Pope Francis: Church will focus on 8 points in ‘all-out battle’ against abuse of Minors

Pope Francis: Church will focus on 8 points in ‘all-out battle’ against abuse of Minors

Pope Francis Sunday outlined eight points that the Church will focus on in an “all-out battle” against the sexual abuse of minors to, he said, “turn this evil into an opportunity for purification.” “We need to recognize with humility and courage that we stand face to face with the mystery of evil, which strikes most…

Head of US bishops after Vatican abuse summit: ‘Intensify the Dallas Charter’

Head of US bishops after Vatican abuse summit: ‘Intensify the Dallas Charter’

CNA—Cardinal Daniel DiNardo, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, has promised “unyielding vigilance” and an intensification of the Dallas Charter following the Vatican summit on the sexual abuse of minors. “We owe survivors an unyielding vigilance that we may never fail them again,” DiNardo said. “How then to bind the wounds? Intensify the…

The de-sciencing of American medicine and what it means for you

The de-sciencing of American medicine and what it means for you

With all the talk about “evidence-based medicine,” you might think that doctors were becoming much more focused on rigorous science. But like the names attached to bills in Congress—such as the Affordable Care Act, which outlaws affordable insurance—the language used in the movement to fundamentally transform America and American medicine usually means the opposite of…

Canon law professor says church did not foresee crimes by bishops

Canon law professor says church did not foresee crimes by bishops

CNS—The 1983 Code of Canon Law did not anticipate crimes being committed by bishops that could result in their laicization, according to a canon law professor at The Catholic University of America. Jesuit Father Robert Kaslyn, who has taught courses in laicization, said the Second Vatican Council has also made it more complicated to remove…

Just Announced: 70th Official Church-recognized Miracle at Lourdes

Just Announced: 70th Official Church-recognized Miracle at Lourdes

CNA — Another miracle was officially recognized at the Marian shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes in France, the 70th Lourdes miracle recognized by the Catholic Church. The miracle was officially declared by Bishop Jacques Benoit-Gonin of Beauvais, France on Feb. 11, the World Day of the Sick and the feast day of Our Lady…

Los Angeles Rams’ Kicker on the Sole Goal of a Christian

Los Angeles Rams’ Kicker on the Sole Goal of a Christian

Record-setting Greg Zuerlein places heaven above the Super Bowl.  Last year in the playoffs, placekicker Greg Zuerlein was unable to help the Los Angeles Rams advance out of their wild card game due to injury. This year he has helped his team mightily, making three field goals against the Dallas Cowboys in the divisional round…

‘Never going back to insurance,’ say many health care sharing ministries members

‘Never going back to insurance,’ say many health care sharing ministries members

In light of recent increased legislative decrees promoting abortion without restraint of any kind, such as Governor Cuomo’s new New York State law,  embattled Virginia Governor Ralph Northam’s cry for no-restrictions abortion even after a child is born, and the increasing intensity of the Culture of Death throughout our health institutions and laws, and echoed…

Loyola Press wins Seven Illumination Book Awards

Loyola Press wins Seven Illumination Book Awards

Loyola Press proudly announces seven books as 2019 Illumination Awards medalists. Illumination Award medals honor books that represent a dedication to Christian literature. The full list of Loyola Press medalists is: CHRISTIAN LIVING: GOLD: God Isn’t Finished with Me Yet by Barbara Lee CATHOLIC: GOLD- Living the Sacraments by Joe Paprocki BRONZE- On Hope by…

Order of the Knights of Malta elect Dalla Torre 80th Grand Master

Order of the Knights of Malta elect Dalla Torre 80th Grand Master

Fra’ Giacomo Dalla Torre was elected Wednesday the 80th Grand Master of the Sovereign Order of Malta, a position usually held for life. Dalla Torre’s predecessor, Matthew Festing, resigned from the position in 2017. The election took place May 2, and was conducted by the 54 members of the Council Complete of State, the electing…

Order of Malta to Provide First Aid for 2019 World Youth Day in Panama

Order of Malta to Provide First Aid for 2019 World Youth Day in Panama

CNA—There will be 120 volunteers of the Order of Malta in Panama for World Youth Day, with the task of “providing first aid to young pilgrims”, Prince Dominique de La Rochefoucauld-Monbel, Grand Hospitalier of the Order, told CNA. Within the Order of Malta, the Grand Hospitalier includes the office of Minister of Health and of…

Swiss Guards: 513th Anniversary reveals New Video and New Helmets

Swiss Guards: 513th Anniversary reveals New Video and New Helmets

CNA—As the Swiss Guards celebrated their 513th anniversary Tuesday, they donned for the first time their new light-weight helmets, which are made of black PVC and 3D printed. The plastic helmets replace those made of metal, which were easily dented, and which would get so hot from the Roman sun in the summer months they…

Vatican transfers task of Ecclesia Dei to the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith

Vatican transfers task of Ecclesia Dei to the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith

Pope Francis issued a motu proprio Saturday ending the pontifical commission Ecclesia Dei and creating an office within the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith to focus on doctrinal dialogue with traditionalist groups. For more than 30 years, the pontifical commission Ecclesia Dei has “facilitated the full ecclesial communion of priests, seminarians, communities or individual…

Free Market Principles vs. Healthcare System — Is there a truly free market solution?

Free Market Principles vs. Healthcare System — Is there a truly free market solution?

Free-market principles are used in many aspects of U.S. business, with the concepts of fair competition and no monopolies paramount, but they aren’t followed when it comes to American health care. In a recent blog post, Samaritan Ministries, a healthcare sharing nonprofit, asked the question: “Do We Have a Free Medical System?” The article, penned…

What Tech Will Invade Your Life in 2019 (or not)?

What Tech Will Invade Your Life in 2019 (or not)?

New York Times—Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) that responds to your voice. Next-generation wireless networks. If this year’s biggest consumer technology trends have a familiar ring, there’s a reason for that. Imagine a future where you are never truly alone. Even when your spouse is on a business trip or your children are away at summer camp,…

Blessed Fr. Jerzy Popiełuszko: A parishioner remembers his brave pastor

Blessed Fr. Jerzy Popiełuszko: A parishioner remembers his brave pastor

Crisis—2019 will mark the 30th anniversary of communism’s collapse in Poland and Eastern Europe. It will also mark 35 years since the murder of Father Jerzy Popiełuszko. I was safe in California when the communist secret police killed my old vicar in Poland in October 1984. In May 1980, Father “Jurek” Popiełuszko was assigned to our…

Newly ordained Alaska priest’s 1st homily looks at how to respond to life’s storms

Newly ordained Alaska priest’s 1st homily looks at how to respond to life’s storms

In light of Alaska’s 2018 earthquake in which the parish co-pastored by Fr. Arthur Roraff was the hardest hit, we reprint the excellent first homily of this same priest, given just 3 years ago. Adaptation for print 2015 by Catholic Anchor— Jesus was in a boat in the Sea of Galilee, which still exists in…

New book releases for young readers expose much bigger, stiffling issue

New book releases for young readers expose much bigger, stiffling issue

In a recent Wall Street Journal opinion piece, journalist and former diplomat Dave Seminara does an excellent job of showcasing the depth to which agenda-driven, cultural “group think” has saturated our culture, and hence, our children’s and grandchildren’s perception of the world.. Those of us who aren’t kids any more have no clue.  We assume…

Beginning December 17:  The beautiful “O Antiphons” of Advent

Beginning December 17: The beautiful “O Antiphons” of Advent

“Gazing afar off, behold I see the power of God coming, and a cloud covering all the land. Go out to meet him and say: tell me if you are the one who is to reign over the people Israel.” So sounds the cry of the world before Christ, a cry placed on the lips…

Ring belonging to Pontius Pilate found near Bethlehem

Ring belonging to Pontius Pilate found near Bethlehem

Aletia & Haaretz—Archaeologists have determined that a ring found 50 years ago near the West Bank’s Bethlehem belonged to the Roman governor Pontius Pilate, according to an article in Haaretz. The ring, reports Haaretz, was found during an excavation in the late sixties along with thousands over other artifacts, but was only recently throughly cleaned…

France: A Tale of Two Faiths

France: A Tale of Two Faiths

Crisis Magazine—Last March, an Islamist terrorist stormed a supermarket in Trèbes, France, shot two people dead and took others hostage. In negotiations with police, the terrorist agreed to accept a police lieutenant’s offer to swap places with the last hostage, a female cashier. The police officer, Arnaud Beltrame, was subsequently killed. In honor of his…

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