Order of Malta: Grand Magistry announces death of H.E. the Lieutenant of the Grand Master Fra’ Marco Luzzago

Order of Malta: Grand Magistry announces death of H.E. the Lieutenant of the Grand Master Fra’ Marco Luzzago

The Order of Malta on Tuesday announced the death of Fra’ Marco Luzzago, who had led the 1,000-year-old institution since 2020. In a June 7 statement, the order said that the 71-year-old died after a “sudden illness” at Villa Ciccolini in the Italian province of Macerata. The Italian medical doctor, who was related to Pope…

GOD BLESS THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS, especially in Poland and Ukraine: What they are doing is Amazing!

GOD BLESS THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS, especially in Poland and Ukraine: What they are doing is Amazing!

Tears well up as we watch the short video below. While mainstream news, other news outlets, pundits, historians and “experts” of every stripe and perspective flood the airwaves and internet regarding the nightmare unfolding in Ukraine, the Knights of Columbus took—and are taking—strategic and meaningful action, quickly. Here is the story—culled from Catholic News Agency’s…

With Rosaries, Sandwiches, Food and Shelter, Ukrainian nuns help—‘They pray all day long’: daily helping people in need amid the Ukraine conflict

With Rosaries, Sandwiches, Food and Shelter, Ukrainian nuns help—‘They pray all day long’: daily helping people in need amid the Ukraine conflict

CNA—For Sister Franciszka Tumanevych, the first day of the full-scale Russian invasion was the most difficult. The 42-year-old member of the Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth told CNA that fear spread in Zhytomyr, the northern Ukrainian city where her convent is based, when Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered his forces to attack on…

What is the FSSP?

What is the FSSP?

The Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP, which corresponds to the Latin Fraternitas Sacerdotalis Sancti Petri) is a clerical Society of Apostolic Life of Pontifical Right, canonically erected by Pope St. John Paul II in 1988. Their priests serve in apostolates across the world, with the faithful celebration of the traditional Mass and Sacraments (Extraordinary…

“A Chocolate Chip Cookie and a Hail Mary” approach results in Abortions slowing to a trickle at St. Louis clinic after Convent opens across the street

“A Chocolate Chip Cookie and a Hail Mary” approach results in Abortions slowing to a trickle at St. Louis clinic after Convent opens across the street

CNA—Tucked away near the Forest Park neighborhood of St. Louis is a brick, three-story convent dedicated to Our Lady of Guadalupe. The convent, situated in a converted home on a corner lot, is nothing spectacular to the unknowing eye. But the convent is unique because it is located directly across the street from a Planned…

Dominican priest killed in Vietnam

Dominican priest killed in Vietnam

CNA—Fr. Giuse (Joseph) Trần Ngọc Thanh, O.P., was killed in a knife attack on Saturday, Jan. 29 at a mission of Dak Mot, about 40 miles northwest of Kon Tum. He was hearing confessions before the last Mass of the evening, according to Ordo Praedicatorum on Facebook.  The Diocese of Kon Tum said he was…

“Be of Good Cheer!”

“Be of Good Cheer!”

Inspiring words of Sr. Constance Veit, Little Sisters of the Poor, at the May 2016 National Catholic Prayer Breakfast— During the legal journey that led up to our day at the Supreme Court many people offered us advice and support. Three counsels stuck with me and have strongly influenced my life in the last few…

Bishop-Elect Christian Carlassare shot in both legs in South Sudan, yet inspires from hospital bed!

Bishop-Elect Christian Carlassare shot in both legs in South Sudan, yet inspires from hospital bed!

CNA—The apostolic nuncio to South Sudan has announced the postponement of the episcopal ordination of a Catholic bishop-elect who is recovering from gunshot wounds. Bishop-elect Christian Carlassare was due to be consecrated as bishop of Rumbek, central South Sudan, on May 23, Pentecost Sunday. But the episcopal ordination was postponed after he was shot in…

The Only Catholic parish  in Afghanistan

The Only Catholic parish in Afghanistan

Aug 16, 2021—Ambasciata d’Italia Kabul—The possibility to host a Catholic Chaplain within the Italian “legation” was provided by “The Agreement between Italy and Afghanistan to exchange permanent diplomatic missions” in 1921. King “Amanullah”, [who was] grateful to Italy for being the first western country to recognize formally the independence of Afghanistan, [and who] showed himself…

Archbishop Cordileone Named Prior of Historic Order of Catholic Knights

Archbishop Cordileone Named Prior of Historic Order of Catholic Knights

CNA—Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone of San Francisco was recently named the new prior of a historic order of knighthood. Cordileone will serve as principal chaplain to the U.S. delegation of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St. George. The Order is an organization of Catholics who prioritize the propagation of the faith and support Catholic education,…

Mother Superior Visits Alma Mater

Mother Superior Visits Alma Mater

21 years after her graduation from Thomas Aquinas College — and 16 after she left the United States to enter the religious life in Italy — Mother Madeleine Marie of St. Joseph (Mary Kay Ellis ’99) returned to the California campus last week. As Superior of the Sister Adorers of the Royal Heart of Jesus…

“Your bishop wants to kill you!” : Willingly working in one of the most dangerous places in the world, One Priest Inspires Beyond Words

“Your bishop wants to kill you!” : Willingly working in one of the most dangerous places in the world, One Priest Inspires Beyond Words

“Your bishop wants to kill you” When priest friends of Fr. Innocent Sunu learned of the newly ordained priest’s first parish assignment in Madagali, Nigeria, they warned the new priest that his bishop was trying to kill him. But Fr. Innocent Sunu saw it differently. In fact this young priest waived his right to refuse…

Cardinal: Renewal of Knights of the Holy Sepulchre goes deeper than swords

Cardinal: Renewal of Knights of the Holy Sepulchre goes deeper than swords

CNA—The leader of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre has defended changes to the order’s rituals amid criticism that the swearing-in rite no longer features a sword. Cardinal Fernando Filoni, the order’s Grand Master, told CNA that the changes did not mark a break with tradition and were part of a broader reform linked…

Fr. Livinius Esomchi Nnamani: Priest with cancer dies 23 days after his hospital room ordination

Fr. Livinius Esomchi Nnamani: Priest with cancer dies 23 days after his hospital room ordination

CNA—Fr. Livinius Esomchi Nnamani, who was ordained to the priesthood in his hospital room on Holy Thursday with special permission from Pope Francis, has died of leukemia at the age of 31. The young priest’s funeral was held in Rome on April 26 (2021) at the parish of San Giovanni Leonardi. He had dedicated the…

Pope Francis Advances Saint Causes of Two Inspiring Priests–one a seasoned layman

Pope Francis Advances Saint Causes of Two Inspiring Priests–one a seasoned layman

Pope Francis advanced Tuesday the sainthood causes of several men and women, including two Italian priests of the 20th century — one who was ordained at age 23 and another who was ordained at 65, after a lay career and a lifetime of serving the poor. Venerable Fr. Mario Ciceri knew his vocation from a…

The McCarrick Report’s Unanswered Questions

The McCarrick Report’s Unanswered Questions

Like the editor and staff of Catholic Business Journal, others had unanswered questions after the McCarrick Report. Michael Warsaw, head of EWTN, shares his observations here: National Catholic Register—The long-awaited McCarrick Report, detailing the rise and fall of the former Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, was finally released Nov. 10. First promised two years ago, the report…

INSPIRATION:  ‘Grant me an undivided heart’: first biography reveals spiritual writings of Sr. Clare Crockett

INSPIRATION: ‘Grant me an undivided heart’: first biography reveals spiritual writings of Sr. Clare Crockett

CNA, with CBJ edits—On April 16, 2016, a 7.8-magnitude earthquake struck Ecuador, killing at least 676 people, including a young religious sister called Sr. Clare Crockett.  Two years after her death, her order released a film about her remarkable life in both English and Spanish. “All or Nothing: Sr. Clare Crockett” now has more than…

Sister, Soldier, Colonel, Surgeon, Speaker: Catholic religious sister to address Republican convention

Sister, Soldier, Colonel, Surgeon, Speaker: Catholic religious sister to address Republican convention

A surgeon, retired army officer, missionary and Catholic religious sister is among the featured speakers at this week’s Republican National Convention. The convention, which takes place over four days this week, will officially nominate President Donald Trump for reelection. What’s most remarkable, however, is the life of this consecrated religious. For example, other than Saint…

Father and Son: A very special Father’s Day!

Father and Son: A very special Father’s Day!

CNA—Edmond Ilg, 62, has been a father since the birth of his son in 1986.  But on June 21, he became a “father” in a whole new sense: Edmond was ordained a priest of the Archdiocese of Newark (New Jersey).  It was Father’s Day. Making the day even more special, it was Edmond’s son —…

Young Catholic missionary helps ignite faith on college campus

Young Catholic missionary helps ignite faith on college campus

At the start of my college career my main hesitation had a lot to do with my Catholic faith. My biggest fear was that with all the distractions college provided, even those not inherently bad like school, work, and sports, I would lose my faith. And that fear was very real, but by the grace…

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