Full Proclamation: National Sanctity of Human Life Day 2021

Full Proclamation: National Sanctity of Human Life Day 2021

NATIONAL SANCTITY OF HUMAN LIFE DAY 2021 BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A PROCLAMATION Every human life is a gift to the world.  Whether born or unborn, young or old, healthy or sick, every person is made in the holy image of God.  The Almighty Creator gives unique talents, beautiful dreams, and a…

Archbishop Cordileone’s Response to Speaker Pelosi’s Comments About Pro-Life Voters

Archbishop Cordileone’s Response to Speaker Pelosi’s Comments About Pro-Life Voters

Archbishop Cordileone’s Response to Speaker Pelosi’s Comments About Pro-Life Voters Most Rev. Salvatore J. Cordileone January 21, 2021 On Monday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi criticized prolife voters who voted for Donald Trump on the abortion issue, saying their votes cause her “great grief as a Catholic” and accusing them of “being willing to sell the…

Executive Order Banning investment in Eight More Apps with Ties to Communist Chinese Government, due to Severe Threat of Private Information Tracking

Yesterday, January 5, 2021, President Trump signed an Executive Order banning investment in eight (8) apps with ties to Communist China and its egregious tracking and security threat factors. Here are the total list of 8 additional apps banned from U.S. transactions: Alipay CamScanner QQ Wallet SHAREit Tencent QQ VMate WeChat Pay WPS Office Here…

Things you’d never thought you’d EVER hear:  “Amen and Awoman” at the end of prayer…

Things you’d never thought you’d EVER hear: “Amen and Awoman” at the end of prayer…

The recently-opened 117th Congress experienced what could be considered the most laughable prayer ever uttered if it was not in the context of such a serious platform. Representative Emanuel Cleaver from Missouri was sworn in on Sunday, and led a prayer in front of Congress to conclude the process. Ordinarily, this would be an appropriate…

See and Hear for Yourself – A Taste of Election Realities: The Long Tail

See and Hear for Yourself – A Taste of Election Realities: The Long Tail

Even in a world bombarded with sound bytes and tweets, the long tail story — the truth — still wins the day.  Eventually those who care about the truth of an issue want to know the full story, the true story. And those who care about truth will search beyond mainstream news and agenda-driven “infomercials”…

The McCarrick Report: What Cardinal O’Connor said in 1999

The McCarrick Report: What Cardinal O’Connor said in 1999

CNA—The Vatican’s report on Theodore McCarrick released Tuesday includes a letter written by an American cardinal in 1999, who objected to McCarrick’s potential appointment to higher office, on the basis of existing allegations of misconduct, including incidents involving sharing a bed with seminarians at a New Jersey beach house. On Oct. 28, 1999, Cardinal John…

Texas bishop calls for prayer until election result is ‘officially authenticated’

Texas bishop calls for prayer until election result is ‘officially authenticated’

CNA—While the U.S. bishops’ conference congratulated presumptive president-elect Joe Biden on the election results this weekend, the bishop of Fort Worth has called for prayer, saying the vote tallies are not yet official. “This is still a time for prudence and patience as the results of the presidential election have not been officially authenticated,” Bishop…

McCarrick Report: Vatican details McCarrick’s career and decades of sexual misconduct

McCarrick Report: Vatican details McCarrick’s career and decades of sexual misconduct

CNA—The Vatican’s Secretariat of State published Tuesday a report on Theodore McCarrick, saying that the Holy See had received inaccurate information about McCarrick from three New Jersey bishops before McCarrick’s 2001 appointment as Archbishop of Washington. (Click here to read The McCarrick Report for yourself) The false information presented by those bishops might have been…

The McCarrick Report: What to know

The McCarrick Report: What to know

CNA—On Tuesday, Nov. 10, the Vatican’s Secretariat of State will release a report on its two-year investigation into the career of ex-cardinal Theodore McCarrick, who has been found canonically guilty of serial sexual abuse and misconduct, and was laicized in 2019. (Click here to read The McCarrick Report for yourself) Who is Theodore McCarrick? Theodore…

Quick U.S. news headlines you won’t find on mainstream media – 10/28/20

Quick U.S. news headlines you won’t find on mainstream media – 10/28/20

In western Arizona, over a hundred miles of new border wall is getting results – Washington Examiner There Really Has Been a ‘Trump Effect’ on Immigration – National Review The Riots in Philadelphia: Decisions by the city’s leadership are not likely to reduce such tragedies – WSJ Texas energy production is key to maintaining national…

Senate Confirms Amy Coney Barrett as U.S. Supreme Court Justice

Senate Confirms Amy Coney Barrett as U.S. Supreme Court Justice

After a unanimous vote by the Judiciary Committee last week, the Senate on October 26, 2020, confirmed Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Amy Coney Barrett to become the 115th Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court. “Having confirmed her to the Circuit Court in 2017 with bipartisan support, the Senate has already undertaken…

Humble Catholic Parish Priest Cuts through the Clutter on Elections and Non-Negotiable Catholic Values, REGARDLESS OF POLITICAL PARTY

Humble Catholic Parish Priest Cuts through the Clutter on Elections and Non-Negotiable Catholic Values, REGARDLESS OF POLITICAL PARTY

Motivated by the severe division in this country, recent mindless violence in our cities and—most of all—by a profound and enduring love of Christ and His teachings, Fr. Edward Meeks delivered a courageous sermon at Christ the King parish in Towson, Maryland, on October 11, 2020. It is remarkably clear, respectful of every individual—regardless of…

Who is Supreme Court nominee Judge Amy Coney Barrett?

Who is Supreme Court nominee Judge Amy Coney Barrett?

CNA—Following the death of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on September 18, speculation on who President Donald Trump will nominate to replace the Justice has focused on Judge Amy Coney Barrett, who currently serves on the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit.    Who is Amy Coney Barrett? Barrett first…

CAUGHT ON VIDEO: Shirtless Arson Careful to Wear Mask as He sets Catholic church in Florida on Fire; Pastor urges prayer, forgiveness

CAUGHT ON VIDEO: Shirtless Arson Careful to Wear Mask as He sets Catholic church in Florida on Fire; Pastor urges prayer, forgiveness

CNA—Police are searching for a man who broke into a Catholic church in Florida on Friday and tried to burn it down. The church’s pastor in a Sept. 20 video urged prayers for the man and thanked God that the church survived the attack.  Surveillance video shows a young man, shirtless and wearing a surgical…

Saint vs. Congresswoman:  After AOC decries statue, Hawaiian Catholic says St Damien of Molokai ‘gave his life’ serving lepers

Saint vs. Congresswoman: After AOC decries statue, Hawaiian Catholic says St Damien of Molokai ‘gave his life’ serving lepers

CNA—A Hawaiian Catholic catechist said that St. Damien of Molokai is a “hero” to the Hawaiian people, after an outspoken congresswoman, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), claimed the statue honoring him in the U.S. Capitol is part of colonialism and “patriarchy and white supremacist culture.”  St. Damien “gave his life” serving the isolated leper colony at Kalaupapa…

More than 200 Citizens and Catholics Protect City’s Namesake Statue from Mob in St. Louis

More than 200 Citizens and Catholics Protect City’s Namesake Statue from Mob in St. Louis

CNA—According to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, some 200 people were at the protest on Saturday. Catholics defending the statue at the protest prayed the rosary and sang, and several police officers separated them from the protesters. The Archdiocese of St. Louis on Sunday released a statement defending the city’s namesake, amid calls from activists to…

“If we cannot sleep, de Blasio won’t sleep,” Furious New York residents say

“If we cannot sleep, de Blasio won’t sleep,” Furious New York residents say

Daily Mail—Furious New York residents honk their horns outside the NYC Mayor’s home in the middle of the night over his refusal to address the constant fireworks across the city keeping them up at night. New Yorkers fed up with Mayor Bill de Blasio’s inaction in dealing with the noise caused by late-night fireworks that…

Young Catholic missionary helps ignite faith on college campus

Young Catholic missionary helps ignite faith on college campus

At the start of my college career my main hesitation had a lot to do with my Catholic faith. My biggest fear was that with all the distractions college provided, even those not inherently bad like school, work, and sports, I would lose my faith. And that fear was very real, but by the grace…

Archbishop Viganò’s powerful letter to President Trump: Eternal struggle between good and evil playing out right now

Archbishop Viganò’s powerful letter to President Trump: Eternal struggle between good and evil playing out right now

Reposted below, in full, is the powerful letter of former Apolstolic Nuncio to the United States, Archbishop Vigano, to President Trump, sent yesterday. June 7, 2020 Holy Trinity Sunday Mr. President,             In recent months we have been witnessing the formation of two opposing sides that I would call Biblical: the children…

Open Churches and Houses of Worship Now, Trump says

Open Churches and Houses of Worship Now, Trump says

May 22, 2020—“Today, I am identifying houses of worship, churches, synagogues and mosques as essential places that provide essential services,” Trump said in today’s White House press briefing. “Some governors have deemed liquor stores and abortion clinics as essential, but have left out churches and other houses of worship, it’s not right,” he continued. “So…

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