Coronavirus “Baby Bust” could be worse than expected: Why it matters

Coronavirus “Baby Bust” could be worse than expected: Why it matters

CNA—Amid steady forecasts of demographic decline, one economics professor says that a COVID-related “baby bust” could be worse than people predicted. A Brookings Institution report published in June said that the economic shock caused by the coronavirus, combined with the social effects of the pandemic itself, could trigger a sharp decline in births. Those predictions…

After fighting California officials, Catholic home for trafficked girls set to open

After fighting California officials, Catholic home for trafficked girls set to open

CNA—A Catholic charity that has prepared to open a home for underage victims of human trafficking has reached a resolution with California authorities after it was allegedly pressured to affirm LGBT sexuality, to inject sex hormones into any beneficiaries who identify as transgender, and to agree to drive minors to abortion clinics. “We were able…

Covington Catholic Student Settles Defamation Lawsuit with Washington Post

Covington Catholic Student Settles Defamation Lawsuit with Washington Post

National Review—Nicholas Sandmann, the Covington Catholic High School student who sued major news outlets in the aftermath of their coverage of a controversial interaction he and several of his classmates had with a Native American activist, said Friday that he has settled his libel lawsuit against the Washington Post. “On 2/19/19, I filed $250M defamation…

Ongoing rampant Marxist destruction of history, Persecution of Catholics increasing

Ongoing rampant Marxist destruction of history, Persecution of Catholics increasing

IN CALIFORNIA, a 429-year-old Franciscan missionary edifice — almost five centuries old — is torched in the dark of night. That was Mission San Gabriel Arcángel, founded in 1771 by Franciscan missionary Junipero Serra — the fourth mission in present-day California established by the saint, whose legacy has been unfairly tainted by overzealous (historically naieve —CBJ…

Attacks on Catholic churches: Mission San Gabriel Early Morning Fire Destroys church

Attacks on Catholic churches: Mission San Gabriel Early Morning Fire Destroys church

July 13, 2020—In the early morning hours Saturday, firefighters responded to a fire at the San Gabriel Mission where they found a massive blaze engulfing the roof and front entrance of the church, San Gabriel Fire Department fire captain Antonio Negrete told CNN. The church sits about 11 miles northeast of Los Angeles. When firefighters…

Dr. James Dobson, Students for Life and More Call Out Supreme Court Decision that Prioritizes Abortion Over the Health of Women

Dr. James Dobson, Students for Life and More Call Out Supreme Court Decision that Prioritizes Abortion Over the Health of Women

In a disturbing decision released this morning (June 29, 2020), five U.S. Supreme Court justices struck down a Louisiana law that offered the most basic of health protections for women seeking abortions. Why would anyone – let alone the high court of the land – oppose such a commonsense law? Because, according to Dr. James…

Not my hero, young black American speaks out

Not my hero, young black American speaks out

As employees at more than a few major corporations such as Home Depot and countless others are forced to endure various levels of virtual, anti-racial discrimination zoom meetings and discussions, a significant number of African Americans are fed up with the false narratives, victimhood mentality and white guilt assumptions repeated daily on mainstream nightly news. …

Muhammad Ali’s son says dad would have hated ‘racist’ Black Lives Matter

Muhammad Ali’s son says dad would have hated ‘racist’ Black Lives Matter

New York Post—On the fourth anniversary of his death, Muhammad Ali’s only biological son says that his father would be against Black Lives Matter, calling the movement “racist” and the protesters “devils.” The legendary boxer and activist stood up against racism throughout his life, but Muhammad Ali Jr. says his dad would have been sickened…

Where’s the Catholic Voice??? At Least a Few Bishops Publicly Condemn Hate Crimes against Catholics and History and Truth

Where’s the Catholic Voice??? At Least a Few Bishops Publicly Condemn Hate Crimes against Catholics and History and Truth

CNA—As rioters across the United States target statues depicting historical figures, the Bishop of Madison, Wisconsin on Tuesday denounced that destruction, along with calls to destroy some depictions of Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgina Mary. “Should certain statues be placed in museums or storage? Perhaps. Should we let a group of vandals make those…

The Mentors Radio Show in Greater SF Bay Area moves to new time slot!

The Mentors Radio Show in Greater SF Bay Area moves to new time slot!

The Mentors Radio, a popular and unique business & ethics radio show now in its Fourth Year, has a new time slot on AM860 The Answer in the San Francisco Bay Area, now airing at 1:00 pm every Saturday.  Produced by the Catholic Business Journal, the radio show and radio podcast features three remarkable and…

Trump administration follows the science when it comes to sex: Male and Female

Trump administration follows the science when it comes to sex: Male and Female

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has said it will define sex as determined by biology — male and female. The Obama administration had defined sex as “one’s internal sense of gender.” HHS announced it has finalized a rule under Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act that restores the traditional definition and…

The black community must seek change from within as well

The black community must seek change from within as well

Star Tribune—Lest there be any doubt, we view George Floyd’s death as the most hideous example of police brutality we’ve ever seen. Former officer Derek Chauvin and the other three former officers involved must be held to strict account. Yet if discussions and subsequent actions regarding the most explosive American crisis in generations are to…

Shelby Steele gets to the core of the matter: The Content of Our Character

Shelby Steele gets to the core of the matter: The Content of Our Character

The following interview by Peter Robinson, conducted April 30, 1996, gets to the core of what’s going on in America right now regarding “racisim,” “black lives matter,” “white guilt” and more.  Shelby Steele’s book “The Content of Our Character” nails it. See for yourself in this short interview below… ROBINSON:  You argue in your book…

Vatican Finances: Vatican officials arrest London property broker for extortion and money laundering

Vatican Finances: Vatican officials arrest London property broker for extortion and money laundering

CNA—The Holy See press office announced Friday that Italian businessman Gianluigi Torzi has been arrested after he was interrogated as part of a Vatican financial investigation. Torzi played a crucial role in the controversial purchase of a London property development by the Secretariat of State. “Today the Office of the Promoter of Justice of the…

German bishop quits synodal forum endorsing ‘polyvalent sexuality’

German bishop quits synodal forum endorsing ‘polyvalent sexuality’

CNA—An auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Cologne has announced he is no longer participating in the “Synodal Forum” on sexuality that is part of the “Synodal Path” underway in Germany. Bishop Dominikus Schwaderlapp told the newspaper Die Tagespost on May 28 that the forum was trying to cast into doubt fundamental teachings of the…

When There’s No “Back to Normal”

When There’s No “Back to Normal”

Mind&Spirit—What is suffering? One way to define suffering is the rupture between your future as you pictured it and the reality of what your future will actually be. This is easy to see in the case of the loss of a loved one, especially a sudden loss. The future we thought we had with that…

‘This is exactly what we want to be doing’: A friar’s life in Brooklyn during coronavirus

‘This is exactly what we want to be doing’: A friar’s life in Brooklyn during coronavirus

CNA, Diocese of Brooklyn—Fr. Brendan Buckley, OFM. Cap., had never heard of the Zoom before this past March and the onset of the coronavirus pandemic. After his home in the Diocese of Brooklyn became a center of COVID-19 illness in the United States, he learned.  With the help of two parish employees, he has now…

UK Bishops Speak Out: Elderly and disabled have same right to treatment as others amid pandemic, say bishops

UK Bishops Speak Out: Elderly and disabled have same right to treatment as others amid pandemic, say bishops

CNA—Elderly and disabled coronavirus patients have the same right to life-prolonging treatment as others, the bishops of England and Wales have said, including Bishop Paul Mason (featured image). In a statement April 20, the bishops noted that the pandemic had placed immense strain on Britain’s National Health Service (NHS).  “With the escalation of the coronavirus,…

Back to Church

Back to Church

When the Coronavirus pandemic first hit, the Catholic Church was among some of the first organizations to “self quarantine.” Public worship was quickly shut down, including Masses and confessions. Unfortunately, as time has passed and safety procedures are being developed, little effort has been made to reopen the sacraments, even during Easter week, and even…

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