Orange County Catholic—What are the riches of the Golden State? California’s beauty, landscapes, diversity, industry and influence are unparalleled. It is the fifth largest economy in the world. And paramount among all this beauty is the inestimable value of each and every human life. Our state is amid a record two-year budget surplus. Proposals are…

Sister Faustina and Divine Mercy

Sister Faustina and Divine Mercy

The video below is—by far—the most powerful, yet simply delivered, talk on Sister Faustina and Image of Divine Mercy ever.  It was delivered during the Jubilee Year of Mercy, by Sr. Gaudia Skass of the Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy — the same congregation to which Sister Faustina belonged.  Sr. Guadia…

Recap of Top Pro-Life News: Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and More

Recap of Top Pro-Life News: Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and More

Pro-life news recap: Oklahoma Gov Kevin Stitt Signs Abortion Ban That Will Save 4,000 Unborn Babies A Year                     Joe Biden, a self-proclaimed Catholic, Calls Killing Babies a “Constitutional Right”   Lynn Vincent on ‘Lawless,’ the Truth about the Terri Schiavo Case, and Why Terri Still…

The Unending Passion of Persecuted Catholics in Muslim Lands

The Unending Passion of Persecuted Catholics in Muslim Lands

Crisis—For Catholics around the world, this week is Holy Week: that time where we commemorate Jesus’ final days in Jerusalem, marked by betrayal, false accusations, ignominious suffering, and ultimately death. It is a time for prayer, personal reflection, and penance, that we might spiritually commune with our Lord Jesus Christ in His Passion. For those…

Judie Brown of American Life League succinctly NAILS IT regarding today’s culture, media reports and 115 aborted babies found in D.C.

Judie Brown of American Life League succinctly NAILS IT regarding today’s culture, media reports and 115 aborted babies found in D.C.

“The tragedy of the bodies of 115 babies being found at an abortuary in Washington, DC, is that, as with most news coverage, the individuals who were slaughtered never make the headlines. News reports, if you can find them, say things such as “115 Aborted Fetuses Allegedly Intercepted by Anti-Abortion Activists” or “Lauren Handy Claims…

GOD BLESS THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS, especially in Poland and Ukraine: What they are doing is Amazing!

GOD BLESS THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS, especially in Poland and Ukraine: What they are doing is Amazing!

Tears well up as we watch the short video below. While mainstream news, other news outlets, pundits, historians and “experts” of every stripe and perspective flood the airwaves and internet regarding the nightmare unfolding in Ukraine, the Knights of Columbus took—and are taking—strategic and meaningful action, quickly. Here is the story—culled from Catholic News Agency’s…

Keep Your Eyes on Poland

Keep Your Eyes on Poland

Crisis—As the world watches Ukraine right now, keep your eyes on Poland.  Poland has had a special place in the history of the last 100 years, from turning back Russian communists at the Miracle on the Vistula in 1920 onward through World War II and the Cold War. I call Poland “the fulcrum.” Critical events…

Invitation to Join Ukrainian Catholic Students in prayer for peace on Ash Wednesday-in English!

Invitation to Join Ukrainian Catholic Students in prayer for peace on Ash Wednesday-in English!

Dear Friends of UCU around the world! Pope Francis has called on everyone to organize a Day of Prayer and Fasting for Peace in Ukraine tomorrow on March 2, Ash Wednesday. On this day we all can share the sufferings of the Ukrainian people, to make everyone feel like brothers and sisters and to pray…

Interview on Ukraine Crisis with Ukrainian Catholic priest Fr. Mark Morozowich, Dean of School of Theology and Religious Studies at Catholic University of America

Interview on Ukraine Crisis with Ukrainian Catholic priest Fr. Mark Morozowich, Dean of School of Theology and Religious Studies at Catholic University of America

The following is a CNA interview with Fr. Mark Morozowich, a priest for the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of St. Josaphat in Parma, Ohio. The Pennsylvania native is currently serving as dean of the School of Theology and Religious Studies at the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. CNA—A Ukrainian Catholic priest who is the…

With Rosaries, Sandwiches, Food and Shelter, Ukrainian nuns help—‘They pray all day long’: daily helping people in need amid the Ukraine conflict

With Rosaries, Sandwiches, Food and Shelter, Ukrainian nuns help—‘They pray all day long’: daily helping people in need amid the Ukraine conflict

CNA—For Sister Franciszka Tumanevych, the first day of the full-scale Russian invasion was the most difficult. The 42-year-old member of the Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth told CNA that fear spread in Zhytomyr, the northern Ukrainian city where her convent is based, when Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered his forces to attack on…

Ukraine conflict: Bomb hits Catholic diocese’s headquarters

Ukraine conflict: Bomb hits Catholic diocese’s headquarters

A bomb struck the headquarters of a Catholic diocese on Tuesday in the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv. Forty people were sheltering in the basement of the diocesan chancery when the bomb landed on March 1, but no injuries were reported, the Italian news agency SIR said. UKRAINE LATEST 🇺🇦 The building of the Curia of…

Ukrainian Catholic bishop shelters with Orthodox counterpart in besieged city

Ukrainian Catholic bishop shelters with Orthodox counterpart in besieged city

ACN, CNA—According to Aid to the Church in Need (ACN), a Ukrainian Catholic bishop is sheltering with his Orthodox counterpart in the besieged city of Kharkiv. ACN reported on Feb. 28 that Bishop Pavlo Honcharuk (featured in photo), the Latin Rite bishop of Kharkiv-Zaporizhia, had “spent the past days in a bunker with several families,…

UNDERSTANDING UKRAINE: From Soviet Underground to the Revolution of Dignity

UNDERSTANDING UKRAINE: From Soviet Underground to the Revolution of Dignity

Understanding Ukraine.  At a previous Napa Institute event, attendees listened to Myroslav Marynovych, Vice Rector at the Ukrainian Catholic University, on his talk, From Soviet Underground to the Revolution of Dignity.  Click the link below to watch this stirring speech.

Ukrainian Catholic University students take shelter as air raid sirens sound

Ukrainian Catholic University students take shelter as air raid sirens sound

Ukrainian Catholic University students hid in a shelter Friday morning, Feb. 25, 2022, as air raid sirens sounded in Lviv, in western Ukraine. Father Bogdan Prach, the rector of the Catholic university, appealed for support from the global academic community as Russian troops advanced on Ukraine’s capital, Kyiv, about 300 miles to the east. “This…

Catholic prelates implore Senate not to support the radical “Women’s Health Protection Act”

Catholic prelates implore Senate not to support the radical “Women’s Health Protection Act”

NRL News—Two U.S. bishops’ conference chairmen– Archbishop William Lori of Baltimore and Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York—have sent a letter to the Senate ahead of its vote next week on the Women’s Health Protection Act (WHPA) strongly urging the lawmakers not to support the bill. H.R. 3755 has already passed the House on September…

Nurse Who Was Fired Because She is Pro-Life Wins $374,000 in Court

Nurse Who Was Fired Because She is Pro-Life Wins $374,000 in Court

Lifesite News—A pro-life Illinois nurse who was fired after refusing to refer mothers for abortions won her case in court this week and has been awarded $374,000 in damages and attorney fees. A local court in Illinois ruled that Sandra Mendoza Rojas, of Rockford, should not have been fired from the Winnebago County Health Clinic…

Pope Francis said on Wednesday that the dying need palliative care, not euthanasia or assisted suicide.

Pope Francis said on Wednesday that the dying need palliative care, not euthanasia or assisted suicide.

CNA—At his general audience in the Vatican’s Paul VI Hall on Feb. 9, the pope said that this ethical principle was valid not only for Christians but for everyone. He expressed gratitude for palliative care, which seeks to improve the quality of life of people suffering from severe illnesses. “However, we must be careful not…

Full text: Benedict XVI’s letter in response to the Munich abuse report

Full text: Benedict XVI’s letter in response to the Munich abuse report

The following is the full text of a letter by Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI addressing the report on abuse in the Archdiocese of Munich-Freising. This English translation of the original German text was released by the Vatican on Feb. 8, 2022.   Dear Sisters and Brothers, Following the presentation of the report on abuse in…

Fired nurse practitioner charges CVS Pharmacy with religious discrimination

Fired nurse practitioner charges CVS Pharmacy with religious discrimination

CNA—A Christian nurse practitioner formerly employed at a CVS Pharmacy in Texas has filed a discrimination complaint, saying that the company illegally discriminated against her on the basis of her religious beliefs against contraception and pressured her to change her beliefs. Robyn Strader, 72, was a nurse practitioner at the CVS Pharmacy MinuteClinic in the…

A Night with the Untouchables

A Night with the Untouchables

I live in downtown Ottawa, right in the middle of the trucker convoy protest. They are literally camped out below my bedroom window. My new neighbours moved in on Friday and they seem determined to stay. I have read a lot about what my new neighbours are supposedly like, mostly from reporters and columnists who…

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