Surprising connection between St. Patrick and Nigeria!

Surprising connection between St. Patrick and Nigeria!

Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!   Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!  It’s a special day for us here in the Archdiocese of New York because Saint Patrick is the patron saint of our archdiocese. He’s also the patron saint of Ireland and Nigeria. What a tribute to the fact that he was an evangelist who brought the…

The Great Saint Patrick of Ireland – HIS OWN WRITINGS!

The Great Saint Patrick of Ireland – HIS OWN WRITINGS!

I visited Westport Ireland three years ago in search of my grandmother’s (Cahill) birth certificate. It is a beautiful place on the West Coast of Ireland, north of Galway. It lies at the foot of Croagh Patrick which is named in honor of Saint Patrick, the apostle and patron of Ireland and the Irish race.…

Start Thursday, February 11: Consecration to Saint Joseph, the ultimate Catholic business professional

Start Thursday, February 11: Consecration to Saint Joseph, the ultimate Catholic business professional

If you start on Monday, February 15, you’ll be able to end a 33-day Consecration to Saint Joseph on the great saint’s Feast Day of March 19. We at Catholic Business Journal say: What do we have to lose except a greater appreciation for, and ability and grace to imitate, Saint Joseph, who is the…

SAINTS AT WORK: Padre Pio Overcame Suffering with Hope, says Italian journalist

SAINTS AT WORK: Padre Pio Overcame Suffering with Hope, says Italian journalist

CNA—More than 50 years after the death of Padre Pio, one of the last journalists to interview the saint has reflected on the saint’s hope and suffering. Renzo Allegri, the author of the biography “Man of Hope,” visited the Italian saint a year before he died in 1968. He said Pio’s suffering was difficult to…

Saint John Henry Newman’s Christmas Invitation

Saint John Henry Newman’s Christmas Invitation

Saint Cardinal John Henry Newman gives us a wonderful Christmas reflection on the Shepherds, who where the first to whom the Birth of Our Saviour was announced on that history-changing night. This great saint invites you and I to echo in our hearts what drew Our Lord to these shepherds in the first place—lowliness and…

New Beatification: Carlo Acutis, the first Millennial to be Beatified

New Beatification: Carlo Acutis, the first Millennial to be Beatified

CNA—With the beatification of Carlo Acutis in Assisi last Saturday, October 10, 2020, the Catholic Church now has its first “Blessed” who loved Super Mario and Pokémon, but not as much as he loved the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. “To be always united with Jesus, this is my life program,” Carlo Acutis…

After Beirut explosion, Lebanon turns to St. Charbel

After Beirut explosion, Lebanon turns to St. Charbel

CNA—At least one massive explosion rocked the Lebanese capital of Beirut Tuesday afternoon, which ignited fires and destroyed buildings in the city’s port area, caused damage across the city, and has reportedly flooded hospitals with casualties. Some local news sources are reporting that at least 10 people are dead, and videos have emerged online showing…

Saint vs. Congresswoman:  After AOC decries statue, Hawaiian Catholic says St Damien of Molokai ‘gave his life’ serving lepers

Saint vs. Congresswoman: After AOC decries statue, Hawaiian Catholic says St Damien of Molokai ‘gave his life’ serving lepers

CNA—A Hawaiian Catholic catechist said that St. Damien of Molokai is a “hero” to the Hawaiian people, after an outspoken congresswoman, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), claimed the statue honoring him in the U.S. Capitol is part of colonialism and “patriarchy and white supremacist culture.”  St. Damien “gave his life” serving the isolated leper colony at Kalaupapa…

Spanish bishop defends Junipero Serra’s legacy

Spanish bishop defends Junipero Serra’s legacy

A Spanish bishop recently celebrated Mass in the church where St. Junipero Serra was baptized, defending the saint’s legacy against those who have accused him of racism. Bishop Sebastià Taltavull of Mallorca, Spain, recently visited Petra, on the Mediterranean island of Majorca, the hometown of St. Junipero Serra. A great injustice He said the saint…

Archbishop Cordileone offers exorcism prayers after St. Junípero Serra statue torn down

Archbishop Cordileone offers exorcism prayers after St. Junípero Serra statue torn down

After a mob tore down statues, including a figure of St. Junípero Serra statue, in a San Francisco park, Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone was joined by several dozen Catholics Saturday in prayer and acts of spiritual reparation. “Evil has made itself present here. So we have gathered together to pray for God, to ask the saints…for…

SAINTS AT WORK: New Beatification, Carlos Acutis, Age 15, New Patron of the Internet

SAINTS AT WORK: New Beatification, Carlos Acutis, Age 15, New Patron of the Internet

Los Angeles Times—The good news for anyone praying for a little less online vitriol or a much faster internet connection is that the Vatican is on the case. Showing that it has one foot in the 21st century, the ancient institution is backing a 15-year-old computer whiz to become the first patron saint of the…

Pandemic delays beatification of Cardinal Wyszynski

Pandemic delays beatification of Cardinal Wyszynski

CNA—The beatification of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński, the former Primate of Poland who heroically resisted Communism, has been postponed because of the coronavirus. Cardinal Kazimierz Nycz said April 28 that the beatification would no longer take place as planned in Warsaw’s Piłsudski Square on June 7. “A pandemic threatening the health and life of people makes…

American priest heading for beatification died amid a global pandemic

American priest heading for beatification died amid a global pandemic

CNA—Fr. Michael McGivney, an American priest soon to be beatified, died amid a 19th-century pandemic which may have been caused by a coronavirus.  Fr. McGivney founded the largest world’s largest Catholic fraternal service organization, the Knights of Columbus, in 1882. Today the order formed in his parish basement in New Haven, Connecticut, has grown to more…

Blood of St. Januarius liquefies in Naples under lockdown

Blood of St. Januarius liquefies in Naples under lockdown

CNA—The liquefaction of the blood of the early Church martyr St. Januarius occurred Saturday amid the coronavirus lockdown, leading the Archbishop of Naples to bless the city with the miraculous relic. “Dear friends, I have a big announcement to make: even in this time of coronavirus, the Lord through the intercession of St. Januarius has…

SAINTS AT WORK: St. Catherine of Siena, Dominican Model of Fortitude during Pandemic

SAINTS AT WORK: St. Catherine of Siena, Dominican Model of Fortitude during Pandemic

St. Catherine of Siena was born March 25th, 1347, when the world stood at the brink of the very pandemic for which the word “quarantine” was invented. In Italian, “quaranta giorni” – forty days – was the allotted time that ships were required to remain offshore before landing. The Bubonic Plague, also known as the…

Our Gift to you: The Cross of Christ the Measure of the World, sermon by St. John Henry Newman

Our Gift to you: The Cross of Christ the Measure of the World, sermon by St. John Henry Newman

We at Catholic Business Journal wish you and your loved ones an especially blessed Holy Week and Easter Triduum during this unusual time in the world. The quarantine forces us to reflect on how much we take for granted—shopping when and where we want, full shelves, internet, hopping in a car, freely going where and…

St. Joseph: a Father, a Husband, a Worker—a Holy Family Man’s Man

St. Joseph: a Father, a Husband, a Worker—a Holy Family Man’s Man

On March 19, we will celebrate the Solemnity of St. Joseph. The Litany of St. Joseph invokes his intercession under the titles Spouse of the Mother of God, Foster Father of the Son of God, and Head of the Holy Family. St. Joseph is called the Glory of the Domestic Life and Pillar of Families. In this Year of the Family, it is fitting that…

The Lorica of the Great Saint Patrick

The Lorica of the Great Saint Patrick

As something a little different, and especially in light of the current battle against the spread of COVID-19 as well as the no less insidious battle for our Faith and culture, we at Catholic Business Journal decided to share with you what is believed to be one of St. Patrick’s prayers before battle, The Lorica. …

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