Catholic Business Journal joins CUA’s Busch School of Business and the U.S. Bishops in a Novena beginning Today

Catholic Business Journal joins CUA’s Busch School of Business and the U.S. Bishops in a Novena beginning Today

Catholic Business Journal joins and encourages our readers to join with us and with both Catholic University of America’s Busch School of Business and the United States Catholic Conference of Bishops (USCCB) in a Novena to the Immaculate Heart of Mary during this pandemic. The novena begins today, March 25, the Feast of the Annunciation.…

New Orleans Archbishop Aymond first U.S. bishop confirmed to have coronavirus

New Orleans Archbishop Aymond first U.S. bishop confirmed to have coronavirus

The 14th Archbishop of New Orleans, Archbishop Gregory M. Aymond, is the first New Orleans native to serve as archbishop in the 216-year history of the archdiocese. He is also the first U.S. bishop known to have tested positive for the coronavirus. In a statement, Archbishop Aymond states: Throughout the Coronavirus pandemic, I have been…

Ireland to be consecrated to Immaculate Heart for ‘strength and protection’ from COVID-19

Ireland to be consecrated to Immaculate Heart for ‘strength and protection’ from COVID-19

  On March 25, the Feast of the Annunciation of Our Lord, at Noon, Archbishop Eamon Martin, Archbishop of Armagh and the Primate of all Ireland, will join with bishops and priests from throughout the island nation in consecrating the people of Ireland to the Immaculate Heart of Mary for strength and protection from the Coronavirus,…

More than 60 Italian priests have died after contracting coronavirus

More than 60 Italian priests have died after contracting coronavirus

CNA—In the past week alone, more than 3,000 people have died in Italy after contracting the coronavirus. Among the dead are at least 60 priests this month, according to local media reports. “I pray to the Holy Spirit to give us the gift of light and strength. Everyday I do the Via Crucis asking the…

A Franciscan friar and deacon is DC’s first known coronavirus fatality

A Franciscan friar and deacon is DC’s first known coronavirus fatality

CNA—A Franciscan friar is the first person known to have died as a result of coronavirus (COVID-19) in the District of Columbia. Brother John-Sebastian Laird-Hammond, OFM, was hospitalized with the virus last week, and died Friday, the Washington Post reported. The friar, who also was a permanent deacon, had been in residence at the Franciscan…

Lives worth living? Why healthcare rationing must be ethical

Lives worth living? Why healthcare rationing must be ethical

CNA—As state health officials plan for health care rationing during the coronavirus pandemic, lawyers, ethicists and theologians are warning that denying care on the basis of age or disability violates federal law.  “There’s always the temptation when things get rough, and when you’re looking at rationing situations and looking at triage, to fall into the…

Ohio AG: Abortion Clinics Can’t Use Resources Needed for Coronavirus Fight

Ohio AG: Abortion Clinics Can’t Use Resources Needed for Coronavirus Fight

This will be another one for the history books, sadly. Amid near nationwide lockdown in a radical attempt to stem the tide of coronavirus infections, daily rising coronavirus cases in the U.S., and the critical need for all spare facemasks, gowns and medical-personnel protection that is in short supply and needed for those treating severe…

Priest finds peace amid pandemic

Priest finds peace amid pandemic

Writing on his Facebook page, Rev. Jerome Zeiler, O.P. , offers the following poignant dialogue about some of the many ways Our Lord is at work during this time of ubiquitous closures and social distancing. Fr.Jerome writes: Satan: “I will cause anxiety, fear, and panic. I will cause the churches to lock their doors. I…

St. Joseph: a Father, a Husband, a Worker—a Holy Family Man’s Man

St. Joseph: a Father, a Husband, a Worker—a Holy Family Man’s Man

On March 19, we will celebrate the Solemnity of St. Joseph. The Litany of St. Joseph invokes his intercession under the titles Spouse of the Mother of God, Foster Father of the Son of God, and Head of the Holy Family. St. Joseph is called the Glory of the Domestic Life and Pillar of Families. In this Year of the Family, it is fitting that…

Today – Feast of St Joseph – Join Pope in Praying Rosary for Italy and world

Today – Feast of St Joseph – Join Pope in Praying Rosary for Italy and world

In case you missed it live, it seems that they are repeating the Rosary on the VATICAN NEWS YouTube channel here: Useful resources: Rosary Mysteries of the Light: Rosary in Italian:   WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, FEAST OF SAINT JOSEPH JOIN POPE FRANCIS AND OTHERS WORLDWIDE TO PRAY ROSARY FOR END TO CORONAVIRUS,…

Perspective: The 1918 Influenza Pandemic and 3 short well-researched videos

Perspective: The 1918 Influenza Pandemic and 3 short well-researched videos

Patheos—[As my colleague] Philip wrote last Friday, “With all the unavoidable news right now about disease and epidemics, it’s an obvious temptation to look back to past eras to see how they coped with such things, culturally as well as medically.” Indeed, as I get more and more emails from my employer, our kids’ school,…

The Lorica of the Great Saint Patrick

The Lorica of the Great Saint Patrick

As something a little different, and especially in light of the current battle against the spread of COVID-19 as well as the no less insidious battle for our Faith and culture, we at Catholic Business Journal decided to share with you what is believed to be one of St. Patrick’s prayers before battle, The Lorica. …

CDC director ‘not shy about his Catholic faith,’ says Baltimore pastor

CDC director ‘not shy about his Catholic faith,’ says Baltimore pastor

Crux—When Msgr. Richard Woy sees Dr. William Redfield, the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, on television these days flanked by medical experts issuing the latest guidance on the novel coronavirus he doesn’t just see one of the top health officials in the U.S., he sees one of the faithful. Woy, rector…

Coronavirus: message from the front lines

Coronavirus: message from the front lines

BioEdge—Daniele Macchini, a doctor at the Humanitas Gavazzeni hospital in the northern Italian city of Bergamo, damned complacency about coronavirus in a lengthy post on Facebook. “The war has literally exploded and battles are uninterrupted day and night. But now that need for beds has arrived in all its drama. One after the other the departments…

‘Medicare for All’ would hit household income, study says

‘Medicare for All’ would hit household income, study says

Most Americans will pay much higher taxes and earn less income if Medicare for All becomes law, a new study by The Heritage Foundation states. “How ‘Medicare for All’ Harms Working Americans” found 73.5 percent of Americans would shoulder financial hardships under the proposed universal health care system. Most workers would pay 21.2 percent more…

BOOK REVIEW: A Leader’s Manual for High Performance Management: Structure/Clarity, Meaning, Dependability, Safety and Meaning at Work

BOOK REVIEW: A Leader’s Manual for High Performance Management: Structure/Clarity, Meaning, Dependability, Safety and Meaning at Work

Book Review of “Measure What Matters: How Google, Bono, and the Gates Foundation Rock the World with OKRs,” by John Doerr The real job of leaders is not to formulate a “vision” and then delegate it to others to make it happen. Leadership is many things but at its essence, it is about delivering results.…

Catholic Response to Novel Coronavirus Outbreak

Catholic Response to Novel Coronavirus Outbreak

Bishop David J. Malloy of Rockford and chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on International Justice and Peace; Sean Callahan, president of Catholic Relief Services; and Sr. Mary Haddad, RSM, president of the Catholic Health Association of the United States, issued a statement addressing the Catholic response to the outbreak of the…

Quick Look at Super Tuesday results

Quick Look at Super Tuesday results

We found the USA Today link below to be an easy-access quick look Super Tuesday elections results across the country. URL:

Medical Science: What Politicians, the Media and For-Profit Marijuana Advocates Do Not Tell You About Pot Use

Medical Science: What Politicians, the Media and For-Profit Marijuana Advocates Do Not Tell You About Pot Use

A Review of Alex Berenson’s “Tell Your Children: The Truth About Marijuana, Mental Illness, and Violence” Over the past 35 years we have seen a sea-change in attitudes on recreational marijuana drug use. According to Pew Research an overwhelming majority of U.S. adults (91%) say marijuana should be legal either for medical or recreational use…

A Young Catholic Editor talks about Faith, Politics, Pope Francis and the Subtle Tyranny of Social Media

A Young Catholic Editor talks about Faith, Politics, Pope Francis and the Subtle Tyranny of Social Media

When the late William F. Buckley set out to find a religion editor for National Review, he was careful to choose a Protestant. Though a Catholic himself, Buckley feared that his magazine—by then, already the flaghship of American conservatism—was becoming “too Catholic.” Eventually, he settled on a bombastic Lutheran minister named Richard John Neuhaus. Alas…

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