US bishops’ pro-life novena to begin this week: Jan 19 – 27

US bishops’ pro-life novena to begin this week: Jan 19 – 27

CNA—This year marks the 10th anniversary of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ “Nine Days for Life,” as the bishops again encourage everyone to pray for an end to abortion. “This pro-life novena is an opportunity for recollection and reparation in observation of the anniversary of Roe v. Wade—the Supreme Court decision that made…

U.S. Supreme Court Oddly Silent on Federal Vaccine Mandates

U.S. Supreme Court Oddly Silent on Federal Vaccine Mandates

Courthouse News Service—Businesses all but assured that the Supreme Court would issue guidelines on the new federal vaccine-or-test mandate set to take effect Monday got only crickets, creating national confusion about policy that prompted the justices to hold a special session last week. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration announced the mandate in November, implicating…

U.S. Supreme Court Issues Decision on Texas Heartbeat Law vs. Abortion Clinics

U.S. Supreme Court Issues Decision on Texas Heartbeat Law vs. Abortion Clinics

National Right to Life (NRL News)—WASHINGTON – On Friday, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a decision about Texas SB 8, also known as “The Heartbeat Act.” The Texas law is designed to protect unborn children whose hearts have begun to beat, usually at about 6 weeks of pregnancy. The Texas law is unique in that…

Justice Thomas’ Simple Question Exposes Pro-Abortion Lawyers’ Weak Argument

Justice Thomas’ Simple Question Exposes Pro-Abortion Lawyers’ Weak Argument

Western Journal—The Supreme Court heard the oral arguments Wednesday in Dobbs v. Jackson’s Women’s Health Organization. This case has the potential to overturn the Court’s precedential cases Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey, which say that women have the right to abort their babies up to about 24 weeks of pregnancy. Mississippi law…

COURAGEOUS STUDENTS WANT the True Faith at Loyola Marymount: Students Restart Pro-life Group after Planned Parenthood fundraiser

COURAGEOUS STUDENTS WANT the True Faith at Loyola Marymount: Students Restart Pro-life Group after Planned Parenthood fundraiser

The story below should never happen at a “Catholic” college or university. Never!  But it does happen, more often than most parents and grandparents realize. So toxic—so anti-Catholic—is the environment at too many generations-old, formerly respected “Catholic” colleges and university campuses that students abandon their faith.  They either become “Catholic in name only” or worse.…

Pro-Life Candidates and Judges Win in Elections Nationwide — with some GREAT vignettes…

Pro-Life Candidates and Judges Win in Elections Nationwide — with some GREAT vignettes…

VIRGINIA—Pro-Life Glenn Youngkin wins Virginia Governership Glenn Youngkin, a businessman making his first foray into electoral politics, is the first Republican to be elected governor in Virginia in over a decade. At the time the race was called, Youngkin was leading Democrat Terry McAuliffe by 11 points and nearly 200,000 votes. McAuliffe, who described himself…

‘They’re not going to succeed’: Pro-life societies stand firm in face of opposition on England’s campuses

‘They’re not going to succeed’: Pro-life societies stand firm in face of opposition on England’s campuses

Oxford, England—CNA—There is no better time for Oxford University’s 400 clubs and societies to recruit new members than at the Student Union’s Freshers’ Fair, held annually in October. Students embarking on their freshman year — known as “freshers” in England — walk around stalls run by groups devoted to everything from anime to mixed martial…

The French geneticist Who Renounced a Nobel Prize to defend the unborn is on his way to sainthood

The French geneticist Who Renounced a Nobel Prize to defend the unborn is on his way to sainthood

French pediatrician and geneticist Jérôme Lejeune, renown for discovering the extra chromosome that causes Down syndrome, was a devout Catholic. As a Catholic, Lejeune thought his historic discovery would lead to a more compassionate approach to children with the syndrome.  Instead—to his horror—Lejeune’s famous discovery became a tool used to diagnose Down Syndrome babies in…

Judge Who Made David Daleiden Pay Millions for Exposing Planned Parenthood Caught Breaking the Law

Judge Who Made David Daleiden Pay Millions for Exposing Planned Parenthood Caught Breaking the Law

Lifesite News—A federal judge who fined undercover journalist David Daleiden $16 million for exposing Planned Parenthood’s aborted baby body parts trade is facing accusations of illegal and unethical financial connections to a party in one of his cases. The Wall Street Journal identified U.S. District Judge William Orrick, of California, as one of 131 federal judges who broke…

ROSES DELIVERED: More than 3,500 people said “YES” to Archbishop Cordileone’s call for a Rose and Rosary for Pelosi’s conversion… and people are STILL signing up

ROSES DELIVERED: More than 3,500 people said “YES” to Archbishop Cordileone’s call for a Rose and Rosary for Pelosi’s conversion… and people are STILL signing up

So far, more than 3,550 people signed up to pray and fast for Nancy Pelosi through Archbishop Cordileone’s “Rose and Rosary for Nancy” campaign in the first 24 hours after it was announced, said Maggie Gallagher, executive director of the Benedict XVI Institute, in a press release. San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone called on Catholics…

URGENT: No Bishop Has Ever Done This Before… and he needs our help!

URGENT: No Bishop Has Ever Done This Before… and he needs our help!

On the Feast of the Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone announced his “A Rose and a Rosary for Nancy Pelosi“ campaign, which will be executed thrrough the Benedict XVI Institute. The collective roses—one for each person who signs up to pray—will be delivered en masse to Senator Pelosi tomorrow,…

Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WVa) Won’t Vote for Democrat Reconciliation Bill Without Hyde Amendment

Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WVa) Won’t Vote for Democrat Reconciliation Bill Without Hyde Amendment

NatonalReview,LifesiteNews—Senator Joe Manchin (D-W.VA.) has said he will not vote for any Democrat reconciliation bill without the Hyde Amendment to protect Americans from having to fund abortions. As Democrats advance massive legislation to exponentially increase government spending, pro-life groups are very concerned about the prospects for overturning Hyde and forcing Americans to fund killing babies…

Nancy Pelosi Hell-Bent to Intensify Infanticide, Promoting Killing Babies in Abortion-Without-Limits Legislation

Nancy Pelosi Hell-Bent to Intensify Infanticide, Promoting Killing Babies in Abortion-Without-Limits Legislation

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) lashed out last Thursday against her archbishop, Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone, for his statement that the so-called Women’s Health Protection Act—the most egregious abortion bill yet proposed, that would remove nearly all abortion restrictions and strip states of any state pro-life legislation—is tantamount to “child sacrifice.” The bill, which was approved…

Archbishop Cordileone blasts pro-abort “Catholic” politicians and a bill he says is “nothing short of child sacrifice”

Archbishop Cordileone blasts pro-abort “Catholic” politicians and a bill he says is “nothing short of child sacrifice”

Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone of San Francisco blasted the so-called Women’s Health Protection Act (HR 3755), saying it amounted to “child sacrifice,” and he called on all Catholics to pray and fast for the defeat of the bill. “This proposed legislation is nothing short of child sacrifice,” Archbishop Cordileone said last Tuesday. The bill, introduced by…

Meet the ONE AND ONLY Democrat Congressman to Vote Against a Bill Legalizing Abortions Up to Birth

Meet the ONE AND ONLY Democrat Congressman to Vote Against a Bill Legalizing Abortions Up to Birth

Lifesite News—Congressman Henry Cuellar (D-Texas) was the only Democrat to vote “NO” Friday on a radical pro-abortion bill that would force the whole country to legalize the killing of unborn babies in abortions without limits up to birth. The deceptively named Women’s Health Protection Act passed the U.S. House in a 218-211 vote with Cuellar joining Republicans…

Abortion doctor sued under Texas abortion law, but two men filing the lawsuits under strange circumstances

Abortion doctor sued under Texas abortion law, but two men filing the lawsuits under strange circumstances

CNA—A Texas abortion doctor who said he performed an abortion in violation of a new state law was sued Monday by two non-Texas residents, in what appears to be the first legal action taken since the law took effect this month. A Texas pro-life group has criticized the lawsuits, however, calling them “imprudent” and “self-serving.”…

‘The most radical abortion bill of all time’: House to vote this week on codifying ‘right’ to abortion

‘The most radical abortion bill of all time’: House to vote this week on codifying ‘right’ to abortion

CNA—The U.S. House of Representatives this week will vote on a bill that the U.S. bishops’ conference warns would effectively impose abortion on-demand throughout pregnancy. The deceptively named “Women’s Health Protection Act” (H.R. 3755), introduced by Rep. Judy Chu (D-Calif.), recognizes the “statutory right” of women to have abortions. It also states the “right” of…

Benedict XVI: Legalization of same-sex marriage is ‘a distortion of conscience’

Benedict XVI: Legalization of same-sex marriage is ‘a distortion of conscience’

CNA—Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI has said that the legalization of same-sex marriage in many countries is “a distortion of conscience” which has also entered some Catholic circles. In an introduction to a new anthology of his writings on Europe, Benedict XVI said that “with the legalization of ‘same-sex marriage’ in 16 European countries, the issue…

Supreme Court sets argument date for challenge to Roe v. Wade

Supreme Court sets argument date for challenge to Roe v. Wade

CNA—The Supreme Court announced Monday that it will hear arguments in a critical abortion case on Dec. 1. In the case of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, a challenge to Mississippi’s law restricting most abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy, the court will decide the question of whether all state abortion bans pre-viability are…

The Texas Heartbeat Act: Quick Facts

The Texas Heartbeat Act: Quick Facts

The Texas Heartbeat Act: Quick Facts The Texas Heartbeat Act prohibits elective abortions after an unborn child’s heartbeat can be detected. An unborn child’s heartbeat can be detected by six weeks. Before an abortion occurs, the abortionist must determine whether the child’s heartbeat is present using methods according to standard medical practice. If a heartbeat…

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