The Greatest Mass Murderer in History Turns 70

This week, the Chinese Communist Party commemorates 70 years of brutal, totalitarian repression of the suffering people of China.   It is fitting that the CCP has celebrated its big day October 1 with a massive military display, including the unveiling of the “Dongfeng-17,” a new, hypersonic nuclear missile believed to be capable of evading the anti-missile…

The Slaughter of Girls Continues in India

The Slaughter of Girls Continues in India

New PRI study find that Sex-Selective Abortion Kills 550,000 Girls Each Year—Nearly 550,000 unborn girls are killed in India every year by sex-selective abortion, a newly released report from the Population Research Institute (PRI) has found. The findings highlight the shocking extent to which girls in India—and other parts of the world—continue to be selectively…

Why Bernie Sanders’ ‘overpopulation’ theory is total bunk

Why Bernie Sanders’ ‘overpopulation’ theory is total bunk

We feel this article is important for Catholic business professionals because as president of the Population Research Institute and, long ago when he was a Stanford University grad student, as the first to break first-hand, boots-on-the-ground news of China’s shocking and brutal one-child policy, Catholic author Steven Mosher is particularly well-positioned to talk about themes…

United Nations: President Trump, Vatican Challenge World Leaders to Protect Human Life

United Nations: President Trump, Vatican Challenge World Leaders to Protect Human Life

New York City, N.Y., Sep 24, 2019-CNA—President Donald Trump and Vatican Secretary of State Pietro Parolin have challenged world leaders to protect unborn human life. Both leaders spoke at the United Nations in New York, as the body met for the 74th session of its General Assembly. On Tuesday, President Trump stated that “like many…

‘Disgraceful injustice’: Thousands protest law to force abortion on N Ireland

‘Disgraceful injustice’: Thousands protest law to force abortion on N Ireland

Belfast, Northern Ireland—CNA—Tens of thousands of people took to the streets of Belfast on Saturday to protest against the impending legalization of abortion in Northern Ireland. Pro-life advocates told CNA that they fear the proposed changes in the province could be used to legalize abortion on demand throughout the entirety of the United Kingdom. The…

We are the Pro Life Generation and We will Abolish Abortion

We are the Pro Life Generation and We will Abolish Abortion

Students for Life has a bold mission.  We at Catholic Business Journal believe they can achieve it!  Here’s why.  From the very beginning, this student pro-life organization seemed different.  Their communication methods are aggressive, fresh and modern.  Their messages have been, and continue to be, consistent, actionable and clear. Their commentary has always been spot-on,…

‘If we are spiritually sterile, we will have no future,’ bishop tells Ruthenian eparchy

‘If we are spiritually sterile, we will have no future,’ bishop tells Ruthenian eparchy

This bishop is inspiring and practical! – CBJ ed.   CNA—In many ways the Ruthenian Eparchy of Parma, a local Church of the Byzantine rite in the midwestern United States, faces the same problems as the Church throughout the world: shrinking and aging parishes, fallout from scandals, financial strain. But they feel them perhaps all the…

Pope Francis condemns euthanasia as utilitarianism, not freedom

Pope Francis condemns euthanasia as utilitarianism, not freedom

Vatican City, Sep 2, 2019 / 07:13 am (CNA) – Euthanasia is a way of treating the human person as an object; while it may appear to give freedom, it is really a rejection of hope, Pope Francis told an oncology association Sept. 2. “The practice of euthanasia, which has already been legalized in several…

The Catholic case for the free market

The Catholic case for the free market

As history has proved and previous popes have noted, no economic system is better at lifting people out of poverty and providing work — and in the process, offering human dignity — than the free market. First posted Sept 23, 2015 on CNN, this Op.Ed piece is as relevant now as then, and expresses the…

CUA’s Abela Claims Today’s Defense of Capitalism is Missing the Mark

CUA’s Abela Claims Today’s Defense of Capitalism is Missing the Mark

Special to the Catholic Business Journal—2019 Napa Institute, Napa, CA—Dr. Andrew Abela, in a keynote talk at the just completed Annual Napa Institute, said that we have taken the bait and are trying to defend something that cannot be defended. Capitalism, a term created by Karl Marx as an “ism,” is ambiguous and does not…

A World of Difference: Clear communication vs Lukewarm statements

A World of Difference: Clear communication vs Lukewarm statements

God spat out the lukewarm. He was very clear there was no place for the lukewarm in His Kingdom.  For most of us, that’s typically where the matter ends.  Stand up for principles that matter, don’t be a doormat, and get on with life.  But as a young professional, I’ve begun to notice how often…

This Is What Comes After the Transgender Revolution

This Is What Comes After the Transgender Revolution

The Sexual Revolution must be understood as a process, or else it becomes incomprehensible. Those who promote it will never be satisfied with its present phase. They will always be pushing the envelope to the next new aberration. Few people ask, however, what the next new sexual frontier will be. No one should be shocked…

What’s Wrong with Socialism?

What’s Wrong with Socialism?

Any serious Catholic business professional, especially business owners, know how profoundly government affects business, work, profit, property ownership, taxation, regulations, R&D, and more. Much more, including freedom of lifestyle and choices, and even freedom of religious practices.  But many U.S. citizens today — most likely due to stunted elementary and college education, politically correct social…

The U.S. and the Reparations Quandary: Are we really worse than other nations?

The U.S. and the Reparations Quandary: Are we really worse than other nations?

NY Times: “The inaction of Great Britain …. has been not only absurd, but almost criminal.” The recent talks on Capitol Hill about reparations for African American slavery has reignited the topic across the country. Generally, politicians on one side are in favor of monetary reparations to be paid to current descendants of former slaves…

Tim Busch Issues a Call to Action for Catholic Laity at Napa Institute

Tim Busch Issues a Call to Action for Catholic Laity at Napa Institute

Special to the Catholic Business Journal—NAPA, CA, July 25, 2019 – “The Catholic Church is in crisis. Much has been done, but there is still much to do,” said Tim Busch,  founder and chairman of the Institute, in his opening remarks at this year’s annual Napa Institute. “This is a time of cleansing. And this…

Italian nun honored in U.S., advises what we can do to fight human trafficking

Italian nun honored in U.S., advises what we can do to fight human trafficking

CNA—Human trafficking is “happening closer to us than we think,” and Catholic groups are increasingly committed to fighting it through advocacy, prayer and action, global anti-trafficking leader Sister Gabriella Bottani, S.M.C., has said. “What we should do, more and more, is to be aware and to try to understand what trafficking is in our reality,…

State Department removes ‘reproductive rights’ section from human rights report

State Department removes ‘reproductive rights’ section from human rights report

CNA—The U.S. State Department has removed the term “reproductive rights” from its annual human rights report, drawing praise from pro-life leaders who say that the phrase had become a thinly veiled reference to abortion.   “‘Reproductive rights’ has long been a euphemism for destroying human life in the womb,” said Lila Rose, founder and president…

‘Damn socialism, why are you chasing me?’ Chinese-Americans see ghost of communism in Democrats’ leftward turn

‘Damn socialism, why are you chasing me?’ Chinese-Americans see ghost of communism in Democrats’ leftward turn

As Catholic business professionals living our faith and doing business in today’s global culture and workplace environment, it is imperative that we clearly know the difference between socialism, communism and capitalism. It’s also critical that we know why Popes throughout the ages have repeatedly condemned the severely individual-ignoring, freedom-restricting, government-imposing principles of socialism and communism.…

Doctors promised disabled woman ‘new doll’ after planned forced abortion

Doctors promised disabled woman ‘new doll’ after planned forced abortion

London, England, Jun 25, 2019—CNA—Following a decision by the Court of Appeals in England to overturn an order for a forced abortion on a disabled woman, new details have emerged about the case. Lawyers told the appeal court Monday that doctors had prepared the woman for the enforced abortion by promising her a new doll after…

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