Coronavirus: Beware the power grab

Coronavirus: Beware the power grab

An interesting article, written by a London-based human rights lawyer working on counter-terrorism laws and states of emergency, published in an African news journal and concerning important observations applicable to all, even in the U.S.—ed. African Arguments—The pandemic is a real emergency and the perfect excuse for a power grab. We must monitor abuses and…

Louisiana governor announces day of prayer and fasting

Louisiana governor announces day of prayer and fasting

CNA—The Catholic governor of Louisiana has asked fellow citizens to pray and fast on March 24 for those affected by the coronavirus. Gov. John Bel Edwards (D) announced on Monday evening that he and the state’s First Lady will fast on Tuesday, in the middle of both the season of Lent and a global pandemic. “In…

St. Joseph: a Father, a Husband, a Worker—a Holy Family Man’s Man

St. Joseph: a Father, a Husband, a Worker—a Holy Family Man’s Man

On March 19, we will celebrate the Solemnity of St. Joseph. The Litany of St. Joseph invokes his intercession under the titles Spouse of the Mother of God, Foster Father of the Son of God, and Head of the Holy Family. St. Joseph is called the Glory of the Domestic Life and Pillar of Families. In this Year of the Family, it is fitting that…

Italian Air Force sends message of hope to Italy amid coronavirus lockdown

Italian Air Force sends message of hope to Italy amid coronavirus lockdown

Italian Air Force gives its countrymen a boost of hope and encouragement as the country combats coronavirus releasing this video… The lone black plane represents coronavirus fleeing before Italy’s national flag and valiant endurance as Pavarotti sings Nessun Dorna (Let No One Sleep) and lyrics that include vencermos (We will overcome) in the background. 

Inspiration: Quarantined Italians Sing from Balconies

Inspiration: Quarantined Italians Sing from Balconies

Churches closed. Quarentine. Lockdowns.  But Italians spread joy and hope from their balconies! After seeing these videos, I’m looking for a balcony, good Italian Catholic neighbors, and maybe some good vino and olive oil to stave off starvation … What could be better in a lockdown crisis?  See for yourself: In Siena – neighbors in…

West Virginia passes bipartisan ‘Born Alive’ law

West Virginia passes bipartisan ‘Born Alive’ law

CNA—West Virginia became the latest state to pass legislation which requires that babies born alive after an attempted abortion be given medical care.  The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act was signed into law by Gov. Jim Justice (R) on Monday, March 2. The law will go into effect on May 19.  “It’s unbelievable that we…

Diocese of Buffalo files for bankruptcy

Diocese of Buffalo files for bankruptcy

The Diocese of Buffalo announced on Friday that it is declaring bankruptcy as hundreds of abuse lawsuits have been filed against it in the last several months. The diocese said it was formally filing for Chapter 11 reorganization under the U.S. bankruptcy code to provide the most compensation for victims of clergy sex abuse while…

US Senate bill banning infanticide fails, despite majority support

US Senate bill banning infanticide fails, despite majority support

LifeSiteNews—The Senate voted 53-44 for the 20-week abortion ban, and 56-41 for the anti-infanticide measure. Both needed 60 votes in order to pass. A majority of the United States Senate voted again Tuesday to ban late-term abortions and mandate medical care for infants delivered alive after failed abortions, though Senate filibuster rules once again prevented…

Boy Scouts of America seeks bankruptcy protection, has the once-venerable institution lost its moral compass?

Boy Scouts of America seeks bankruptcy protection, has the once-venerable institution lost its moral compass?

Achieving the elite rank of Eagle Scout is displayed proudly on the resumés of many prominent, ethical business achievers, nonprofit leaders and even some pro-athletes, astronauts, and many Catholic leaders today.  Great achievements, it has been said, began with scouting. While it remains to be seen how that will work out with girls now being…

Culture of Death expands:  Colorado Legislature Rejects Bill Protecting Born-Alive Abortion Survivors

Culture of Death expands: Colorado Legislature Rejects Bill Protecting Born-Alive Abortion Survivors

The Colorado legislature has voted down legislation that would have protected a baby that survives an abortion.  House Bill 1068 would have mandated that physicians provide medical care to a child born alive after or during an abortion. Violation of the proposed law would carry a civil fine of $100,000, enforceable by the attorney general,…

Bishop Paprocki provides pastoral guide on gender identity

Bishop Paprocki provides pastoral guide on gender identity

CNA—Bishop Thomas Paprocki of Springfield in Illinois issued a pastoral guide last month regarding diocesan policies on gender identity, expounding on existing policy that schools and other diocesan institutions will recognize students and adults by the biological sex with which they were born. In the guide, Paprocki noted the need to approach the issue with…

Highlights of Historic March For Life 2020

Highlights of Historic March For Life 2020

See video or read text of President Trump’s remarks as first U.S. President ever to physically attend the March for Life in its 47 year history…Watch 60-second speed view of the entire March For Life 2020… and more: Trump’s Remarks at 2020 March for Life Rally – Video and Text One Minute Speed Video of…

One-minute speed view of the 2020 March for Life

One-minute speed view of the 2020 March for Life

Kudos to Students for Life for posting a one-minute speed view of the entire March for Life 2020 … not the rally, just the march itself. View One-Minute Speed Video of March for Life 2020 here.   RELATED RESOURCES: Trump’s Remarks at March for Life Rally 2020 – Catholic Business Journal

Full Text of President Trump’s Speech at March for Life Rally 2020

Full Text of President Trump’s Speech at March for Life Rally 2020

Full Text Transcript of Remarks by President Trump at the 47th Annual March for Life Issued on: January 24, 2020 The National Mall Washington, D.C. 12:28 P.M. EST THE PRESIDENT:  Well, thank you very much and thank you, Jeanne.  It is my profound honor to be the first President in history to attend the March…

Trump’s Remarks at 47th Annual March for Life Rally in DC, his talk here

Trump’s Remarks at 47th Annual March for Life Rally in DC, his talk here

We at Catholic Business Journal want you to see and hear and read historic moments for yourself and make your own judgements.  This is the first year–in 47 long years — that a sitting U.S. President attended the D.C. March for Life in person.  RELATED RESOURCES: See Video of Trump’s Remarks at the March for…

Donald Trump first president in history to attend March for Life rally on National Mall in DC

Donald Trump first president in history to attend March for Life rally on National Mall in DC

Donald Trump will be the first president ever to attend the March For Life in Washington D.C. in the event’s 47 year history. This historic decision speaks volumes about this Administration’s commitment to end abortion in this nation, even as former bastions of Christianity such as Ireland sadly embrace it.  President Trump’s attendance at this…

Thinking a Wrong Is Right

Thinking a Wrong Is Right

In 1973, after the United States Supreme Court legalized abortion in America, my dad—a doctor—was interviewed by the local paper about the ruling. One of his quotes became the story’s headline: “Just because it’s legal, doesn’t mean it’s right.” I’ve never forgotten those words. Even as a second grader, they left a deep impression on…

An Inside Look at Mainstream Media Filters that suppress pro-life news, especially January March for Life hundreds of thousands

An Inside Look at Mainstream Media Filters that suppress pro-life news, especially January March for Life hundreds of thousands

A dismaying aspect of the 2019 March for Life in Washington D.C. was major media’s abrupt burial of the March’s message that “all life matters.” Last year’s mainstream news coverage of the march focused on an unexpected minor side story, in which a Catholic high school student wearing a MAGA cap was confronted by an…

Planned Parenthood aborted 345,672 babies last year, received $616 million from gov’t

Planned Parenthood aborted 345,672 babies last year, received $616 million from gov’t

CBJ editor—Abortion directly affects employers and society in so many ways that the issue cannot be ignored.  At the end of our life, Our Lord will certainly ask us what we did to stand against the bullies who not only insist abortion be proclaimed as “a solution” for “unwanted pregnancy” but who also demand and…

The Nativity Scene

The Nativity Scene

I remember it well! At home our little manger of the nativity was always set up in our front sitting-room. In the candle-lit darkness I would gaze into it for hours-on-end and the whole Christmas story came really alive for me. Seeing Mary and Joseph, the babe, the shepherds, the cows, donkey and sheep made…

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