Sri Lanka Bombings: Why Big Media used term ‘Easter Worshipper’ and Why it matters

Sri Lanka Bombings: Why Big Media used term ‘Easter Worshipper’ and Why it matters

Daily Wire—I have been a Christian all my life and if I’ve ever heard the term “Easter worshipper,” or something like it, it would have been in reference to Christians who only go to church on Christmas and Easter. Generally we call those types “Christmas and Easter Christians” or “CEOs” (Christmas and Easter Only). But…

Keepers of the Faith and Culture

Keepers of the Faith and Culture

We sure live in perplexing times.  I think we will make it through, barely…. sometimes crawling and clinging, God willing, we will get to the finish line, dusty but intact. I worry deeply about my grandson’s generation and those following, who will have only grown up in a society where relationship to and confidence in…

Court rules against Catholic foster agency in Philadelphia

Court rules against Catholic foster agency in Philadelphia

CNA—After a yearlong legal struggle, a federal appeals court has ruled that city contractors in Philadelphia must place foster children with same-sex couples, a ruling that threatens the future of the local Catholic archdiocese’s foster placement program. “We’re disappointed that the court decided to let the city place politics above the needs of kids and…

Ohio Passes Heartbeat Bill: New Law Bans Abortion from the Moment a Heartbeat can be Detected

Ohio Passes Heartbeat Bill: New Law Bans Abortion from the Moment a Heartbeat can be Detected

Last Thursday, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine signed the Human Rights and Heartbeat Protection Act (S.B. 23) into law. The new law prohibits doctors from performing an abortion if a heartbeat can be detected, except in cases to save the life of the mother or to prevent the “substantial and irreversible impairment of a major bodily…

Former Abortionist Stops Abortions After Daughter Dies

Former Abortionist Stops Abortions After Daughter Dies

LiveAction—Dr. Anthony Levatino, the former abortionist featured in Live Action’s Abortion Procedures videos, played the role of an abortionist in the “Unplanned” film. Dr. Levatino says he committed more than 1200 abortions, but stopped committing them after his adopted daughter passed away. One day, he had a sort of awakening about what he was really…

Nearly 100 abortion workers seek help to leave jobs after seeing ‘Unplanned’

Nearly 100 abortion workers seek help to leave jobs after seeing ‘Unplanned’

As reported by LiveAction, filmmakers for “Unplanned,” the new movie about the pro-life conversion of former Planned Parenthood facility director Abby Johnson, have announced that since the release of the movie, approximately 100 abortion workers have reached out, seeking to leave the abortion industry. At the end of the film, there is contact information for…

Benedict’s Essay: The Voice of a True Father

Benedict’s Essay: The Voice of a True Father

Crisis—Why the uproar from some Catholic pundits regarding the recently released essay on the abuse crisis from Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI? I think it’s pretty simple—regardless of what else one thinks of Benedict (and most of the critics were never fans of his), he speaks and writes with a voice that is truly paternal. The…

U.S. Supreme Court Overturns Conviction of Veteran Fined and Jailed for Digging Ponds on his Rural Montana Property

U.S. Supreme Court Overturns Conviction of Veteran Fined and Jailed for Digging Ponds on his Rural Montana Property

Judicial Watch announced today that the Supreme Court of the United States has overturned a lower court decision affirming the conviction of Joseph Robertson, a 78-year-old veteran now deceased who was sentenced to prison for digging ditches on his rural Montana property to protect the area surrounding his home from wildfires. Judicial Watch had filed an amicus curiae brief jointly with…

Four U.S. states advance abortion bans, conscience protections, and more pro-life measures

Four U.S. states advance abortion bans, conscience protections, and more pro-life measures

LifeSiteNews—A variety of pro-life measures continued to advance this week through the legislatures of Alabama, Indiana, South Carolina, and Texas, continuing a trend of state-level proactivity that has frustrated pro-abortion activists uncertain of Roe v. Wade’s future. Introduces in the Alabama House on Tuesday, the Alabama Human Life Protection Act bans abortion for any reason…

UNPLANNED: New movie tells story of abortion clinic worker turned pro-life advocate, See Trailer

UNPLANNED: New movie tells story of abortion clinic worker turned pro-life advocate, See Trailer

CNA—A movie chronicling the conversion of a former Planned Parenthood clinic director who became a pro-life advocate will be released in theaters nationwide on March 29. A trailer for the film Unplanned, which tells the story of Abby Johnson, was released on Thursday.   Based off Johnson’s book of the same name, Unplanned recounts her…

Heartbeat Bills Gaining Momentum, Could They Prompt Overturn Roe vs Wade?

Heartbeat Bills Gaining Momentum, Could They Prompt Overturn Roe vs Wade?

With a new conservative majority on the Supreme Court, several states this year have seized on the opportunity to advance pro-life legislation aiming to overturn Roe v. Wade. One type of pro-life legislation in particular is increasingly gaining momentum on the state level—heartbeat bills which ban abortion from the moment an unborn child’s heartbeat can…

Can’t Make This Up: Catholic Journalist in Britain targeted for allegedly “misgendering” (the truth is jaw-dropping, unimaginable)

Can’t Make This Up: Catholic Journalist in Britain targeted for allegedly “misgendering” (the truth is jaw-dropping, unimaginable)

Imagine reading in history books that there was a once a civilization in which mothers would castrate their teenage sons in the name of transgender identity, would be praised for imposing such a permanent, life-altering action on their child, and would publicly share details of the entire ordeal and promote its benefits.  Just a few…

Trump Administration Stops Backdoor Funding to Foreign Organizations that Perform Abortion

Trump Administration Stops Backdoor Funding to Foreign Organizations that Perform Abortion

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, in a press briefing yesterday, announced the Trump administration is expanding the Mexico City Policy to stop backdoor funding to pro-abortion organizations. Under the new expanded policy, foreign NGOs receiving U.S. foreign health assistance will be prohibited from providing funding to any other foreign NGOs that perform or promote…

Whistleblower leaks from Google ‘diversity training’ workbook: gender ‘socially constructed’

Whistleblower leaks from Google ‘diversity training’ workbook: gender ‘socially constructed’

LifeSiteNews—The Google employee who recently shed light on multiple aspects of the internet giant’s liberal leanings is back with another example, this time leaking two pages he says are from the company’s ideologically charged “diversity training” materials. Mike Wacker is a Google software engineer LifeSiteNews covered earlier this month for a series of tweets in…

Our Future, Our Hope: Hear Chicago Youth Honor Unborn in Take-Your-Breath-Way Song at State Capitol…

Our Future, Our Hope: Hear Chicago Youth Honor Unborn in Take-Your-Breath-Way Song at State Capitol…

Did you hear this on the news? We sure didn’t!  Amid the 2019 headline-grabbing, increasingly rabid, unabashed and unrestrained national and local campaigns  against unborn babies,  not to mention against their mothers and fathers who will suffer the rest of their lives for agreeing to such horror, it only seems appropriate to recall with tears…

Europe Fed-Up:  Migrant Muslim “Welcome Mat” Shut Down in  Austria, Italy and More

Europe Fed-Up: Migrant Muslim “Welcome Mat” Shut Down in Austria, Italy and More

The unrestrained migration of hundreds of thousands of mostly Muslim immigrants into European countries the last few years—most notably in Germany, where German Chancellor Angela Merkel allowed more than a million Syrian refugees to pour into the country’s cities and towns, but also in other European countries—seems to have come to an abrupt about-face.  This…

No Parade for NY Catholic Senator who backed NY abortion law

No Parade for NY Catholic Senator who backed NY abortion law

CNA—Controversy over a New York abortion bill resulted in a rebuke for a state senator who has been disinvited from a Huntington, N.Y. Irish-American Catholic group’s St. Patrick’s Day festivities and asked to resign as a member due to his vote for the legislation. Monsignor Steven R. Camp, chaplain of the Ancient Order of Hibernians’…

Born-Alive Abortion Survivors bill fails to beat Senate filibuster

Born-Alive Abortion Survivors bill fails to beat Senate filibuster

CNA—The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act has failed to achieve the 60 votes necessary to invoke cloture and bring the legislation forward. The Senate voted of 53 to 44 to invoke cloture on Monday, but fell short of the two-thirds majority needed to halt a filibuster by Democratic senators. The vote was almost entirely on…

U.S. bishops react to McCarrick Laicization

U.S. bishops react to McCarrick Laicization

CNA—Bishops from across the United States have reacted to the news that Theodore McCarrick has been found guilty of sexual abuse and expelled from the clerical state. The disgraced former cardinal and archbishop of Washington and Newark was found guilty in a Vatican decision announced Saturday. A Vatican administrative penal process concluded that McCarrick had…

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