BOOK REVIEW: Ram Charan’s Guide to Catching Structural Transitions before They Arrive, Using Perceptual Acuity, Reinvention and Courage

BOOK REVIEW: Ram Charan’s Guide to Catching Structural Transitions before They Arrive, Using Perceptual Acuity, Reinvention and Courage

Best-selling author and global consultant to CEOs, Ram Charan has been a privileged insider and an acute observer of business for more than 40 years. He has written and lectured extensively on strategy, execution, innovation, executive leadership, the board’s role, alignment, and global competition.

Was the coronavirus created by Chinese scientist who tried to cover her tracks — and failed?

Was the coronavirus created by Chinese scientist who tried to cover her tracks — and failed?

Dr. Shi Zhengli, known as China’s batwoman, was worried.  Her creation, a highly infectious coronavirus, had leaked from her lab in October.  Early efforts to stop the widening circle of infections had failed.  It had spread like wildfire through the densely populated city of Wuhan. The Communist authorities were also worried that the source of…

Together in Spirit: Virtual Pilgrimage to Fatima Today, May 13 – 3pm ET, 2pm CT, Noon PT

Together in Spirit: Virtual Pilgrimage to Fatima Today, May 13 – 3pm ET, 2pm CT, Noon PT

The creators of the stunningly beautiful new film Fatima The Movie (to be in theaters August 14) invite all to join them as they celebrate the Feast Day of Our Lady of Fátima together with the faithful from across the globe.  This virtual pilgrimage to Fatima will take place on Wednesday, May 13, at 3:00…

Fr. Ted’s Big Trade

Fr. Ted’s Big Trade

Fr. Wilson D. Miscamble’s American Priest was intended to be a critical biography of Theodore Hesburgh, the priest who was president of the University of Notre Dame for 50 years. Notre Dame loyalists who hold Hesburgh in reverence and are intolerant of criticism need not worry: Nothing in the book will lead to removal of…

Business vs. Government: Tesla’s Musk throws down defiant challenge to CA Gov Newsom’s extended lockdown

Business vs. Government: Tesla’s Musk throws down defiant challenge to CA Gov Newsom’s extended lockdown

In what is becoming an interesting showdown of Business vs. Government, Tesla founder Elon Musk has thrown down the gauntlet of reopening his manufacturing plant in the face of California Governor Newsom’s extended lockdown orders, with one of Northern California’s counties caught in the middle. To fine, jail, halt or to look the other way,…

Analysis: The Church in the U.S. is going broke. Here’s why, and what it could mean

Analysis: The Church in the U.S. is going broke. Here’s why, and what it could mean

CNA—Well into the pandemic’s grip on American public life, parishes and dioceses are preparing a return to some new kind of normal. Masses are resuming, albeit for small numbers in limited circumstances. Catholic schools and universities are making plans to reopen in the fall. Regrettably, even the ordinary fault lines and debates among Catholics, somewhat…

Vatican Museums to reopen with temperature checks, mandatory face masks

Vatican Museums to reopen with temperature checks, mandatory face masks

CNA—The Vatican Museums are preparing to reopen by reservation only with new health measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, according to the general secretary of Vatican City State. “For the incoming public, we are completing the installation of some thermal scanners for detecting temperature,” Bishop Fernando Vérgez Alzaga said in an interview published…

The Order of Malta Los Angeles to Launch “Operation Gratitude”

The Order of Malta Los Angeles to Launch “Operation Gratitude”

The new program will support religious women and men working at nursing homes during the Covid-19 pandemic—The Los Angeles location of the Order of Malta will launch “Operation Gratitude” on Tuesday, May 12, at 5 p.m. with the distribution of  “gratitude kits” to nursing religious women at the Sacred Heart Retreat House (920 East Alhambra…

On the Front Lines in New York: One Catholic priest at work

On the Front Lines in New York: One Catholic priest at work

New York Post—Raul Luis López never had the chance to say goodbye. López was hospitalized for COVID-19 on April 3 before succumbing nearly three weeks later. The 39-year-old native of Oaxaca, Mexico, suffered from diabetes which worsened his illness. The day he left for treatment was the last time his wife, Sara Cruz, saw him.…

Surfing Mass-casts

Surfing Mass-casts

As a life-long Catholic, I must confess. I did something Sunday morning I’ve never done before. Even a month ago it would have seemed not quite right based on my Catholic foundation. Yet now it feels spiritually uplifting and beneficial! Confined at home in the coronavirus shutdown, I followed the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass…

SUMMARY: Catholic Business Journal 5-Question Coronavirus Survey Summary

SUMMARY: Catholic Business Journal 5-Question Coronavirus Survey Summary

Thank you to each person who took, literally, four minutes to answer our Quick 5-Question Survey. The responses were candid and inspiring. It’s good to know that most of our readership is “on the front lines” of work, leadership, business, innovation, healthcare and serving others. In the trenches, so to speak, of every kind of…

In new biography, Benedict XVI laments modern ‘anti-Christian creed’

In new biography, Benedict XVI laments modern ‘anti-Christian creed’

CNA—Modern society is formulating an “anti-Christian creed” and punishing those who resist it with “social excommunication,” Benedict XVI has said in a new biography, published in Germany May 4. In a wide-ranging interview at the end of the 1,184-page book, written by German author Peter Seewald, the pope emeritus said the greatest threat facing the…

Blood of St. Januarius liquefies in Naples under lockdown

Blood of St. Januarius liquefies in Naples under lockdown

CNA—The liquefaction of the blood of the early Church martyr St. Januarius occurred Saturday amid the coronavirus lockdown, leading the Archbishop of Naples to bless the city with the miraculous relic. “Dear friends, I have a big announcement to make: even in this time of coronavirus, the Lord through the intercession of St. Januarius has…

Results: Catholic Business Journal 5-Question Coronavirus Survey

Results: Catholic Business Journal 5-Question Coronavirus Survey

For a summary of survey results, to here. Q.  Was your business or company affected by the coronavirus shutdown? Nearly 80% said YES! Q. In what ways has the coronavirus crisis shifted your business priorities? We have and continue to explore new opportunities We’re in wait and see survival mode We’ve become much more short-term…

CARES Act § 2204: An Incentive for Charitable Donations

CARES Act § 2204: An Incentive for Charitable Donations

A Quick Summary of what this article covers includes the following: The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act offers religious nonprofits a valuable tool in this time of crisis: increased tax incentives for donors making charitable contributions. CARES § 2204 temporarily modifies the federal tax code to create an above-the-line deduction in 2020…

Register Here : Association for Enterprise Growth (AEG) offers FREE Pandemic Recovery Executive Briefings April 27-May 5th

Register Here : Association for Enterprise Growth (AEG) offers FREE Pandemic Recovery Executive Briefings April 27-May 5th

From Monday, April 27th to Tuesday, May 5th, The Association for Enterprise Growth (AEG) will share their expertise in helping business owners and executives grow mid-market businesses. AEG member and Principal of Boustead & Company Limited, Ron Ainsworth, will join strategic advisor Jiemin Jordan to discuss Mergers & Acquisitions on Friday, May 1st, 8:00am – 8:30am EDT. AEG’s ecosystem…

US Bishops Weigh How and When to Resume Public Masses

US Bishops Weigh How and When to Resume Public Masses

In a few states where local governments are allowing for more businesses to open, churches are making accommodations. But other regions are planning with caution.   Amid debates about how and when to resume gatherings and reopen schools and businesses around the United States, many Catholics have been left wondering: What about Mass? Public Masses…

SAINTS AT WORK: St. Catherine of Siena, Dominican Model of Fortitude during Pandemic

SAINTS AT WORK: St. Catherine of Siena, Dominican Model of Fortitude during Pandemic

St. Catherine of Siena was born March 25th, 1347, when the world stood at the brink of the very pandemic for which the word “quarantine” was invented. In Italian, “quaranta giorni” – forty days – was the allotted time that ships were required to remain offshore before landing. The Bubonic Plague, also known as the…

Seminarian in Spain returns to roots as doctor amid pandemic

ACI Prensa/CNA—While most of the students at the San Fulgencia Seminary in Cartagena, Spain, returned home when the country declared a state of emergency over the coronavirus pandemic, one seminarian felt a different calling. With a background in medicine, first-year seminarian Abraham Martínez Moratón asked permission of the rector at his seminary to go back…

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