Common Sense and Candor? Four Hopes for the USCCB Meeting in November

Common Sense and Candor? Four Hopes for the USCCB Meeting in November

NCRegister—The victims of this abuse, and all those scandalized by it, deserve the bishops’ very best efforts — Like many in the Church from both the clergy and laity, I am increasingly shocked by the depths of the crisis before us. Every day seems to bring forth new allegations of sexual immorality or the cover-up…

Three Fundamental Laws of Success in Financial Management

Three Fundamental Laws of Success in Financial Management

For those struggling entrepreneurs whose abundant talents and passion don’t include much, if any, financial background, here is a Forbes article that delivers a clear, simple strategy for financial success. As simple as it gets! -ed.  Everyone knows how to be healthy:  Eat Right, Exercise, and maintain positive mental health (sleep, stress, etc.).  Very few…

Baltimore Orioles, CRS send meals to drought-stricken Burkina Faso

Baltimore Orioles, CRS send meals to drought-stricken Burkina Faso

CNA—The Baltimore Orioles teamed up with Catholic Relief Services last weekend to help feed the hungry in Burkina Faso. Members of the Baltimore baseball team were among hundreds of volunteers at Catholic Relief Services’ Helping Hands program on Sunday. Participants gathered in a warehouse at Oriole Park and Camden Yards to assemble food packages for…

Americans United for Life Issues Statement on Reluctant 11th Circuit Upholds Injunction Against Alabama Abortion Law

Americans United for Life Issues Statement on Reluctant 11th Circuit Upholds Injunction Against Alabama Abortion Law

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senior Counsel for the leading pro-life advocacy group Americans United for Life (AUL), Clarke Forsythe, has issued the following statement: “The Eleventh Circuit’s decision yesterday striking down the Alabama prohibition on dismemberment abortion was disappointing but not unexpected, given the Supreme Court’s 2016 abortion decision that gave little room for the States to protect maternal health or the unborn child from…

Why Ireland Voted to Annihilate Its Future, Literally

Why Ireland Voted to Annihilate Its Future, Literally

Crisis Magazine— …. On Friday, May 25, 2018, the citizens of the Irish Republic voted to remove the Eighth Amendment of the Irish Constitution, Article 40.3.3. On a turnout of just over 64 percent of the electorate, 66.4 per cent voted for repeal of the Eight Amendment while 33.6 percent opposed it. This voting pattern,…

Your Chance to Change the Course of History Now

Your Chance to Change the Course of History Now

Crisis Magazine—I dare say that most people who have read history would like to think that if they had been present at some pivotal point in history, they would have chosen the right side—with the Allies and against the Axis, with Wilberforce and against the slave traders, with the Romans and against the child-sacrificing Carthaginians.…

Pope Francis says Church Has More Martyrs Today Than in First Centuries

Pope Francis says Church Has More Martyrs Today Than in First Centuries

Christian Post—Despite the chronicle of horrific deaths suffered by early Christians during the vaunted “Age of Martyrs” Pope Francis said on the Feast of St. Stephen last year that the church has more martyrs today than the early church did.  His words bear repeating today. In remarks to thousands of pilgrims who had gathered in…

Largest fire in CA history claims another life: Fire Battalion Chief Matthew Burchett

Largest fire in CA history claims another life: Fire Battalion Chief Matthew Burchett

California fires claim yet another life, that of Fire Battalion Chief Matthew Burchett, a more than 20-year firefighter veteran who traveled with a crew from Utah to join a record number of firefighters from California and other states to battle California’s wildfires this summer.  As if the upheaval and shock of fleeing one’s home with…

Planned Parenthood vs. State of Ohio

Planned Parenthood vs. State of Ohio

Judge Kavanaugh’s fall confirmation is rapidly approaching, reigniting the conversation around abortion making groups like Planned Parenthood nervous. In Ohio, a critical court battle is underway that may well make its way to the Supreme Court, and could prove an early test for a newly-minted Justice Kavanaugh. The Ohio case questions Planned Parenthood’s access to…

Child Survives Failed Abortion, Mom Learns Truth More than 30 Years Later

Child Survives Failed Abortion, Mom Learns Truth More than 30 Years Later

(BBC) When Melissa Ohden was 14 she learned a shocking secret – her mother had tried to abort her. She was saved by a nurse who heard her crying as she lay among medical waste at a US hospital. This is the story of her survival, and of the mother who thought she was dead.…

Unique Ethics and Professionalism course for priests: Seton Hall Seminarian Accepted to Groundbreaking Program for Future Religious Leaders

Unique Ethics and Professionalism course for priests: Seton Hall Seminarian Accepted to Groundbreaking Program for Future Religious Leaders

Deacon Andrew J. DeSilva, a seminarian who completed his fourth year theology at Immaculate Conception Seminary at Seton Hall University and a resident of Westfield, NJ, is one of 13 seminary and divinity school students and early-career clergy chosen for the 2018 Seminary Program of the Fellowships at Auschwitz for the Study of Professional Ethics…

MARCH FOR LIFE 2018: Catholic Colleges Converge on D.C. for Annual Pro-life Event

MARCH FOR LIFE 2018: Catholic Colleges Converge on D.C. for Annual Pro-life Event

WASHINGTON, D.C.  (CNA/EWTN News)—The 45th annual March for Life will take place in Washington, D.C. on Jan. 19, and hundreds of thousands of people are expected to attend. Many of the marchers will be students from Catholic universities, who will, in some cases, skip class to march for an end to abortion. Here are some of…

Non-profit Organization President Defies Public Perception of Down Syndrome

Non-profit Organization President Defies Public Perception of Down Syndrome

LOS ANGELES (CNA/EWTN News)—Karen Gaffney (pictured left) has swum the English Channel, is the president of a global non-profit, and has an honorary doctorate.  She’ll share her story in Los Angeles this Saturday, at an annual event designed to celebrate human dignity. She’ll also share the obstacles she’s had to overcome. “You see, I have Down syndrome,…

OCTOBER REMINDER: This Month Devoted to Rosary and Innocent Life

OCTOBER REMINDER: This Month Devoted to Rosary and Innocent Life

The month of October is traditionally dedicated to Respect Life and to the Most Holy Rosary. We Catholics see an essential connection between honoring Our Most Blessed Mother, Mother of God and Mother of the Church, and praying for an end to the intrinsic evils of abortion, euthanasia, artificial contraception and racism. Of course, it…

China’s coercive population control policy turns 37 this week

China’s coercive population control policy turns 37 this week

By Reggie Littlejohn   WASHINGTON, D.C.—China’s coercive population control policy turns 37 this week (September 25).  The news media touted the Two Child Policy as having “abandoned,” “ended” or “ditched” the One Child Policy.  However, forced abortion, involuntary sterilization, the monitoring of women’s menstrual cycles, and the sex-selective abortion of baby girls continue.   Over…



The “Christ Brings Hope” Award is an award presented by Relevant Radio to an American Catholic who has worked with extraordinary dedication to bring the good news and hope of Christ to all souls.  This person exemplifies the virtues of charity, generosity, hope, apostolic zeal, and love for the Truth.

How Ethics Benefits Corporate Profits

Just as strong ethics are necessary for beneficial relationships with friends and family, so they are vital for driving a company’s long-term financial performance. A company’s strong ethical culture equates with honesty, respect for employees, clients and shareholders alike.

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