Publicity-seeking Activist Nathan Phillips leads group chanting, drumming, banging on door to disrupt Mass at Basilica in D.C.

Publicity-seeking Activist Nathan Phillips leads group chanting, drumming, banging on door to disrupt Mass at Basilica in D.C.

CNA—While demonstrators chanted and played ceremonial drums, protesters at a rally led by Nathan Phillips attempted Jan. 19 to enter Washington, DC’s Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception during a Saturday evening Mass. The group of demonstrators was stopped by shrine security as it tried to enter the church during a Saturday…

Unborn Child Abuse: An International Issue, Walks for Life held around the World

Unborn Child Abuse: An International Issue, Walks for Life held around the World

By far the biggest Walk for Life takes place in Washington D.C., on or near the date of the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court ruling that undermined the human rights of a human unborn child in the United States. Now the second largest U.S. walk for life takes place in San Francisco. And, there are…

How Many Attended 2019 March for Life in DC?

How Many Attended 2019 March for Life in DC?

Mainstream media reported “thousands” or “tens of thousands” at this year’s 2019 March for Life in Washington, D.C., that is, if they mentioned the massive pro-life walk on or near the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision at all.  But history, objective observation and, this year, a time-lapsed video tell quite a different story! The…

Toronto: Man Fired for Roundhouse Kicking Pro-Life Woman

Toronto: Man Fired for Roundhouse Kicking Pro-Life Woman

LifeSiteNews—The man, now identified as Jordan Hunt, who was captured on video roundhouse-kicking a pro-life woman was fired from a Toronto hair salon as a result of his actions. The shocking 46-second clip by Marie-Claire Bissonnette, youth coordinator with Campaign Life Coalition, went viral after it was published on… Read More>>

Covington Catholic HS students targeted by self-serving activists at March for Life, contrary to initial news reports

Covington Catholic HS students targeted by self-serving activists at March for Life, contrary to initial news reports

CNA and CBJ—A wave of media attention engulfed this weekend a group of students who attended last week’s annual March for Life in Washington, DC. The students, most of whom attend Catholic high schools in Kentucky, were accused on Saturday of harassing and taunting a Native American drummer, but subsequent revelations revealed a decidedly more…

March For Life: FIND A MARCH FOR LIFE (or Vigil) NEAR YOU

March For Life: FIND A MARCH FOR LIFE (or Vigil) NEAR YOU

January 22 marks the 46th anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court decision known as Roe vs. Wade that made it the law of the land in the United States that abortion on demand was legal in every state.  Prior to this, each state established its own laws on the matter.  Not heard on the mainstream…

Marist Poll Finds 3 in 4 Americans Support Substantial Abortion Restrictions

Marist Poll Finds 3 in 4 Americans Support Substantial Abortion Restrictions

Three in four Americans (75 percent) say abortion should be limited to – at most – the first three months of pregnancy. This includes most of those who identify as Republicans (92 percent), Independents (78 percent) and a majority of Democrats (60 percent). It also includes more than six in 10 (61 percent) who identify…

Foreign Abortion Funding a Top Issue in U.S. Budget Battle

Foreign Abortion Funding a Top Issue in U.S. Budget Battle

It’s not just “the wall.” Lifesite News and other sources report that the Trump administration made clear it would not consider a Democrat spending bill to fully reopen the federal government partially because it would also restore foreign aid to organizations that commit or promote abortions. The latest proposed legislation not only lacked the wall…

EWTN Wins Lawsuit Over HHS Contraception Mandate  11th Circuit Court of Appeals Vacates Lower Court Ruling

EWTN Wins Lawsuit Over HHS Contraception Mandate 11th Circuit Court of Appeals Vacates Lower Court Ruling

Following a  legal battle that has lasted nearly seven years, EWTN Global Catholic Network has prevailed in its lawsuit against the U.S. government over what has become known as the “HHS Contraception Mandate.” In an order by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit published Thursday, Nov. 29, 2018, the court vacated a…

Ohio governor signs 20-week abortion ban, vetoes heartbeat bill

Ohio governor signs 20-week abortion ban, vetoes heartbeat bill

CNA/EWTN News – On Tuesday, Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R) signed a bill banning abortions performed after five months of pregnancy in most cases, citing evidence that unborn babies can feel pain at this point. At the same time, he vetoed the “heartbeat bill” passed by the state’s legislature, which would have outlawed abortions once a…

Bravo! Catholic Australian senator announces gender swap so he can speak on abortion issues

Bravo! Catholic Australian senator announces gender swap so he can speak on abortion issues

One Catholic legislator gets creative as he aims to shake up complacent colleagues on self-destructive life issues plaguing culture in general and his country in particular. Catholic Business Journal says “Bravo!” and, my goodness, talk about making one’s point!!! Brilliant. CNA— After being slammed for his religion and told he would never understand abortion because…

Ohio House passes heartbeat abortion bill

Ohio House passes heartbeat abortion bill

The Ohio House has once again passed a pro-life bill that would ban abortions after a baby’s heartbeat is detected. “This bill basically says if there is a heartbeat you cannot abort. If there is a heartbeat, there is life…there is no debating that,” said Rep. Ron Hood, R-Ashville, according to Dayton Daily News.  …

HHS Anti-Life Mandates Mostly Dead: Trump Administration Issues Final Rules Protecting Conscience Rights in Health Insurance

HHS Anti-Life Mandates Mostly Dead: Trump Administration Issues Final Rules Protecting Conscience Rights in Health Insurance

The Departments of Health and Human Services, Treasury, and Labor released two final rules to provide conscience protections for Americans who have a religious or moral objection to health insurance that covers contraception methods. Under the Affordable Care Act, employer-provided health insurance plans are required to cover certain “preventative services” – which were defined through…

Former Planned Parenthood Manager Joins Pro-Life Organization

Former Planned Parenthood Manager Joins Pro-Life Organization

Something remarkable happened in Iowa during this October’s nationwide 40 Days for Life campaign.  Former Planned Parenthood clinic manager Sue Thayer became the 40 Days for Life organization’s new Director of Outreach. “Sue has been an active participant in 40 Days for Life campaigns and in our efforts to end abortion,” says Shawn Carney, CEO and…

U.S. now committed to protecting the unborn at the U.N.

U.S. now committed to protecting the unborn at the U.N.

CNA—As negotiations begin on the annual United Nations humanitarian assistance omnibus resolution, the United States will remain committed to protecting the fundamental right to life for the unborn, a spokesperson for U.S. Ambassador Nikki Haley told CNA. Each year, the United Nations drafts a resolution that outlines various priorities they would like to see member…

Designer Babies: It’s Real and More Horrific than even Frankenstein could have imagined

Designer Babies: It’s Real and More Horrific than even Frankenstein could have imagined

The following article, published in The Guardian and authored by Phillip Ball, is jaw-droppingly horrific in terms of how far we’ve strayed from the natural law, let alone God’s law, when it comes to bringing new human life into the world. What Catholics and most of the rest of the world once commonly referred to…

Coming to Your State Soon: Forcing public university campuses to administer abortion drug RU-486

Coming to Your State Soon: Forcing public university campuses to administer abortion drug RU-486

In this article, Students for Life president Kristan Hawkins exposes an aggressive move by the California state legislature that took shape early this year to attempt to force public universities and colleges in the state to administer the powerful and dangerous abortion pill RU486 on campus.  Touted by favorable legislators as a model for other…

Students for Life thank CA Governor Brown for vetoing CA Senate Bill 320

Students for Life thank CA Governor Brown for vetoing CA Senate Bill 320

Reacting to the news that Governor Jerry Brown vetoed SB 320, Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life of America stated, “Today’s veto is a victory for all women, students, and taxpayers in California. Students for Life of America is proud to have worked alongside other pro-life groups in California to protect students from the…

Catholic Medical Association Applauds HHS’s First Step Cancelling Contract for Medical Research Using Aborted Babies, However, Nearly $100 Million For Similar Experiments Remain

Catholic Medical Association Applauds HHS’s First Step Cancelling Contract for Medical Research Using Aborted Babies, However, Nearly $100 Million For Similar Experiments Remain

PHILADELPHIA, PA  – The Catholic Medical Association (CMA) along with the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists (AAPLOG), applauds the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) first step in cancelling a contract for medical research using aborted babies, however nearly $100 million for similar experiments remain. The CMA joined AAPLOG and dozens of other medical…

U.S. Supreme Court rejects appeal of Tennessee pro-life amendment

U.S. Supreme Court rejects appeal of Tennessee pro-life amendment

Washington D.C. (CNA)—The United States Supreme Court will not hear a challenge to a pro-life amendment to the Tennessee state constitution. Amendment 1 categorically excludes abortion rights from the state’s constitution. The Supreme Court declined to admit an appeal on the matter in a decision released on Oct.1, the first day of the court’s new…

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