliative Care and Hospice Education and Training Act

Catholic Medical Association Issues Support of the Palliative Care and Hospice Education and Training Act

While members of Catholic Business Journal staff may have a modified view of this matter based on certain experiences and realities, we feel it is important to highlight and share what faithful Catholic, pro-life physicians advocate. Please add your comments to the matter below. —editor. The Catholic Medical Association, along with the U.S. Conference of…

A Woman Physician’s Perspective: Should Employers Pay for Abortions?

A Woman Physician’s Perspective: Should Employers Pay for Abortions?

It is almost a foregone conclusion now that employers are expected to advocate and pay for abortions. This is claimed under the rubric of “reproductive rights.” Language is everything here. As catchy as that alliteration may be, in the name of accuracy we should be clear that the deliberate termination of fetal life is not…

More than 2,200 remains of aborted children found at former home of Illinois abortion doctor

More than 2,200 remains of aborted children found at former home of Illinois abortion doctor

CNA—An investigation has been launched by police after more than 2,000 remains of aborted children were found at the former home of late-term abortionist Dr. Ulrich “George” Klopfer in Will County, Illinois.  Klopfer passed away on September 3. Nine days later, an attorney representing his family contacted the Will County coroner’s office, reporting that “medically preserved fetal…

Who is your doctor? No, Seriously, …Who?

Who is your doctor? No, Seriously, …Who?

People used to know who their doctor was. His name and phone number were on the wall or the refrigerator next to the telephone. He was there for you and could manage most of your problems. When I was about 13, my mom took me to our pediatrician for belly pain. He was on his…

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