Bishop Paprocki bars pro-abortion Illinois lawmakers from Holy Communion

Bishop Paprocki bars pro-abortion Illinois lawmakers from Holy Communion

CNA—The Bishop of Springfield, Illinois, has decreed that state legislative leaders may not be admitted to Holy Communion within his diocese, because of their work to pass the state Reproductive Health Act. The bishop also directed the Catholic legislators who have voted for legislation promoting abortion should not present themselves to recieve Holy Communiion until…

Medicine, Religion, Ethics, Professionalism : Seton Hall Seminarian Andrew DeSilva Reflects on Ethics Fellowship at Auschwitz

Medicine, Religion, Ethics, Professionalism : Seton Hall Seminarian Andrew DeSilva Reflects on Ethics Fellowship at Auschwitz

During the 2019 Days of Holocaust Remembrance, Deacon Andrew J. De Silva, a seminarian who completed his fourth-year of theology studies at the Immaculate Conception Seminary at Seton Hall University, reflected on his Fellowships at Auschwitz for the Study of Professional Ethics (FASPE). The two-week program challenges its participants to reflect on the role of…

U.S. Supreme Court upholds Indiana fetal remains rule, but stops short of major abortion ruling

U.S. Supreme Court upholds Indiana fetal remains rule, but stops short of major abortion ruling

Washington, D.C., May 28, 2019, CNA—The U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday upheld part of an Indiana law requiring aborted babies to be cremated or buried, while declining to take up another part of the law that banned abortions based solely on the sex, race, or disability of the baby. The 2016 Indiana legislation had been…

Illinois bishops denounce rush to advance ‘Reproductive Health Act’

Illinois bishops denounce rush to advance ‘Reproductive Health Act’

CNA—The Catholic bishops of Illinois criticized a push to pass a bill enshrining abortion in state law in the final days of the legislative session, without hearings or the public release of a final text. They said the bill is a drastic overhaul of current abortion law that would go “further than Roe v. Wade in…

Attempt to legalize abortion, gay marriage fails in Mexican Congress

Attempt to legalize abortion, gay marriage fails in Mexican Congress

Mexico City, Mexico, May 28, 2019, CNA – The portion of a constitutional reform initiative seeking to legalize abortion and same-sex marriage in Mexico did not advance last week in the nation’s legislature. A gender parity bill was debated and approved in both houses of the Mexican Congress May 23. The bill would require that…

‘A giant step forward’: Archbishop applauds Missouri abortion ban

‘A giant step forward’: Archbishop applauds Missouri abortion ban

St. Louis, Mo., May 28, 2019 -CNA – Banning abortion after eight weeks of pregnancy is a “giant step forward for the pro-life movement,” Archbishop Robert J. Carlson of St. Louis said in a statement on Friday, after Missouri Governor Mike Parson signed an abortion ban into law. Parson signed the “Missouri Stands for the…

BREAKING: ‘Miracle’: New court decision orders hospital to halt starvation of Vincent Lambert

BREAKING: ‘Miracle’: New court decision orders hospital to halt starvation of Vincent Lambert

May 21, 2019—In Reims, France, the Catholic parent and two of Vincent Lambert’s siblings continue to fight for their son and brother’s life—for his right to be given basic food and water, and his right to a natural death. It has been a gruelling legal battle against the culture of death, in a country where…

Archbshp Chaput: The West has forgotten its roots: Understand our role as Christians

Archbshp Chaput: The West has forgotten its roots: Understand our role as Christians

CNA – The once Christian culture of the West has forgotten its roots, Archbishop Charles Chaput said Friday, warning that basic principles of human dignity and freedom are now at risk. The leader of the Philadelphia archdiocese told an April 12 gathering of priests, seminarians, and lay people at Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary’s Bishops…

Chicago Catholic Pastor Won’t Apologize for Louis Farrakhan’s Anti-Sematic speech on “Satanic Jews”

Chicago Catholic Pastor Won’t Apologize for Louis Farrakhan’s Anti-Sematic speech on “Satanic Jews”

You just can’t make this stuff up (sadly).  Although Chicago’s Archbishop Cardinal Blaise Cupich was forced to apologize to the city’s Jewish community, the pastor who invited Louis Farrakhan to his parish refuses to do so.  Louis Farrakhan Delivers Anti-Semitic Speech About ‘Satanic Jews’ At Chicago Catholic Church, Pastor Won’t Apologize… Read More>>

What “Deep Christian Convictions” of “Democratic Socialism”?

What “Deep Christian Convictions” of “Democratic Socialism”?

Catholic business professionals are not politicians, and yet we (and our businesses, principles of Faith and livlihoods) are on the front lines of most politically-motivated law or issue.  Increasingly these issues seem to be pointing to Capitalism vs. Socialism, a topic about which several popes through the ages have issued brilliantly addressed encyclicals.  We need…

Judge rules against Virginia law banning abortions by non-doctors

Judge rules against Virginia law banning abortions by non-doctors

CNA—A federal judge in Richmond, Virginia has ruled against state medical regulations requiring first-trimester abortions be performed only by physicians. “After a careful review of the experts’ opinions from both sides, a consensus appears to have evolved that first trimester abortions, which typically require only medication, do not require the onsite presence of a licensed…

Arizona legislature adopts resolution calling pornography a public health crisis

Arizona legislature adopts resolution calling pornography a public health crisis

CNA—The Arizona legislature has passed a resolution declaring pornography a public health crisis and a danger to mental and physical health. House Concurrent Resolution 2009 was approved 16-13 by the state senate May 6. It was passed by the Arizona House Feb. 25. The measure does not ban adult material, but rather makes a public…

Georgia’s Governor Signs Heartbeat Abortion Ban Legislation

Georgia’s Governor Signs Heartbeat Abortion Ban Legislation

TIME—Georgia’s Republican Gov. Brian Kemp on Tuesday signed legislation banning abortions once a fetal heartbeat can be detected. That can be as early as six weeks, before many women know they’re pregnant…. Read more>> Notice: JavaScript is required for this content. This form is currently undergoing maintenance. Please try again later.

Venezuelan National Guard attacks Catholic Church, Bishop Speaks Out

Venezuelan National Guard attacks Catholic Church, Bishop Speaks Out

San Cristobal, Venezuela, May 2, 2019—CNA—Members of the Venezuelan National Guard attacked a Catholic church in San Cristobal Wednesday, amid nationwide protests against the socialist government of president Nicolas Maduro. Bishop Mario del Valle Moronta Rodriguez of San Cristóbal de Venezuela said May 1 that “this afternoon a horde of Bolivarian National Guardsmen attacked Our…

Sri Lanka Bombings: Why Big Media used term ‘Easter Worshipper’ and Why it matters

Sri Lanka Bombings: Why Big Media used term ‘Easter Worshipper’ and Why it matters

Daily Wire—I have been a Christian all my life and if I’ve ever heard the term “Easter worshipper,” or something like it, it would have been in reference to Christians who only go to church on Christmas and Easter. Generally we call those types “Christmas and Easter Christians” or “CEOs” (Christmas and Easter Only). But…

Keepers of the Faith and Culture

Keepers of the Faith and Culture

We sure live in perplexing times.  I think we will make it through, barely…. sometimes crawling and clinging, God willing, we will get to the finish line, dusty but intact. I worry deeply about my grandson’s generation and those following, who will have only grown up in a society where relationship to and confidence in…

Court rules against Catholic foster agency in Philadelphia

Court rules against Catholic foster agency in Philadelphia

CNA—After a yearlong legal struggle, a federal appeals court has ruled that city contractors in Philadelphia must place foster children with same-sex couples, a ruling that threatens the future of the local Catholic archdiocese’s foster placement program. “We’re disappointed that the court decided to let the city place politics above the needs of kids and…

Ohio Passes Heartbeat Bill: New Law Bans Abortion from the Moment a Heartbeat can be Detected

Ohio Passes Heartbeat Bill: New Law Bans Abortion from the Moment a Heartbeat can be Detected

Last Thursday, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine signed the Human Rights and Heartbeat Protection Act (S.B. 23) into law. The new law prohibits doctors from performing an abortion if a heartbeat can be detected, except in cases to save the life of the mother or to prevent the “substantial and irreversible impairment of a major bodily…

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