Let’s Not Confuse Papal Infallibility With Impeccability

Let’s Not Confuse Papal Infallibility With Impeccability

There is a lot of confusion about the nature and scope of the charism of the Pope’s infallibility. Many Catholics with average religious instruction think the Sovereign Pontiff is infallible in everything he says or does. However, this is not what Catholic doctrine affirms. Two Different Concepts That Are Often Confused Thus, most Catholics confuse…

St. Basil the Great on Fidelity to Tradition

St. Basil the Great on Fidelity to Tradition

St. Basil the Great (born in Turkey, 329-379 A.D.) has much to say to Catholic business men and women of today, enmeshed as we are in a very secular and increasingly anti-Christian world and work culture. Before sharing St. Basil’s exhortation to the faithful of his day, a time that was not unlike our times…

NEW FILM:  ‘A Hidden Life’ brings story of Bl. Franz Jaggerstatter and his wife to the big screen

NEW FILM: ‘A Hidden Life’ brings story of Bl. Franz Jaggerstatter and his wife to the big screen

CNA—A new film opening this weekend tells the story of Blessed Franz Jagerstatter, whose refusal to fight for the Nazis in World War II led to his imprisonment and death. Franz was beatified by the Catholic Church in Austria in 2007. His wife, Franziska, was present at the beatification. She died in 2013 at the…

Heart-breaking exposé by WSJ: Vatican Uses Donations for the Poor to Plug Its Budget Deficit

Heart-breaking exposé by WSJ: Vatican Uses Donations for the Poor to Plug Its Budget Deficit

According to a Wall Street Journal exposé series by Francis X. Rocca, not only does the Vatican use donations for the poor to plug its budget deficit, but only 10% of donations to the Vatican’s Peter’s Pence collection go to charitable works. Although sources of information are not always named and generic resources such as…

Our Lady of Guadalupe: What ophthamologists discovered in Mary’s eyes

Our Lady of Guadalupe: What ophthamologists discovered in Mary’s eyes

Monastery Icons—In the winter of 1531 the Virgin Mary appeared to Saint Juan Diego, a humble Mexican Indian peasant, instructing him to tell the local bishop of her desire for the construction of a new basilica dedicated to her. Begging for a sign to convince the Bishop, Saint Juan Diego was told to climb to…

Persecuted, Jailed, Passionate: That’s my kind of Santa Claus

Persecuted, Jailed, Passionate: That’s my kind of Santa Claus

In reflecting on this season of the year, I have often wondered how a Martian reporter would do a story on Christmas in the United States. If one only had the dominant cultural icons of TV, movies, news media and retail stores, my guess is that the Martian viewing audience wouldn’t have a clue as…

Pruning Hope

Pruning Hope

The Catholic Thing—Today we begin the liturgical season defined by hope. The preface for Mass says that we dare to hope. Indeed, hope seems a more daring venture than ever. And yet for precisely that reason, it holds more importance than ever. In keeping with Chesterton’s famous aphorism — Hope means hoping when things are…

OBIT: Duluth’s Bishop Paul Sirba dies unexpectedly at 59

OBIT: Duluth’s Bishop Paul Sirba dies unexpectedly at 59

Bishop Paul Sirba of the Diocese of Duluth, Minnesota died on Sunday, after suffering a heart attack before offering Mass. He was 59 years old. “It is with an incredibly heavy heart that I must inform you of tragic news regarding our Bishop,” said a Dec. 1 statement from Fr. James B. Bissonette, who had…

Norbertine Fathers in California launch digital Advent calendar

Norbertine Fathers in California launch digital Advent calendar

CNA—A religious order in southern California is kicking off Advent with a digital calendar that allows Catholics to go more in-depth as they prepare for the Christmas season. The virtual calendar was launched on the first Sunday of Advent by the priests of the Norbertine order from St. Michael’s Abbey in Orange County, California. The…

Priest Paints Priest: Beautiful Portrait of Servant of God Father Vincent R. Capodanno Unveiled

Priest Paints Priest: Beautiful Portrait of Servant of God Father Vincent R. Capodanno Unveiled

On Veterans Day, Sunday November 11, 2018, a new portrait of Servant of God Father Vincent R. Capodanno MM was unveiled at the National Museum of the Marine Corps in Quantico, VA. The portrait was painted by the Artist-in-Residence of the North American Province of the Society of St Sulpice, Father Peter W. Gray, PSS,…

Powerful St. Andrew Christmas “Novena”

Powerful St. Andrew Christmas “Novena”

What is commonly known as the St. Andrew Christmas Novena — or The St Andrew Christmas Prayer— is not a novena (because it is prayed for more than nine days), nor is it a prayer to St. Andrew.  Instead, it is a most simple, unusual and beautiful prayer recitation that prepares the soul for Christmas. …

Faith as a Scientist and Faith as a Catholic

Faith as a Scientist and Faith as a Catholic

“Anybody who has been seriously engaged in scientific work of any kind realizes that over the entrance to the gates of the temple of science are written the words: ‘Ye must have faith.’ It is a quality which the scientist cannot dispense with.” Max Planck, “Where is Science Going?” In Chapter 2 of my web-book,…

The History of Thanksgiving

The History of Thanksgiving

The Pilgrims who sailed to this country aboard the Mayflower were originally members of the English Separatist Church (a Puritan sect). They had earlier fled their home in England and sailed to Holland (The Netherlands) to escape religious persecution. There, they enjoyed more religious tolerance, but they eventually became disenchanted with the Dutch way of…

Yes it matters: Iconic Tiffany Brand  sold

Yes it matters: Iconic Tiffany Brand sold

Say it ain’t so!  Some brands are just so iconic it’s unimaginable they would ever be other than what they’ve always been…  And in a world that seems ever more driven by tech innovations and “how fast, how far, how much,” the sale of Tiffany & Co. matters.   The iconic older brands with storied foundations…

‘Angels caught me’: Boy thrown from mall balcony gives hope to others

‘Angels caught me’: Boy thrown from mall balcony gives hope to others

NY Post—The 5-year-old boy hurled off a Mall of America balcony by a stranger in April is now “walking perfectly” and even back at school, his family says. Landen Hoffman fell nearly 40 feet from the balcony of the Minnesota mall — breaking his skull, face bones, both arms and a leg — when Emmanuel…



Texas native Tim VonDohlen, a long-time Catholic Business Journal columnist, is known as much for his business savvy and significant success as for his profound Catholic faith. That said, life has not always been smooth-sailing for Tim, nor for his wife, even though to meet either of them you would never know. Pat Von Dohlen…

‘We serve everyone’: Salvation Army responds to Chick-Fil-A donation cut

‘We serve everyone’: Salvation Army responds to Chick-Fil-A donation cut

 CNA—The Salvation Army has denied accusations that it is an anti-LGBT organization in the wake of the Chick-Fil-A Foundation publicly severing ties with the group. “We’re saddened to learn that a corporate partner has felt it necessary to divert funding to other hunger, education and homelessness organizations — areas in which The Salvation Army, as…

First, Take No Stand : In assisted suicide, the medical profession ducks behind “neutrality.”

First, Take No Stand : In assisted suicide, the medical profession ducks behind “neutrality.”

The New Atlantis—On June 9, 2016, a law permitting physician-assisted suicide went into effect in California. The same day, Dr. Lonny Shavelson, an emergency medicine physician, opened the Bay Area End of Life Options clinic to provide the newly legal service. A longtime activist for the cause, Shavelson’s interest began in adolescence. In an interview…

Pascal Siakam: Catholic Toronto Raptors star and his unconventional path from Cameroon to NBA

Pascal Siakam: Catholic Toronto Raptors star and his unconventional path from Cameroon to NBA

BBC—For the first 17 years of his life, Pascal Siakam didn’t pick up a basketball much. It was just a game his older brothers played. Even though his father dreamed about one of his children growing up to play in the NBA, Siakam, the youngest of six siblings, was always more interested in other sports.…

What do you think?  Chick-Fil-A changes charitable donations but not core principles

What do you think? Chick-Fil-A changes charitable donations but not core principles

CNA—American fast-food chain Chick-Fil-A has announced it will stop donating to two large faith-based charitable organizations, after years of criticism from LGBT groups. On Monday, the Chick-Fil-A Foundation announced the organizations it would donate to in 2020. Notably, the foundation will no longer donate to the Salvation Army or to the Fellowship of Christian Athletes.…

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