Cardinal Warns Against Anti-Life Myopia

Cardinal Warns Against Anti-Life Myopia

WASHINGTON, D.C. (—The chairman of the U.S. bishops’ conference pro-life committee is inviting people to spend a day with a child and learn the lessons God teaches through him or her. Cardinal Justin Rigali of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, affirmed this in a statement released for Respect Life Sunday, which will take place this weekend.Sunday’s celebration will focus…

Vicious, Venal and Violent: Reaction to Jim Pouillon’s Killing

Vicious, Venal and Violent: Reaction to Jim Pouillon’s Killing

Rev. Thomas J. Euteneuer (pictured above), president of Human Life International, recently posted a powerful letter regarding the early morning, September 11, cold-blooded murder of James Pouillon, an elderly Michigan-area pro-life supporter who was gunned down in front of Owosso High School while protesting abortion with a large sign depicting a baby and the word…

EEOC Violates Religious Liberty of Catholic College

EEOC Violates Religious Liberty of Catholic College

By Forcing Catholic College to Provide Insurance for Contraceptives the EEOC violates the US Constitution MANASSAS, Va. (Cardinal Newman Society) – The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has ruled that a small Catholic college must include coverage for artificial contraceptives in its employee health insurance plan, raising new concerns about the need for conscience…

Church will have no part in health care that destroys life, New York archbishop insists

Church will have no part in health care that destroys life, New York archbishop insists

Phoenix, AZ (CNA)—“Health care reform is a good thing,” New York Archbishop Timothy Dolan told CNA on Wednesday during in interview in Phoenix, Arizona. However, if it “leads to the destruction of life, then we say it’s no longer health care at all – it’s unhealthy care and we can’t be part of that.” Responding…

Get Copy of Latest Healthcare Bill

Get Copy of Latest Healthcare Bill

Pope Benedict, in his encyclical Caritas in veritate, asks that we measure the authenticity of any policy, organization or social entity that affects humans, by its commitment to first recognizing the dignity of the human person whose ultimate fulfilment is found only in God.  Does the proposed U.S. healthcare bill meet this requirement? Here is…

Catholic congressman: I’d rather save my soul than vote for the health care bill

Catholic congressman: I’d rather save my soul than vote for the health care bill

New Orleans, La., August 3 (CNA) .- Rep. Anh “Joseph” Cao, (R-New Orleans-pictured above), the first Vietnamese-American congressman and a Catholic,  announced this past weekend that, because of the “stealth mandate” for abortion still present in the Health Care bill, he prefers to “save his soul” rather than  vote in favor of it. Cao, the…

University of Notre Dame Students and Alumni Protest University’s Choice of Radical Pro-Abortion Obama as Commencement Speaker

May 17, 2009 — As the University of Notre Dame administration this year boasts securing the most aggressively pro-abortion president of the United States ever, Barrack Hussein Obama, as its 2009 Commencement Speaker, not far away a large — very large — gathering of faithful students, alumni and others gather in protest. In the 10-minute…

To That Lovely Lady, Raised High on a Dome

To That Lovely Lady, Raised High on a Dome

On May 17, 2009 President Barack Obama will ascend the steps of the Joyce Auditorium stage to accept Notre Dame’s highest honor as a doctor of laws, amid deafening applause.  And doubtless, it will come after months of intense debate on messy things like academic freedom, the nature and mission of Catholic universities, and what…

Obama to Speak and be Honored by Univ. of Notre Dame: What do YOU think?

Obama to Speak and be Honored by Univ. of Notre Dame: What do YOU think?

In a recent announcement by the University of Notre Dame which flies in the face of all that the U.S. Conference of Bishops has been advocating in recent months, the most aggressive pro-abortion president in the history of our nation, President Barrack Obama, whose current agenda includes eliminating the conscience objection for pro-life physicians and…

Pope Urges Nancy Pelosi and All Catholic US Legislators to Defend Life

Pope Urges Nancy Pelosi and All Catholic US Legislators to Defend Life

Receives Speaker of the House Pelosi in Audience VATICAN CITY, FEB. 18, 2009 ( Benedict XVI is urging legislators to uphold the sanctity of human life according to Church teaching, he affirmed in a meeting with U.S. Speaker of the House of Representatives. The Pope received Nancy Pelosi and her entourage briefly today after the…

Michael Cardinal von Faulhaber: An Man of Extrodinary Courage and Role Model for Our Times

Michael Cardinal von Faulhaber: An Man of Extrodinary Courage and Role Model for Our Times

By Father Joseph Shea A couple of weeks ago, two of my priest friends and I went to see the new movie, Valkyrie, starring Tom Cruise.  The movie presents the true life story about a large-scale conspiracy within the German army to assassinate Adolf Hitler.  The heroic German Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg led the coup. …

What is FOCA and Why Should I Care?

What is FOCA and Why Should I Care?

  FOCA is an acronym for “Freedom of Choice Act,” a legislative bill reintroduced in the U.S. Senate by Senator Barbara Boxer (D, CA) and in the U.S. House of Representatives by Congressmen Jerrold Nadler (D, NY) the day after the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the ban on partial birth abortion (Partial Birth Abortion Ban…

More than 289,000 Walk for Life Nationwide!

More than 289,000 Walk for Life Nationwide!

Nationwide, more than 289,000 citizens participated in walks for life, including an estimated 250,000 participating in the Washington D.C. March for Life, more than 32,000 participating in the San Francisco Walk for Life WC (pictured above), and more than 7,000 participating in Portland, Oregon’s Walk for Life—All commemorating the 36th Anniversary of the U.S. Supreme…

Sen. Brownback on Senate Floor, March for Life 2009

Sen. Brownback on Senate Floor, March for Life 2009

CLICK HERE TO SEE Senator Brownback’s short address to the U.S. Senate floor on the morning of January 22, 2009, the same day that the March for Life took place at the nation’s capital, remembering the unborn on the 36th Anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion in our…



Washington, D.C.—Estimates of between 150,000 to more than 250,000 — nearly a quarter of a million — college students, young adults, parents, business professionals, bishops, priests, U.S. Congressmen and women, and national pro-ife leaders converged on the nation’s capital for the 36th annual March For Life on Thursday, January 22, 2009. The March for Life…

Invitation for Catholic Business Professionals:  Will You Participate in Nationwide 40 Days of Prayer and Fasting for Life?

Invitation for Catholic Business Professionals: Will You Participate in Nationwide 40 Days of Prayer and Fasting for Life?

There’s something more powerful than political rhetoric blowing across the nation these days, and it may just have a greater impact on our culture than one might at first imagine. What is it?  Prayer. Simple, strategic, committed prayer, organized by local citizens in more than 170 locations, in 45 states — from Alabama and Massachusetts,…

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