Businesses Trying to Rebound After Unrest Face a Challenge: Not Enough Insurance

Businesses Trying to Rebound After Unrest Face a Challenge: Not Enough Insurance

New York Times—It’s a prominent refrain these days from activists in the aftermath of arson and looting — businesses have insurance. Buildings can be repaired. Broken glass is a small price to pay in a movement for justice. One new book, called “In Defense of Looting,” for example, argued that looting is an essential tactic…

For Years Catholic Business Journal has—and continues to—Endorse Samaritan Ministries: Healthcare Sharing: Here’s One More Reason Why

For Years Catholic Business Journal has—and continues to—Endorse Samaritan Ministries: Healthcare Sharing: Here’s One More Reason Why

Samaritan Ministries helps its members save thousands in health care costs by using Fair-Price Providers. It can help cut your health costs too.  Here’s how… In one example—just one example out of many—a Samaritan Ministries member who formerly assumed healthcare provider charges were “always fair and reasonable,” used Samaritan Ministries recommendations and saved $20,000 by…

‘Medicare for All’ would hit household income, study says

‘Medicare for All’ would hit household income, study says

Most Americans will pay much higher taxes and earn less income if Medicare for All becomes law, a new study by The Heritage Foundation states. “How ‘Medicare for All’ Harms Working Americans” found 73.5 percent of Americans would shoulder financial hardships under the proposed universal health care system. Most workers would pay 21.2 percent more…

DPC Q&A: Dr. Dana Mays wants to keep patients well, avoid ‘medical’ care

DPC Q&A: Dr. Dana Mays wants to keep patients well, avoid ‘medical’ care

Board-certified family practice physician Dr. Dana Mays opened the first direct primary care/house call practice, YaphaMD, in the Alexandria-Pineville area of central Louisiana on July 1, 2014. She opened it to provide an alternative to “being herded like cattle through a typical office setting.” Her practice is named YaphaMD, with “yapha” being the Hebrew word meaning…

California forced religious groups to pay for abortion coverage at Planned Parenthood’s bidding

California forced religious groups to pay for abortion coverage at Planned Parenthood’s bidding

Three churches filed a notice of appeal Thursday in their lawsuit challenging the California Department of Managed Health Care’s (DMHC) mandate that forces churches to pay for elective abortions in their health insurance plans. As revealed in e-mails that Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys who represent the churches discovered, the agency issued its mandate in response…

Award-winning Medical Doctor Leaves Hospital over Trans-gender Surgeries, Opens DPC Practice

Award-winning Medical Doctor Leaves Hospital over Trans-gender Surgeries, Opens DPC Practice

Biblical teaching and medical ethics led Dr. Rod Story to leave a hospital that was asking him to violate both. Since resigning from Pullman Regional Hospital in Washington state at the end of 2017 rather than participate in “transgender” surgeries, Dr. Story has not only started his own successful direct primary care practice, but he…

How is a Christian Doctor Different?

How is a Christian Doctor Different?

Will you get different care by going to a doctor who is a professed Christian? How should a believer practice medicine? I’ve worked in the medical community for 15 years. My colleagues are good doctors, by and large. Medicine has a lot of standard procedures—how you treat blood pressure, diabetes or chronic illnesses—and, for the…

The de-sciencing of American medicine and what it means for you

The de-sciencing of American medicine and what it means for you

With all the talk about “evidence-based medicine,” you might think that doctors were becoming much more focused on rigorous science. But like the names attached to bills in Congress—such as the Affordable Care Act, which outlaws affordable insurance—the language used in the movement to fundamentally transform America and American medicine usually means the opposite of…

‘Never going back to insurance,’ say many health care sharing ministries members

‘Never going back to insurance,’ say many health care sharing ministries members

In light of recent increased legislative decrees promoting abortion without restraint of any kind, such as Governor Cuomo’s new New York State law,  embattled Virginia Governor Ralph Northam’s cry for no-restrictions abortion even after a child is born, and the increasing intensity of the Culture of Death throughout our health institutions and laws, and echoed…

Free Market Principles vs. Healthcare System — Is there a truly free market solution?

Free Market Principles vs. Healthcare System — Is there a truly free market solution?

Free-market principles are used in many aspects of U.S. business, with the concepts of fair competition and no monopolies paramount, but they aren’t followed when it comes to American health care. In a recent blog post, Samaritan Ministries, a healthcare sharing nonprofit, asked the question: “Do We Have a Free Medical System?” The article, penned…

Because You Asked…

Because You Asked…

Over the past year we’ve had an increase in user inquiries about Samaritan Ministries, a healthcare-sharing ministry that’s been around more than 20 years and that also is one of our featured sponsors.  About 8 years ago the Catholic Business Journal founder and executive editor became frustrated with her outrageous individual health insurance fee of,…

CATHOLIC BUSINESS PROFILE: Dr. Michael Kloess—Director, Our Lady of Hope Clinic

CATHOLIC BUSINESS PROFILE: Dr. Michael Kloess—Director, Our Lady of Hope Clinic

Dr. Michael Kloess (pictured left), a board-certified family physician, runs a direct primary care clinic in Madison, Wisconsin, that uniquely echoes the Gospel message and Catholic, pro-life teaching regarding medicine and health issues. For him, it is a business and a vocation, and for this reason serving the under-served is an integral part of Dr.…

Christian Alternative To Mandated Obama Insurance Plans

Christian Alternative To Mandated Obama Insurance Plans

Tired of Obamacare? If you are a practicing Catholic or other Christian, there is another way. Since the Affordable Care Act (ACA) was signed into law nearly five years ago, Catholic and other Christian leaders and laypeople have expressed grave concerns over the health care law’s abortion funding and forced abortion and contraception coverage, not…