Open Churches and Houses of Worship Now, Trump says

Open Churches and Houses of Worship Now, Trump says

May 22, 2020—“Today, I am identifying houses of worship, churches, synagogues and mosques as essential places that provide essential services,” Trump said in today’s White House press briefing. “Some governors have deemed liquor stores and abortion clinics as essential, but have left out churches and other houses of worship, it’s not right,” he continued. “So…

Little Sisters of the Poor (“David”) vs. Obama Care (“Goliath”) , Back in Court

Little Sisters of the Poor (“David”) vs. Obama Care (“Goliath”) , Back in Court

Practicing Catholics and small- to mid-sized business leaders in the U.S. breathed a sigh of relief when the Little Sisters of the Poor finally won their battle against Obama care in the Supreme Court.  As you recall, the nuns fought the forced mandate triggered by Obama’s and Pelosi’s healthcare mandate to violate the nuns’ faith,…

Free Speech Is COVID’s Latest Casualty: Doctors Silenced, Protests Censored, Americans Treated Like ‘Children’

Free Speech Is COVID’s Latest Casualty: Doctors Silenced, Protests Censored, Americans Treated Like ‘Children’

faithwire—Freedom of speech is becoming a COVID-19 casualty in America, especially in the public square of social media platforms like Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter. These privately-owned companies are freely censoring certain information. Just look at a recent protest at Michigan’s statehouse over re-opening the state’s government. The demonstration is protected by the First Amendment, but…

Churches sue California Governor and others citing unfair lockdown

Churches sue California Governor and others citing unfair lockdown

A Christian congregation in Chula Vista, California, and its pastor are suing Governor Gavin Newsom and other officials for unconstitutional stay-at-home orders and actions during the coronavirus pandemic. After weeks of mandatory isolation to stop the spread of COVID-19, Governor Newsom has begun a four-stage plan to “reopen” California’s economy.  Retail and supporting manufacturing are…

Las Cruces bishop first in US to resume public Masses amid pandemic

Las Cruces bishop first in US to resume public Masses amid pandemic

CNA—The Bishop of Las Cruces, New Mexico, has lifted a diocesan ban on the public celebration of Mass, issued guidelines for distribution of Holy Communion, and told priests they may resume sacramental ministry if they follow state-ordered health precautions. “We [as priests] have been called by Christ and ordained to serve the people of the…

A Young Catholic Editor talks about Faith, Politics, Pope Francis and the Subtle Tyranny of Social Media

A Young Catholic Editor talks about Faith, Politics, Pope Francis and the Subtle Tyranny of Social Media

When the late William F. Buckley set out to find a religion editor for National Review, he was careful to choose a Protestant. Though a Catholic himself, Buckley feared that his magazine—by then, already the flaghship of American conservatism—was becoming “too Catholic.” Eventually, he settled on a bombastic Lutheran minister named Richard John Neuhaus. Alas…

‘Freed because of Jesus’- Asia Bibi shares her story

‘Freed because of Jesus’- Asia Bibi shares her story

Asia Bibi is a Pakistani Catholic woman who was sentenced to death in 2010 for blasphemy against Islam.  After more than eight years in prison, she was acquitted by the Supreme Court of Pakistan in 2018. “I was accused because of the name of Jesus and I knew I would be freed because of Jesus,”…

California Renews Mandate Forcing Churches and Christian Groups to Fund Abortions

California Renews Mandate Forcing Churches and Christian Groups to Fund Abortions

The state of California is renewing a mandate that forces churches and Christian groups to pay for killing babies in abortions. Last month, President Donald Trump took action against the California over its requirement that private health insurance plans pay for abortions. The requirement essentially forces churches and Christian groups that are pro-life to fund…

What Cardinal Newman can teach the modern world about freedom of conscience

What Cardinal Newman can teach the modern world about freedom of conscience

CNA—The writings of newly-canonized St. John Henry Newman offer important reflections for contemporary society on freedom of conscience and the duty to search for truth, said a leading figure in international religious freedom. “Newman prefigured the Church’s 1965 Declaration on Religious Freedom, Dignitatis Humanae,” said Thomas Farr, president of the Religious Freedom Institute. Farr, who…

Worth Hearing: Bishop Emeritus of Hong Kong Cardinal Joseph Zen speaks clearly on China-Vatican arrangement

Worth Hearing: Bishop Emeritus of Hong Kong Cardinal Joseph Zen speaks clearly on China-Vatican arrangement

Earlier in 2019, the very sharp and prayerful Cardinal Joseph Zen, Bishop Emeritus of Hong Kong, was interviewed by Raymond Arroyo on the World Over.  The interview is clear, frank and very helpful in understanding the truth about Catholics in China, and the consequences of the China-Vatican arrangement.  In case you missed it, we bring…

Religious Freedom is Good Business for All

Recent developments at the United Nations underscore the truth that religious freedom is not the preference of one religion over another.  It is not the random, personal preference of one government leader or party, nor of one political approach to problem-solving over another.  Not at all.  It is, rather, at the core of creating a…

Hong Kong Catholics Continue Fight for Freedom

Hong Kong Catholics Continue Fight for Freedom

NCRegister—Hong Kong Catholics have played an important role in the massive protests that have overtaken the city nearly every weekend since mid-June. At the height of the protests, crowds swelled to an estimated 2 million people, and violence erupted. Catholics have been at the forefront of the efforts to keep the protests peaceful, while also…

The Truth about What’s Going On in Hong Kong

The Truth about What’s Going On in Hong Kong

This short first-hand video says what 4-second news bytes in the U.S. don’t.  See for yourself how desperate is the fight for freedom in Hong Kong, these clips taken yesterday—August 13, 2019—in Hong Kong’s International airport.  Live proof, sadly, that all the Catholic and papal condemnations of communism throughout history are more than justified.  See…

Catholics march for peace in Hong Kong as unrest continues

Catholics march for peace in Hong Kong as unrest continues

13 Aug 2019—Protestors are at Hong Kong airport again today leading to another potential day of chaos. Large protests started in response to a proposed extradition bill, which has now been suspended, but have evolved into a more demanding pro-democracy movement. Meanwhile, over 1,000 Catholics have marched for peace in the city as mass unrest…

Communism v Catholicism: Religion is a big factor on Hong Kong’s streets

Communism v Catholicism: Religion is a big factor on Hong Kong’s streets

Less than 2 months ago, June 19, 2019, this article was posted in the South China Post—Hong Kong: Hong Kong chief executive Carrie Lam faced the public on Tuesday evening and apologized just days after two million people marched against her extradition bill, many of them calling for her resignation. But on Monday, Lam took…

Seal of confession is an ‘intrinsic requirement,’ Vatican says

Seal of confession is an ‘intrinsic requirement,’ Vatican says

The head of the Vatican’s Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Penitentiary released a note Monday reaffirming the inviolability of the seal of confession and the importance of other forms of secrecy in the life of the Church. The text follows action by governments in Australia, California, and other parts of the world, to undermine the…

Catholic leaders join massive Hong Kong protest

Catholic leaders join massive Hong Kong protest

New York Times—June 17, 2019—Church leaders attended another huge Hong Kong protest that called for the withdrawal of a controversial extradition bill and the resignation of the Chinese territory’s leader. Although chief executive Carrie Lam announced on June 15 that she had suspended the bill, Hong Kong people were not satisfied and turned out in even greater…

Religious freedom laws ‘more necessary than ever,’ Congress hears

Religious freedom laws ‘more necessary than ever,’ Congress hears

CNA—The House Committee on Education and Labor heard testimony June 25 on the Do No Harm Act, a proposed measure to limit the application of landmark religious freedom legislation.  The Do No Harm Act proposes to limit the application of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA). Critics of the measure warned Tuesday that tampering with…

Supreme Court returns case of florist who declined gay wedding to lower court

Supreme Court returns case of florist who declined gay wedding to lower court

ADF/CNA—The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday vacated a Washington state ruling against local florist Barronelle Stutzman, who in 2013 declined to make flower arrangements for a same-sex wedding. The U.S. Supreme Court sent the case back to the Washington Supreme Court, instructing that the case be reconsidered in the light of Masterpiece Cakeshop decision earlier…

Supreme Court gives second chance to Oregon cake bakers who declined same-sex wedding

Supreme Court gives second chance to Oregon cake bakers who declined same-sex wedding

CNA—An Oregon bakery whose owners declined to make a cake celebrating a same-sex commitment ceremony will get another chance in court, after the U.S. Supreme Court’s June 17 ruling ordered lower courts to reconsider a massive fine and other penalties in light of a similar Colorado case. “The Constitution protects speech, popular or not, from…

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