Everything you need to know about Purgatory, Indulgences and Praying for the Dead

Everything you need to know about Purgatory, Indulgences and Praying for the Dead

What is Purgatory? Culling directly from the Catechism of the Catholic Church and other documents, Wikipedia authors explain as follows: The Catholic Church holds that “all who die in God’s grace and friendship but still imperfectly purified” undergo the process of purification which the Church calls purgatory, “so as to achieve the holiness necessary to…

November 1-8: You Can Release Souls from Purgatory!!

November 1-8: You Can Release Souls from Purgatory!!

Do you want to make a real difference in the world, in your life, and be a super-hero “force for good” this week?  You can do it, in spades. And it’s not difficult! As a practicing Catholic, you can gain special indulgences for the faithful departed any time, but especially during the first eight days of…

Human Dignity and the Purpose of Capitalism

Human Dignity and the Purpose of Capitalism

In a recent First Things article titled “What is Economics For,” Senator Marco Rubio explains how the teachings of the Catholic Church on the dignity of work and workers can rebuild the American economy. Rubio begins his article by quoting Pope Leo XIII’s Rerum Novarum: “Work and working people have a fundamental dignity that all societies are bound to respect and…

How the Amazon Synod Turns Poverty Into a Utopian Ideal and Other Pan-Amazon Synod Reflections

How the Amazon Synod Turns Poverty Into a Utopian Ideal and Other Pan-Amazon Synod Reflections

(Catholic Business Journal may or may not agree fully with the opinions expressed in this article and those referenced at the end,  however we do believe these articles make very important points worth considering, especially by Catholic business leaders—See first article below and others at the end —ed.) Catholic doctrine teaches that both poverty and…

What Cardinal Newman can teach the modern world about freedom of conscience

What Cardinal Newman can teach the modern world about freedom of conscience

CNA—The writings of newly-canonized St. John Henry Newman offer important reflections for contemporary society on freedom of conscience and the duty to search for truth, said a leading figure in international religious freedom. “Newman prefigured the Church’s 1965 Declaration on Religious Freedom, Dignitatis Humanae,” said Thomas Farr, president of the Religious Freedom Institute. Farr, who…

University of California and Calif. State College Campuses now Mandated to become Abortion Providers and Referral Centers

University of California and Calif. State College Campuses now Mandated to become Abortion Providers and Referral Centers

Abortion is an ugly business—and big business it is indeed— yet California governor Gavin Newsom signed into law Friday a measure mandating that public universities to provide free access to medical abortions for students. CNA, CBJ—The law will take effect in 2023, and applies to the 34 campuses of the University of California and California…

Why America’s Birth Rate is Still Tanking: The Cost of Raising a Child and Lost Millennial Wealth

Why America’s Birth Rate is Still Tanking: The Cost of Raising a Child and Lost Millennial Wealth

It’s been 10 years since the Great Recession ended. Yet, despite robust economic growth and low employment over the past two years, births in the United States have continued to plummet. Before the Great Recession, the fertility rate—the number of children women have on average during their lifetimes—had been on the rise. But once the…

Worth Hearing: Bishop Emeritus of Hong Kong Cardinal Joseph Zen speaks clearly on China-Vatican arrangement

Worth Hearing: Bishop Emeritus of Hong Kong Cardinal Joseph Zen speaks clearly on China-Vatican arrangement

Earlier in 2019, the very sharp and prayerful Cardinal Joseph Zen, Bishop Emeritus of Hong Kong, was interviewed by Raymond Arroyo on the World Over.  The interview is clear, frank and very helpful in understanding the truth about Catholics in China, and the consequences of the China-Vatican arrangement.  In case you missed it, we bring…

Project Rachel founder to receive Evangelium Vitae Medal

Project Rachel founder to receive Evangelium Vitae Medal

South Bend, Ind., Oct 7, 2019 —CNA— The University of Notre Dame announced Sunday that Vicki Thorn will receive the 2020 Notre Dame Evangelium Vitae Medal in recognition of her pro-life efforts. Thorn, founder of Project Rachel and executive director of the National Office of Post-Abortion Reconciliation and Healing, will receive the award at an…

The Greatest Mass Murderer in History Turns 70

This week, the Chinese Communist Party commemorates 70 years of brutal, totalitarian repression of the suffering people of China.   It is fitting that the CCP has celebrated its big day October 1 with a massive military display, including the unveiling of the “Dongfeng-17,” a new, hypersonic nuclear missile believed to be capable of evading the anti-missile…

The Slaughter of Girls Continues in India

The Slaughter of Girls Continues in India

New PRI study find that Sex-Selective Abortion Kills 550,000 Girls Each Year—Nearly 550,000 unborn girls are killed in India every year by sex-selective abortion, a newly released report from the Population Research Institute (PRI) has found. The findings highlight the shocking extent to which girls in India—and other parts of the world—continue to be selectively…

Why Bernie Sanders’ ‘overpopulation’ theory is total bunk

Why Bernie Sanders’ ‘overpopulation’ theory is total bunk

We feel this article is important for Catholic business professionals because as president of the Population Research Institute and, long ago when he was a Stanford University grad student, as the first to break first-hand, boots-on-the-ground news of China’s shocking and brutal one-child policy, Catholic author Steven Mosher is particularly well-positioned to talk about themes…

United Nations: President Trump, Vatican Challenge World Leaders to Protect Human Life

United Nations: President Trump, Vatican Challenge World Leaders to Protect Human Life

New York City, N.Y., Sep 24, 2019-CNA—President Donald Trump and Vatican Secretary of State Pietro Parolin have challenged world leaders to protect unborn human life. Both leaders spoke at the United Nations in New York, as the body met for the 74th session of its General Assembly. On Tuesday, President Trump stated that “like many…

Religious Freedom is Good Business for All

Recent developments at the United Nations underscore the truth that religious freedom is not the preference of one religion over another.  It is not the random, personal preference of one government leader or party, nor of one political approach to problem-solving over another.  Not at all.  It is, rather, at the core of creating a…

‘Disgraceful injustice’: Thousands protest law to force abortion on N Ireland

‘Disgraceful injustice’: Thousands protest law to force abortion on N Ireland

Belfast, Northern Ireland—CNA—Tens of thousands of people took to the streets of Belfast on Saturday to protest against the impending legalization of abortion in Northern Ireland. Pro-life advocates told CNA that they fear the proposed changes in the province could be used to legalize abortion on demand throughout the entirety of the United Kingdom. The…

We are the Pro Life Generation and We will Abolish Abortion

We are the Pro Life Generation and We will Abolish Abortion

Students for Life has a bold mission.  We at Catholic Business Journal believe they can achieve it!  Here’s why.  From the very beginning, this student pro-life organization seemed different.  Their communication methods are aggressive, fresh and modern.  Their messages have been, and continue to be, consistent, actionable and clear. Their commentary has always been spot-on,…

‘If we are spiritually sterile, we will have no future,’ bishop tells Ruthenian eparchy

‘If we are spiritually sterile, we will have no future,’ bishop tells Ruthenian eparchy

This bishop is inspiring and practical! – CBJ ed.   CNA—In many ways the Ruthenian Eparchy of Parma, a local Church of the Byzantine rite in the midwestern United States, faces the same problems as the Church throughout the world: shrinking and aging parishes, fallout from scandals, financial strain. But they feel them perhaps all the…

Pope Francis condemns euthanasia as utilitarianism, not freedom

Pope Francis condemns euthanasia as utilitarianism, not freedom

Vatican City, Sep 2, 2019 / 07:13 am (CNA) – Euthanasia is a way of treating the human person as an object; while it may appear to give freedom, it is really a rejection of hope, Pope Francis told an oncology association Sept. 2. “The practice of euthanasia, which has already been legalized in several…

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