The Lepanto Institute finds that USCCB Catholic Campaign for Human Development gave grants to openly pro-abortion organizations

The Lepanto Institute finds that USCCB Catholic Campaign for Human Development gave grants to openly pro-abortion organizations

A Tennessee group that describes aborting unborn babies as “healthcare” received a $50,000 grant from a U.S. Catholic bishops’ agency in 2019, according to a new report from the Lepanto Institute. The grant came from the Catholic Campaign for Human Development, an anti-poverty agency of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. The Lepanto Institute recently…

Open Letter to Employees of Silicon Valley by Veterans for Free Speech

Open Letter to Employees of Silicon Valley by Veterans for Free Speech

To Employees of Silicon Valley: We are retired and/or career military officers.  We will not share our names.  Nor will we share our ranks. Opinions are hazardous to professional success in the US military.  We are not willing to take that chance. Suffice to say we share your shock at the events of 06 January…

Trump’s Former Chief of HHS’ Office of Civil Rights Explains His Lawsuit Against the Biden Administration

Trump’s Former Chief of HHS’ Office of Civil Rights Explains His Lawsuit Against the Biden Administration

Roger Severino, the outgoing director of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Service’s Office of Civil Rights, stepped down from his high-profile role last month, after launching a new division dedicated to the protection of conscience rights and religious freedom. A Catholic pro-life lawyer, Severino is OCR’s longest-serving director in the past three decades…

ACTION SPEAKS LOUDER THAN WORDS:  A Look at the First Three Weeks of Catholic Biden’s Presidency

ACTION SPEAKS LOUDER THAN WORDS: A Look at the First Three Weeks of Catholic Biden’s Presidency

Today marks the end of the 3rd week of the new U.S. presidential administration. At Catholic Business Journal, we strongly believe that action speaks far louder than words. So, with the help of attorney David G. Bjornstrom, here’s a look at Catholic President Biden’s first three weeks as U.S. President: “Joe Biden Has Issued 42…

A Student Speaks Out: Catholic University of America cancels Abby Johnson, campus pro-life club devastated

A Student Speaks Out: Catholic University of America cancels Abby Johnson, campus pro-life club devastated

When I decided to return to class at Catholic University of America in the spring, I knew things would be different. I was ready to face the challenge of the COVID-19 restrictions, as well as the political climate revolving around the election and BLM movement. What I was not ready for was to watch as…

Irish Supreme Court: Hospital may withhold treatment of child against parents’ wishes

Irish Supreme Court: Hospital may withhold treatment of child against parents’ wishes

CNA—The Supreme Court of Ireland ruled Friday that a hospital may withhold medical treatment contrary to the wishes of the parents of a child with severe injuries. “The withholding of treatment to a child does not necessarily require parental consent to be lawful if it based on a properly made decision as to the best…

D.C. March for Life will be very different this year

D.C. March for Life will be very different this year

The Washington D.C. March for Life is slated for January 29, 2021, however it will be mostly virtual this year.  The March For Life . org website reads: The protection of all of those who participate in the annual March, as well as the many law enforcement personnel and others who work tirelessly each year…

Walk for Life West Coast draws thousands to San Francisco march

Walk for Life West Coast draws thousands to San Francisco march

Jan 23 2021, CNA—Despite pandemic restrictions, thousands of pro-life advocates showed their support at the Walk for Life West Coast in San Francisco on Saturday. Eva Muntean, co-chair of Walk for Life, said she expected only a few hundred to attend the march because of the pandemic but was pleasantly surprised to walk alongside about…

Full Proclamation: National Sanctity of Human Life Day 2021

Full Proclamation: National Sanctity of Human Life Day 2021

NATIONAL SANCTITY OF HUMAN LIFE DAY 2021 BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A PROCLAMATION Every human life is a gift to the world.  Whether born or unborn, young or old, healthy or sick, every person is made in the holy image of God.  The Almighty Creator gives unique talents, beautiful dreams, and a…

Former President Trump Declared January 22, 2021: NATIONAL SANCTITY FOR HUMAN LIFE DAY

Former President Trump Declared January 22, 2021: NATIONAL SANCTITY FOR HUMAN LIFE DAY

Before leaving office, former President Trump issued a Formal U.S. Presidential Proclamation of January 22, 2021, as National Sanctity of Human Life Day.  The link to this proclamation has been deleted from the White House website archives by pro-abortion Biden/Harris staff.  But no problem, we print the document below: NOW, THEREFORE, I, DONALD J. TRUMP,…

Archbishop Cordileone’s Response to Speaker Pelosi’s Comments About Pro-Life Voters

Archbishop Cordileone’s Response to Speaker Pelosi’s Comments About Pro-Life Voters

Archbishop Cordileone’s Response to Speaker Pelosi’s Comments About Pro-Life Voters Most Rev. Salvatore J. Cordileone January 21, 2021 On Monday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi criticized prolife voters who voted for Donald Trump on the abortion issue, saying their votes cause her “great grief as a Catholic” and accusing them of “being willing to sell the…

San Francisco archbishop responds to Pelosi: ‘No Catholic in good conscience can favor abortion’

San Francisco archbishop responds to Pelosi: ‘No Catholic in good conscience can favor abortion’

CNA & CBJ—The Archbishop of San Francisco on Thursday responded with a public statement to the Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, who accused pro-life Trump voters of being sellouts. In a Jan. 18 podcast with former senator and presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.)—who lives in San Francisco, CA, said that…

NJ Bishops Call for Day of Prayer and Fasting on Roe Anniversary, Jan 22

NJ Bishops Call for Day of Prayer and Fasting on Roe Anniversary, Jan 22

CNA—As the United States approaches 48 years of legalized abortion nationwide, the Catholic bishops of New Jersey are asking Catholics to join in a day of fasting and prayer to support a culture of life. “As we mark this tragic event in our nation’s history, we remember the millions of lives lost to abortion and…

Time to Remember Cardinal Vigano’s Letter and His Warning about the Great Reset

Time to Remember Cardinal Vigano’s Letter and His Warning about the Great Reset

Last October, Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States, published a second Open Letter to the President of the United States of America.   The letter was even more powerful than his first, and at the beginning of this new year 2021, we at Catholic Business Journal believe it is well worth…

David Shestokas:  Ten People Who Need to Know that America is Watching Them

David Shestokas: Ten People Who Need to Know that America is Watching Them

For a little background on David Shestokas, he is an attorney licensed in IL and FL and author of Constitutional Sound Bites .He earned his B.A. in Political Science from Bradley University and J.D. from The John Marshall Law School, cum laude, while serving on the The John Marshall Law Review. He studied law at…

God Help Argentina

God Help Argentina

As Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priest for Life, puts it: “the shockwaves of abortion reach Argentina. God help Argentina.” Reacting to the legalization of abortion in Argentina, Fr. Pavone made clear that Argentine President Alberto Fernandez is tragically mistaken in asserting that “today we are a better society.” “Abortion makes nothing better for…

Saint John Henry Newman’s Christmas Invitation

Saint John Henry Newman’s Christmas Invitation

Saint Cardinal John Henry Newman gives us a wonderful Christmas reflection on the Shepherds, who where the first to whom the Birth of Our Saviour was announced on that history-changing night. This great saint invites you and I to echo in our hearts what drew Our Lord to these shepherds in the first place—lowliness and…

COVID-19 Vaccines Pave the Way for a New Frontier in Surveillance

COVID-19 Vaccines Pave the Way for a New Frontier in Surveillance

“Man’s conquest of Nature, if the dreams of some scientific planners are realized, means the rule of a few hundreds of men over billions upon billions of men.” —C. S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man The Rutherford Institute—Like it or not, the COVID-19 pandemic with its veiled threat of forced vaccinations, contact tracing, and genetically…

BREAKING: Trump to sign Exec Order protecting babies who survive abortion

BREAKING: Trump to sign Exec Order protecting babies who survive abortion

ACLJ—In a big victory for life, President Trump just announced he will sign an Executive order protecting babies who manage to survive abortions and ordering doctors to provide them with life-saving medical care. President Trump revealed his latest order to protect defenseless babies in an address to the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast, rightly calling it…

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