Vatican Observatory astronomer awarded for Galileo article

Vatican Observatory astronomer awarded for Galileo article

Chris Graney, an astronomer and historian of science at the Vatican Observatory, was awarded the 2021 Nelson H. Minnich Prize for his work investigating the nuances of the Galileo affair. The Minnich Prize is given for the best article published in the Catholic Historical Review, a quarterly journal of the Catholic University of America Press.…

Benedictine Astronomer Helps Discover New Molecules in Interstellar Space

Benedictine Astronomer Helps Discover New Molecules in Interstellar Space

Dr. Christopher Shingledecker, assistant professor of Physics and Astronomy at Benedictine College, is part of a group of scientists announcing the discovery of numerous new molecules in interstellar space. Using observational data taken with the Green Bank Telescope (GBT) in West Virginia as part of the GOTHAM (GBT Observations of TMC-1: Hunting Aromatic Molecules) project,…

Society of Catholic Scientists prepares for conference on non-human intelligence

Society of Catholic Scientists prepares for conference on non-human intelligence

CNA—The Society of Catholic Scientists (SCS) will hold its 2021 conference in Washington D.C. on the subject of non-human intelligence. The conference is titled “Extraterrestrials, AI, and Minds Beyond the Human” and will take place at the Hilton Hotel from June 4-6. The event will also be live-streamed. Conference discussions will provide scientific and theological…

Catholic CEO, Catholic Business Journal Columnist, and A Host of The Mentors Radio: BryoLogyx Announces Cooperative Research and Development Agreement for Bryostatin-1 With National Cancer Institute

Catholic CEO, Catholic Business Journal Columnist, and A Host of The Mentors Radio: BryoLogyx Announces Cooperative Research and Development Agreement for Bryostatin-1 With National Cancer Institute

We at Catholic Business Journal are so proud of long-time Catholic Business Journal columnist Thomas M. Loarie, CEO of BryoLogyx, Inc.,  and one of the three Catholic hosts of The Mentors Radio program which airs weekly in the San Francisco Greater Bay Area and in the greater Dallas-Fort Worth region, for the breakthrough cancer immunology-related…

Our Lady of Guadalupe: What ophthamologists discovered in Mary’s eyes

Our Lady of Guadalupe: What ophthamologists discovered in Mary’s eyes

Monastery Icons—In the winter of 1531 the Virgin Mary appeared to Saint Juan Diego, a humble Mexican Indian peasant, instructing him to tell the local bishop of her desire for the construction of a new basilica dedicated to her. Begging for a sign to convince the Bishop, Saint Juan Diego was told to climb to…

Faith as a Scientist and Faith as a Catholic

Faith as a Scientist and Faith as a Catholic

“Anybody who has been seriously engaged in scientific work of any kind realizes that over the entrance to the gates of the temple of science are written the words: ‘Ye must have faith.’ It is a quality which the scientist cannot dispense with.” Max Planck, “Where is Science Going?” In Chapter 2 of my web-book,…

First, Take No Stand : In assisted suicide, the medical profession ducks behind “neutrality.”

First, Take No Stand : In assisted suicide, the medical profession ducks behind “neutrality.”

The New Atlantis—On June 9, 2016, a law permitting physician-assisted suicide went into effect in California. The same day, Dr. Lonny Shavelson, an emergency medicine physician, opened the Bay Area End of Life Options clinic to provide the newly legal service. A longtime activist for the cause, Shavelson’s interest began in adolescence. In an interview…

Church of the Apostles FOUND: in Israel Archaeological Dig near Galilee

Church of the Apostles FOUND: in Israel Archaeological Dig near Galilee

Archaeologists in Israel’s Galilee have discovered the remains of an ancient structure now said to be the Church of the Apostles – a long-debated biblical site built atop the homes of the apostles Peter and Andrew. While mentions of the church can be found in Christian text dating as far back as the year 725…

Ring belonging to Pontius Pilate found near Bethlehem

Ring belonging to Pontius Pilate found near Bethlehem

Aletia & Haaretz—Archaeologists have determined that a ring found 50 years ago near the West Bank’s Bethlehem belonged to the Roman governor Pontius Pilate, according to an article in Haaretz. The ring, reports Haaretz, was found during an excavation in the late sixties along with thousands over other artifacts, but was only recently throughly cleaned…

Astronomers vote to rename Hubble’s Law to honor Belgian priest

Astronomers vote to rename Hubble’s Law to honor Belgian priest

CNA/EWTN News—The International Astronomical Union has voted in favor of a recommendation to rename the Hubble law the Hubble-Lemaître law, to acknowledge the contributions of the Belgian priest and astronomer Georges Lemaître to the scientific theory of the expansion of the universe. “To honour the intellectual integrity and the supremely significant discovery by Georges Lemaître,…