Planned Parenthood aborted 345,672 babies last year, received $616 million from gov’t

Planned Parenthood aborted 345,672 babies last year, received $616 million from gov’t

CBJ editor—Abortion directly affects employers and society in so many ways that the issue cannot be ignored.  At the end of our life, Our Lord will certainly ask us what we did to stand against the bullies who not only insist abortion be proclaimed as “a solution” for “unwanted pregnancy” but who also demand and…

Doctors, bishops express concerns as legal abortions begin in Ireland

Doctors, bishops express concerns as legal abortions begin in Ireland

January 1, 2019 marked the beginning of legalized abortion in Ireland, drawing dismay from Irish pro-life groups, who campaigned extensively against the reform. Once a majority-Catholic and pro-life contingent, voters in Ireland last May voted to repeal the Eighth Amendment to their constitution, which had banned abortion. The repeal was officially enacted by President Michael…

Did ‘thousands’ of women die from illegal abortions before Roe v. Wade? WaPo says No

Did ‘thousands’ of women die from illegal abortions before Roe v. Wade? WaPo says No

CNA—In its 2019 roundup of the biggest lies of the year (dubbed the biggest ‘Pinocchios’), the Washington Post included a false but oft-repeated claim that “thousands” of women died while undergoing illegal abortions before the legalization of abortion in the United States. This statistic was frequently cited this year by Dr. Leana Wen, who was…

Supreme Court Upholds Kentucky Law Requiring Doctors to Perform Ultrasounds Before Abortions

Supreme Court Upholds Kentucky Law Requiring Doctors to Perform Ultrasounds Before Abortions

As reported in TIME magazine, AP—The Supreme Court on Monday left in place a Kentucky law requiring doctors to perform ultrasounds and show fetal images to patients before abortions. The justices did not comment in refusing to review an appeals court ruling that upheld the law. The American Civil Liberties Union had challenged the law…

Louisiana says abortion clinic is hiding criminal evidence

Louisiana says abortion clinic is hiding criminal evidence

CNA—The Louisiana Department of Justice is asking an appeals court to unseal documents from abortion provider June Medical Services (Hope Medical Group) in order to report evidence of criminal and professional misconduct against a staff member of the group that the department says was hidden from the Supreme Court. Attorneys for the Louisiana Department of…

Ohio can defund Planned Parenthood, court rules

Ohio can defund Planned Parenthood, court rules

CNA—A state law in Ohio that effectively defunds Planned Parenthood is legal, the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled on Tuesday in a split decision. The state passed a law in 2016 that banned state funds from going to medical providers that offer abortions. In 2018, the Sixth Circuit unanimously found that Ohio’s law was…

Quick Fact Check: Center for Medical Progress vs Planned Parenthood case

On Friday, November 15, 2019, San Francisco Federal Judge Orrick—who is himself an abortion clinic founder and funder—succeeded in extracting a massive $2.2 million verdict from the jury against David Daleiden and Center for Medical Progress (CMP) for their felony-revealing undercover work exposing that Planned Parenthood routinely sells aborted human body parts and organs as core part…

Court rules Daleiden’s undercover videos caused ‘substantial harm’ to Planned Parenthood

Court rules Daleiden’s undercover videos caused ‘substantial harm’ to Planned Parenthood

CNA—A federal court in San Francisco found that pro-life advocate David Daleiden’s Center for Medical Progress caused “substantial harm” to Planned Parenthood by secretly recording meetings with abortion doctors and staff to expose their business practices. “Justice was not done today in San Francisco. While top Planned Parenthood witnesses spent six weeks testifying under oath…

Oklahoma Supreme Court temporarily halts law banning D&E abortions

Oklahoma Supreme Court temporarily halts law banning D&E abortions

CNA—The Oklahoma Supreme Court on Monday issued a temporary injunction against a law banning dilation-and-evacuation abortions. The injunction will stop the law from taking effect while a legal challenge to it progresses. The “Unborn Child Protection-from-Dismemberment-Abortion Act,” passed in 2015, bars dilation-and-evacuation abortions after 14 weeks. Also called a “dismemberment abortion,” the procedure uses clamps, scissors,…

University of California and Calif. State College Campuses now Mandated to become Abortion Providers and Referral Centers

University of California and Calif. State College Campuses now Mandated to become Abortion Providers and Referral Centers

Abortion is an ugly business—and big business it is indeed— yet California governor Gavin Newsom signed into law Friday a measure mandating that public universities to provide free access to medical abortions for students. CNA, CBJ—The law will take effect in 2023, and applies to the 34 campuses of the University of California and California…

The Greatest Mass Murderer in History Turns 70

This week, the Chinese Communist Party commemorates 70 years of brutal, totalitarian repression of the suffering people of China.   It is fitting that the CCP has celebrated its big day October 1 with a massive military display, including the unveiling of the “Dongfeng-17,” a new, hypersonic nuclear missile believed to be capable of evading the anti-missile…

The Slaughter of Girls Continues in India

The Slaughter of Girls Continues in India

New PRI study find that Sex-Selective Abortion Kills 550,000 Girls Each Year—Nearly 550,000 unborn girls are killed in India every year by sex-selective abortion, a newly released report from the Population Research Institute (PRI) has found. The findings highlight the shocking extent to which girls in India—and other parts of the world—continue to be selectively…

United Nations: President Trump, Vatican Challenge World Leaders to Protect Human Life

United Nations: President Trump, Vatican Challenge World Leaders to Protect Human Life

New York City, N.Y., Sep 24, 2019-CNA—President Donald Trump and Vatican Secretary of State Pietro Parolin have challenged world leaders to protect unborn human life. Both leaders spoke at the United Nations in New York, as the body met for the 74th session of its General Assembly. On Tuesday, President Trump stated that “like many…

‘Disgraceful injustice’: Thousands protest law to force abortion on N Ireland

‘Disgraceful injustice’: Thousands protest law to force abortion on N Ireland

Belfast, Northern Ireland—CNA—Tens of thousands of people took to the streets of Belfast on Saturday to protest against the impending legalization of abortion in Northern Ireland. Pro-life advocates told CNA that they fear the proposed changes in the province could be used to legalize abortion on demand throughout the entirety of the United Kingdom. The…

We are the Pro Life Generation and We will Abolish Abortion

We are the Pro Life Generation and We will Abolish Abortion

Students for Life has a bold mission.  We at Catholic Business Journal believe they can achieve it!  Here’s why.  From the very beginning, this student pro-life organization seemed different.  Their communication methods are aggressive, fresh and modern.  Their messages have been, and continue to be, consistent, actionable and clear. Their commentary has always been spot-on,…

Pope Francis condemns euthanasia as utilitarianism, not freedom

Pope Francis condemns euthanasia as utilitarianism, not freedom

Vatican City, Sep 2, 2019 / 07:13 am (CNA) – Euthanasia is a way of treating the human person as an object; while it may appear to give freedom, it is really a rejection of hope, Pope Francis told an oncology association Sept. 2. “The practice of euthanasia, which has already been legalized in several…

State Department removes ‘reproductive rights’ section from human rights report

State Department removes ‘reproductive rights’ section from human rights report

CNA—The U.S. State Department has removed the term “reproductive rights” from its annual human rights report, drawing praise from pro-life leaders who say that the phrase had become a thinly veiled reference to abortion.   “‘Reproductive rights’ has long been a euphemism for destroying human life in the womb,” said Lila Rose, founder and president…

Doctors promised disabled woman ‘new doll’ after planned forced abortion

Doctors promised disabled woman ‘new doll’ after planned forced abortion

London, England, Jun 25, 2019—CNA—Following a decision by the Court of Appeals in England to overturn an order for a forced abortion on a disabled woman, new details have emerged about the case. Lawyers told the appeal court Monday that doctors had prepared the woman for the enforced abortion by promising her a new doll after…

Bishop Paprocki bars pro-abortion Illinois lawmakers from Holy Communion

Bishop Paprocki bars pro-abortion Illinois lawmakers from Holy Communion

CNA—The Bishop of Springfield, Illinois, has decreed that state legislative leaders may not be admitted to Holy Communion within his diocese, because of their work to pass the state Reproductive Health Act. The bishop also directed the Catholic legislators who have voted for legislation promoting abortion should not present themselves to recieve Holy Communiion until…

U.S. Supreme Court upholds Indiana fetal remains rule, but stops short of major abortion ruling

U.S. Supreme Court upholds Indiana fetal remains rule, but stops short of major abortion ruling

Washington, D.C., May 28, 2019, CNA—The U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday upheld part of an Indiana law requiring aborted babies to be cremated or buried, while declining to take up another part of the law that banned abortions based solely on the sex, race, or disability of the baby. The 2016 Indiana legislation had been…

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