Bishop Stika, Archbishop Gomez speak out against “Catholic” Biden abortion, infanticide, HHS mandate policies

Bishop Stika, Archbishop Gomez speak out against “Catholic” Biden abortion, infanticide, HHS mandate policies

Archbishop Gomez , president of the U.S. Bishop’s Conference (USCCB) and Archbishop of Los Angeles is not alone among bishops who are seriously concerned with “Catholic” Joe Biden’s consistent and aggressive support for infanticide, abortion-on-demand and public funding of such human atrocities. This week Bishop Richard Stika, of Knoxville Tennesee, spoke out this week about…

Federal court says Texas can withhold Medicaid from Planned Parenthood

Federal court says Texas can withhold Medicaid from Planned Parenthood

A federal appeals court on Monday upheld the authority of states to not fund abortion providers through Medicaid. A majority opinion of the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, issued Nov. 23, ruled that abortion providers and their customers could not challenge Texas’ decision to withhold Medicaid funds from Planned Parenthood. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton…

Pope Francis Advances Saint Causes of Two Inspiring Priests–one a seasoned layman

Pope Francis Advances Saint Causes of Two Inspiring Priests–one a seasoned layman

Pope Francis advanced Tuesday the sainthood causes of several men and women, including two Italian priests of the 20th century — one who was ordained at age 23 and another who was ordained at 65, after a lay career and a lifetime of serving the poor. Venerable Fr. Mario Ciceri knew his vocation from a…

Catholic couple donates hundreds of Thanksgiving turkeys in Brooklyn, Queens

Catholic couple donates hundreds of Thanksgiving turkeys in Brooklyn, Queens

CNA—For one Catholic businessman in New York City, Thanksgiving has long been a time of sacrifice and generosity. For each of the past four years, Alphonse Catanese and his wife have donated hundreds of turkeys to needy families in the city. This year, amid the toll of the coronavirus pandemic, the Cataneses have stepped up…

The McCarrick Report’s Unanswered Questions

The McCarrick Report’s Unanswered Questions

Like the editor and staff of Catholic Business Journal, others had unanswered questions after the McCarrick Report. Michael Warsaw, head of EWTN, shares his observations here: National Catholic Register—The long-awaited McCarrick Report, detailing the rise and fall of the former Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, was finally released Nov. 10. First promised two years ago, the report…

The Great Reset:  You Ain’t Seen Nothin’ Yet, and It Should Terrify You, say those who know

The Great Reset: You Ain’t Seen Nothin’ Yet, and It Should Terrify You, say those who know

A close  friend of mine who grew up in Poland under Communism called me on the phone in March of this year.  She told me to sit down. She was going to tell me something I would not believe. OK. I sat down and listened. She was voting for Trump.  WHAT?!!! Even she couldn’t believe…

Businesses Trying to Rebound After Unrest Face a Challenge: Not Enough Insurance

Businesses Trying to Rebound After Unrest Face a Challenge: Not Enough Insurance

New York Times—It’s a prominent refrain these days from activists in the aftermath of arson and looting — businesses have insurance. Buildings can be repaired. Broken glass is a small price to pay in a movement for justice. One new book, called “In Defense of Looting,” for example, argued that looting is an essential tactic…

Victory for Life in Louisiana

Victory for Life in Louisiana

With 100% of the precincts reporting, the live results for Louisiana Amendment 1, which would update the state’s constitution to say that “nothing in this constitution shall be construed to secure or protect a right to abortion or require the funding of abortion,” are as follows: Louisiana Amendment 1 – Ban Abortion Rights – Ballot…

Supreme Court, with Barrett, hears Affordable Care Act case

Supreme Court, with Barrett, hears Affordable Care Act case

CNA—The Supreme Court heard oral arguments on Tuesday in the latest legal challenge to the Affordable Care Act. How the court might decide the case was a crucial part of Democratic opposition to the confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett to the court last month. In the cases of California v. Texas and Texas v. California,…

Steven Moser explains ‘Color Revolution:’ a scripted coup intended to take down America — regardless of which candidate you favor

Steven Moser explains ‘Color Revolution:’ a scripted coup intended to take down America — regardless of which candidate you favor

“This is a carefully scripted coup intended to take down our constitutional republic and transform it into something unrecognizable to our Founders and inimical to our liberties” In an article first appearing in LifeSite News, Steven Mosher, president of the Population Research Institute and a long-time expert on China and China policies, describes a chilling…

France on High Terror Alert after Three Slain in Catholic Church

WSJ—NICE, France—A knife-wielding man killed three people—nearly decapitating one of them—in the Notre Dame Basilica in Nice, police said, in an assault being treated as an act of terrorism. Surveillance footage showed the attacker entered the towering basilica before 9 a.m. and spent some 25 minutes inside before a 44-year-old woman fled the building with…

Humble Catholic Parish Priest Cuts through the Clutter on Elections and Non-Negotiable Catholic Values, REGARDLESS OF POLITICAL PARTY

Humble Catholic Parish Priest Cuts through the Clutter on Elections and Non-Negotiable Catholic Values, REGARDLESS OF POLITICAL PARTY

Motivated by the severe division in this country, recent mindless violence in our cities and—most of all—by a profound and enduring love of Christ and His teachings, Fr. Edward Meeks delivered a courageous sermon at Christ the King parish in Towson, Maryland, on October 11, 2020. It is remarkably clear, respectful of every individual—regardless of…

Pope Francis’ homosexuality comments heavily edited in documentary, Vatican has no comment on civil unions

Pope Francis’ homosexuality comments heavily edited in documentary, Vatican has no comment on civil unions

Quick Observations:  Reason, Faith and Common Sense — contrary to media hype and distortion — enables us humans to make clear distinctions such as “Love the sinner, Hate the sin.” It is against Truth and reality to call something against nature, “natural.” It is against the most fundamental tenants of our Faith to treat any…

Students For Life of America announces 10-State #Justice4Life Tour to Urge U.S. Senators to Confirm Amy Coney Barrett for the U.S. Supreme Court

Students For Life of America announces 10-State #Justice4Life Tour to Urge U.S. Senators to Confirm Amy Coney Barrett for the U.S. Supreme Court

“We have waited half a century for this opportunity,” said Students For Life America (SFLA) President Kristan Hawkins. “It’s absolutely vital that the U.S. Senate vote to confirm Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the U.S. Supreme Court, and, as we continue to travel across the country in–person and virtually, we are activating a new generation of single-issue voters on the human rights struggle…

Cardinal Burke: Biden should not receive Holy Communion

Cardinal Burke: Biden should not receive Holy Communion

CNA—Cardinal Raymond Burke, a canon lawyer and formerly the prefect of the Church’s highest court, has said that Catholic politicians supporting abortion should not receive Holy Communion, including pro-choice Catholic presidential candidate Joe Biden. Biden “is not a Catholic in good standing and he should not approach to receive Holy Communion,” Burke said in an…

Trump announces ‘Born Alive’ executive order for abortion survivors

Trump announces ‘Born Alive’ executive order for abortion survivors

CNA—President Donald Trump on Wednesday announced an executive order that would require medical care be given to infants who are born alive after failed abortion attempts. “Today I am announcing that I will be signing the Born-Alive Executive Order to ensure that all precious babies born alive, no matter their circumstances, receive the medical care…

Trump to Make Supreme Court Nomination Over the Weekend

Trump to Make Supreme Court Nomination Over the Weekend

WSJ—President Trump said he was considering five women for the vacant Supreme Court seat and likely would make public the pick on Saturday, as Senate Republicans largely lined up behind him and … read more>>

Black Voices for Trump board member: Ginsburg was confirmed in fewer days than Trump has until election

Black Voices for Trump board member: Ginsburg was confirmed in fewer days than Trump has until election

Paris Dennard, a Black Voices for Trump board member, noted that recently deceased U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg (May her soul rest in peace) was confirmed by the Senate to her seat on the highest court of the country in fewer days than there is from now to the 2020 elections in November. …

Catholic Nobel Prize Laureate: North Ireland’s John Hume remembered as great peacemaker

Catholic Nobel Prize Laureate: North Ireland’s John Hume remembered as great peacemaker

CNA—Retired politician and Nobel laureate John Hume, a major leader in the effort to secure peace in Northern Ireland, died Monday at the age of 83. Many leaders in the region praised his success in responding to one of Europe’s longstanding conflicts. “I was leader of a great team of people, all of whom have…

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