
Please pray for both of us to get better jobs so we don’t struggle so and so life doesn’t seem so hopeless. please make my headaches go away and make me better.


Blessed Virgin please guide Robert to your son, and may God continue to be merciful.


I lost my job two months ago, and have no source of income to pay my bills coming this week. Please pray that God will provide for me to be able to pay my bills on time. Pray that God will provide me a job and income to pay for living expenses. Pray that I…

Excerpt on the Eucharist from Archbishop Chaput book

Excerpt on the Eucharist from Archbishop Chaput book

Friends-good morning. I am currently reading a wonderful book by Archbishop Charles Chaput titled “Living the Catholic Faith: Rediscovering the Basics.” I highly recommend the book and have shared below an excerpt from Chapter 4 on the Eucharist that I strongly encourage you to read, reflect on and share. I hope you find it meaningful…

Hollie K.

Please pray for a corporal and spiritual healing for my brother’s girlfriend, Hollie, who’s dieing of Leukemia, and that it will happen in such a way that’ll give such great glory to God and honor to our blessed loving mother. Thanks and God bless.

Me and my daughter

Please help my daughter and I move into the apartment we’ve recently found (if you find it right for us), help me get my current efficiency apart. rented so I can break my lease and receive my security deposit so we can move into the more suitable place. My situation is time sensitive, have been…

Judge rules Oakland ‘bubble law’ constitutional, pro-life lawyers plan to appeal

Judge rules Oakland ‘bubble law’ constitutional, pro-life lawyers plan to appeal

as reported in CalCatholic and Life Legal Defense Foundation: Attorneys for Rev. Walter Hoye say they will appeal a federal judge’s ruling that Oakland’s so-called ‘bubble ordinance’ does not violate the U.S. constitution. An attorney for Life Legal Defense Foundation said Hoye’s lawyers would ask the court to block enforcement of the ordinance pending appeal…

Catholic College Ranks #1 in The Princeton Review

Catholic College Ranks #1 in The Princeton Review

“No one cheats, dorms are like palaces” Princeton Review says Thomas Aquinas College in Santa Paula among best in U.S. News Release from Thomas Aquinas College SANTA PAULA — Thomas Aquinas College is one of the country’s best institutions for undergraduate education, according to The Princeton Review, and it ranks #1 in the country for…

jose perez

We have been praying for my husband to get a job since December but still nothing. His unemployment runs out next week. Our boys are still crushed that we lost our home please pray he get a job so we will not lose what little we have left. My husband is a perm. res. here…

Archbishop warns Chavez is curtailing democracy in Venezuela

Archbishop warns Chavez is curtailing democracy in Venezuela

Caracas, Venezuela (CNA)—The vice president of the Bishops’ Conference of Venezuela, Archbishop Baltazar Porras, warned this week that with the closing of 24 radio stations, President Hugo Chavez is “closing the democratic channels of the country,” but that even this could not cover up what is really happening in Venezuela. Speaking on Union Radio, the…

Free Speech Attacked? Are Freedom of Religious Beliefs Affected too? You be the judge

Free Speech Attacked? Are Freedom of Religious Beliefs Affected too? You be the judge

In an August 4, 2009, blog post, White House officials wrote: ” ….There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there, spanning from control of personal finances to end of life care.  These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain emails or through casual conversation.  Since we can’t keep track…

Consecration to Mary: Start This Week and Finish on Feast of Assumption

Consecration to Mary: Start This Week and Finish on Feast of Assumption

In talking with a friend a while back, we figured out that if you start the Consecration to Mary today (July 14) — the St. Louis de Montefort one is the most popular one and the one that St. Maximillian Kolbe used originally, then you’ll end up making your Consecration on the Feast of the…

Why a Year for Priests?

Why a Year for Priests?

Vatican Spokesman Notes Objectives VATICAN CITY (—The priesthood is a gift for humanity, but it is enduring more than a few difficulties, and the newly inaugurated Year for Priests aims to address that, says a Vatican spokesman. Jesuit Father Federico Lombardi, director of the Vatican press office, spoke of the Year for Priests during the…

California Public School District Will Force All First Graders to Follow Curriculum That Normalizes Same-Sex Unions

California Public School District Will Force All First Graders to Follow Curriculum That Normalizes Same-Sex Unions

Bill May, founder of Catholics for the Common Good has promised to write an article for the Catholic Business Journal addressing the Catholic principles, perspective and action suggested regarding the kinds of serious moral and ethical issues that the following news item evokes. Please lend your voice to comments and insights section at the end.—ed.…

University of Notre Dame Students and Alumni Protest University’s Choice of Radical Pro-Abortion Obama as Commencement Speaker

May 17, 2009 — As the University of Notre Dame administration this year boasts securing the most aggressively pro-abortion president of the United States ever, Barrack Hussein Obama, as its 2009 Commencement Speaker, not far away a large — very large — gathering of faithful students, alumni and others gather in protest. In the 10-minute…


please pray for me and my family. That everything will be OK..

BOOK REVIEW: “Raving Fans,” by Ken Blanchard and Sheldon Bowles

BOOK REVIEW: “Raving Fans,” by Ken Blanchard and Sheldon Bowles

Raving Fans: A revolutionary Approach to Customer Service, by Ken Blanchard and Sheldon Bowles (1993, William Morrow and Company) is a simple and satisfying morsel of sage business advice echoing Catholic economic and moral principles of subsidiary, self-surrender and charity. Written as a fast-moving fable, resulting in a simple, quick read, typical of Blanchard’s style,…

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