Bishop Stika, Archbishop Gomez speak out against “Catholic” Biden abortion, infanticide, HHS mandate policies

Bishop Stika, Archbishop Gomez speak out against “Catholic” Biden abortion, infanticide, HHS mandate policies

Archbishop Gomez , president of the U.S. Bishop’s Conference (USCCB) and Archbishop of Los Angeles is not alone among bishops who are seriously concerned with “Catholic” Joe Biden’s consistent and aggressive support for infanticide, abortion-on-demand and public funding of such human atrocities. This week Bishop Richard Stika, of Knoxville Tennesee, spoke out this week about…

Federal court says Texas can withhold Medicaid from Planned Parenthood

Federal court says Texas can withhold Medicaid from Planned Parenthood

A federal appeals court on Monday upheld the authority of states to not fund abortion providers through Medicaid. A majority opinion of the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, issued Nov. 23, ruled that abortion providers and their customers could not challenge Texas’ decision to withhold Medicaid funds from Planned Parenthood. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton…

Victory for Life in Louisiana

Victory for Life in Louisiana

With 100% of the precincts reporting, the live results for Louisiana Amendment 1, which would update the state’s constitution to say that “nothing in this constitution shall be construed to secure or protect a right to abortion or require the funding of abortion,” are as follows: Louisiana Amendment 1 – Ban Abortion Rights – Ballot…

Supreme Court, with Barrett, hears Affordable Care Act case

Supreme Court, with Barrett, hears Affordable Care Act case

CNA—The Supreme Court heard oral arguments on Tuesday in the latest legal challenge to the Affordable Care Act. How the court might decide the case was a crucial part of Democratic opposition to the confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett to the court last month. In the cases of California v. Texas and Texas v. California,…

Students For Life of America announces 10-State #Justice4Life Tour to Urge U.S. Senators to Confirm Amy Coney Barrett for the U.S. Supreme Court

Students For Life of America announces 10-State #Justice4Life Tour to Urge U.S. Senators to Confirm Amy Coney Barrett for the U.S. Supreme Court

“We have waited half a century for this opportunity,” said Students For Life America (SFLA) President Kristan Hawkins. “It’s absolutely vital that the U.S. Senate vote to confirm Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the U.S. Supreme Court, and, as we continue to travel across the country in–person and virtually, we are activating a new generation of single-issue voters on the human rights struggle…

Cardinal Burke: Biden should not receive Holy Communion

Cardinal Burke: Biden should not receive Holy Communion

CNA—Cardinal Raymond Burke, a canon lawyer and formerly the prefect of the Church’s highest court, has said that Catholic politicians supporting abortion should not receive Holy Communion, including pro-choice Catholic presidential candidate Joe Biden. Biden “is not a Catholic in good standing and he should not approach to receive Holy Communion,” Burke said in an…

Trump announces ‘Born Alive’ executive order for abortion survivors

Trump announces ‘Born Alive’ executive order for abortion survivors

CNA—President Donald Trump on Wednesday announced an executive order that would require medical care be given to infants who are born alive after failed abortion attempts. “Today I am announcing that I will be signing the Born-Alive Executive Order to ensure that all precious babies born alive, no matter their circumstances, receive the medical care…

Covington Catholic Student Settles Defamation Lawsuit with Washington Post

Covington Catholic Student Settles Defamation Lawsuit with Washington Post

National Review—Nicholas Sandmann, the Covington Catholic High School student who sued major news outlets in the aftermath of their coverage of a controversial interaction he and several of his classmates had with a Native American activist, said Friday that he has settled his libel lawsuit against the Washington Post. “On 2/19/19, I filed $250M defamation…

Dr. James Dobson, Students for Life and More Call Out Supreme Court Decision that Prioritizes Abortion Over the Health of Women

Dr. James Dobson, Students for Life and More Call Out Supreme Court Decision that Prioritizes Abortion Over the Health of Women

In a disturbing decision released this morning (June 29, 2020), five U.S. Supreme Court justices struck down a Louisiana law that offered the most basic of health protections for women seeking abortions. Why would anyone – let alone the high court of the land – oppose such a commonsense law? Because, according to Dr. James…

UK Bishops Speak Out: Elderly and disabled have same right to treatment as others amid pandemic, say bishops

UK Bishops Speak Out: Elderly and disabled have same right to treatment as others amid pandemic, say bishops

CNA—Elderly and disabled coronavirus patients have the same right to life-prolonging treatment as others, the bishops of England and Wales have said, including Bishop Paul Mason (featured image). In a statement April 20, the bishops noted that the pandemic had placed immense strain on Britain’s National Health Service (NHS).  “With the escalation of the coronavirus,…

West Virginia passes bipartisan ‘Born Alive’ law

West Virginia passes bipartisan ‘Born Alive’ law

CNA—West Virginia became the latest state to pass legislation which requires that babies born alive after an attempted abortion be given medical care.  The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act was signed into law by Gov. Jim Justice (R) on Monday, March 2. The law will go into effect on May 19.  “It’s unbelievable that we…

US Senate bill banning infanticide fails, despite majority support

US Senate bill banning infanticide fails, despite majority support

LifeSiteNews—The Senate voted 53-44 for the 20-week abortion ban, and 56-41 for the anti-infanticide measure. Both needed 60 votes in order to pass. A majority of the United States Senate voted again Tuesday to ban late-term abortions and mandate medical care for infants delivered alive after failed abortions, though Senate filibuster rules once again prevented…

Culture of Death expands:  Colorado Legislature Rejects Bill Protecting Born-Alive Abortion Survivors

Culture of Death expands: Colorado Legislature Rejects Bill Protecting Born-Alive Abortion Survivors

The Colorado legislature has voted down legislation that would have protected a baby that survives an abortion.  House Bill 1068 would have mandated that physicians provide medical care to a child born alive after or during an abortion. Violation of the proposed law would carry a civil fine of $100,000, enforceable by the attorney general,…

Highlights of Historic March For Life 2020

Highlights of Historic March For Life 2020

See video or read text of President Trump’s remarks as first U.S. President ever to physically attend the March for Life in its 47 year history…Watch 60-second speed view of the entire March For Life 2020… and more: Trump’s Remarks at 2020 March for Life Rally – Video and Text One Minute Speed Video of…

One-minute speed view of the 2020 March for Life

One-minute speed view of the 2020 March for Life

Kudos to Students for Life for posting a one-minute speed view of the entire March for Life 2020 … not the rally, just the march itself. View One-Minute Speed Video of March for Life 2020 here.   RELATED RESOURCES: Trump’s Remarks at March for Life Rally 2020 – Catholic Business Journal

Full Text of President Trump’s Speech at March for Life Rally 2020

Full Text of President Trump’s Speech at March for Life Rally 2020

Full Text Transcript of Remarks by President Trump at the 47th Annual March for Life Issued on: January 24, 2020 The National Mall Washington, D.C. 12:28 P.M. EST THE PRESIDENT:  Well, thank you very much and thank you, Jeanne.  It is my profound honor to be the first President in history to attend the March…

Trump’s Remarks at 47th Annual March for Life Rally in DC, his talk here

Trump’s Remarks at 47th Annual March for Life Rally in DC, his talk here

We at Catholic Business Journal want you to see and hear and read historic moments for yourself and make your own judgements.  This is the first year–in 47 long years — that a sitting U.S. President attended the D.C. March for Life in person.  RELATED RESOURCES: See Video of Trump’s Remarks at the March for…

Donald Trump first president in history to attend March for Life rally on National Mall in DC

Donald Trump first president in history to attend March for Life rally on National Mall in DC

Donald Trump will be the first president ever to attend the March For Life in Washington D.C. in the event’s 47 year history. This historic decision speaks volumes about this Administration’s commitment to end abortion in this nation, even as former bastions of Christianity such as Ireland sadly embrace it.  President Trump’s attendance at this…

Thinking a Wrong Is Right

Thinking a Wrong Is Right

In 1973, after the United States Supreme Court legalized abortion in America, my dad—a doctor—was interviewed by the local paper about the ruling. One of his quotes became the story’s headline: “Just because it’s legal, doesn’t mean it’s right.” I’ve never forgotten those words. Even as a second grader, they left a deep impression on…

An Inside Look at Mainstream Media Filters that suppress pro-life news, especially January March for Life hundreds of thousands

An Inside Look at Mainstream Media Filters that suppress pro-life news, especially January March for Life hundreds of thousands

A dismaying aspect of the 2019 March for Life in Washington D.C. was major media’s abrupt burial of the March’s message that “all life matters.” Last year’s mainstream news coverage of the march focused on an unexpected minor side story, in which a Catholic high school student wearing a MAGA cap was confronted by an…

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