Catholic Businessmen and Women on their Knees in October…Find out Why…

Catholic Businessmen and Women on their Knees in October…Find out Why…

Catholic business owners and Catholic business professionals at all levels—including the Catholic Medical Association, Legatus International, Catholics@Work (Oakland), Catholic business owners and Catholic business professionals at all levels—including the members of Catholics@Work (Oakland), Catholics at Work OC (Orange County), Catholic Professional & Business Club (Reno, NV), many Catholic lawyers and judges nationwide at St. Thomas…

“Dr. Death” Kevorkian Dies, Deadly Legacy Lives On

“Dr. Death” Kevorkian Dies, Deadly Legacy Lives On

The Archdiocese of Detroit quickly posted a Kevorkian leaves ‘deadly legacy’

America Quiet on the Execution of Afghan Christian Said Musa

America Quiet on the Execution of Afghan Christian Said Musa

Hudson Institute — A terrible drama is unfolding in Afghanistan: There are reports that Said Musa, whose situation I described at Christmas, will soon be executed for the ‘crime’ of choosing to become a Christian. (For background, see here.) Musa was one of about 25 Christians arrested on May 31, 2010, after a May 27 Noorin…

CATHOLIC BUSINESS PROFILE & INSPIRATION: Learn what made Abby Johnson walk away from a lucrative career?

CATHOLIC BUSINESS PROFILE & INSPIRATION: Learn what made Abby Johnson walk away from a lucrative career?

Last week, along with 20,403 participants on the webcast, I “met” Abby Johnson, the young rising star at Planned Parenthood who made CNN headlines when she quit her job.  Here’s her story. On October 6, 2009, Abby resigned from Planned Parenthood in Bryan College Station, Texas.  Keep in mind, Abby was being groomed to be…

Nearly 100 Catholic business professionals make Consecration New Year’s Day!

Nearly 100 Catholic business professionals make Consecration New Year’s Day!

Nearly 100 Catholic business professionals, from all across the U.S. and several from Canada, made St. Louis de Montfort’s Consecration to Jesus through Mary on the Feast of the Solemnity of Mary, January 1, 2010.  Imagine how these individuals will impact their workplace, companies, families, and their other spheres of influence over the course of…

The Principles of Microfinance: Changing, Saving lives!

The Principles of Microfinance: Changing, Saving lives!

by Marc D’Silva  Empowering Women through Microfinance One Billion People Struggle to Survive on Less than a Dollar a Day Imagine trying to get through the day without spending more than one dollar.  No latte.  No newspaper.  No taxi.  Most of us living in the United States will never have to face such a daunting…

Powerful new report from World Economic Forum

Powerful new report from World Economic Forum

The following article was published by C-Fam (Catholic Family & Human Rights Institute).  Because of the profound effects of abortion laws on our culture, our businesses and our societal sense of values and ethics, this powerful new report from the World Economic Forum is extremely useful and eye-opening.  In summary, the report gives statistical fact…

Saint Padre Pio on The Immaculate Conception

Saint Padre Pio on The Immaculate Conception

The Three Divine Persons imbue this sublime creature with all her privileges, her favors, and her graces, and with all of her holiness.  The Eternal Father created her pure and immaculate and is well pleased in her for she is the worthy dwelling of his only Son. Through the generating of his Son in his…

Religious sisters to distribute Christmas parcels in impoverished northern Iraq

Religious sisters to distribute Christmas parcels in impoverished northern Iraq

Unbeknownst to many it seems, there are less than 420,000 Chaldean Catholics in Iraq, which equals 1.7 percent of Iraq’s total population. The Church in Iraq has suffered greatly at the hands of radical Islamic violence including the murder of priests such as Father Ragheed Aziz Ganni and two subdeacons on June 3, 2007 and…

Pope Benedict XVI cautions against dangers of Marxist liberation theology

Pope Benedict XVI cautions against dangers of Marxist liberation theology

Vatican City, Dec 7, 2009 / 11:42 am (CNA).- In a meeting with a group of Brazilian bishops on Saturday, the Holy Father warned of the dangers of Marxist liberation theology and noted its grave consequences for ecclesial communities. During the ad limina visit, the Pope recalled that “last August marked 25 years since the…

Your action needed: Healthcare Bill back in Senate

Your action needed: Healthcare Bill back in Senate

The mad, relentless, reckless, crazed and frenetic race to force U.S. citizens to live without healthcare choice and instead to live within the tight constraints of an ill-conceived, hastily patched together, undebated, unevaluated, nationalized, government-owned and managed healthcare system continues on at breakneck speed. A Quick Recap The U.S. Catholic Conference of Bishops and numerous…

Planned Parenthood Director Quits After Change of Heart

Planned Parenthood Director Quits After Change of Heart

Bryan, TX ( — The director of a Texas-based Planned Parenthood has resigned her position saying that she has had a change of heart on abortion. The development highlights the powerful results ultrasounds have in convincing people of the humanity of the unborn child and the need to oppose abortions.. Abby Johnson (pictured above)  had been…

Powerful Reality & Prayers: The Holy Souls in Purgatory!

Powerful Reality & Prayers: The Holy Souls in Purgatory!

November 2, All Souls Day, the one day in the calendar year that we Catholics pay special attention to critical need to pray for the Holy Souls in Purgatory.  On this day, all Masses are offered for the Holy Souls in Purgatory, and it remains a Holy Day of Obligation. To supplement what we hear…

Healthcare and Bishops Plea to Laity: Act Now; Our Catholic Duty for Posterity

Healthcare and Bishops Plea to Laity: Act Now; Our Catholic Duty for Posterity

“The only think necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” —English philosopher Edmund Burke The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) issued a nationwide bulletin insert this Sunday.  The message was clear:  Tell Congress to remove Abortion Funding and Mandates from the health care reform measures. Currently, all…

Breaking News: Rome Opens Door to Anglicans

Breaking News: Rome Opens Door to Anglicans

In an unprecedented and carefully coordinated simultaneously timed announcement from both Rome and London, the Vatican opened its doors in a wide embrace of Anglican laity, priests and bishops who wish to enter into full communion with the Roman Catholic Church.  The official release from the Vatican, with Catholic Business Journal editorial highlights and subheads…

Pro-Life Leaders Representing 170 Nations Praise Bishops Who Withheld Funds from Development and Peace

Pro-Life Leaders Representing 170 Nations Praise Bishops Who Withheld Funds from Development and Peace

by John-Henry Westen OTTAWA, October 13, 2009 ( – As the Bishops of Canada prepare to meet for their annual Plenary Assembly in Cornwall Ontario later this month, the International Right to Life Federation (IRTL) has written the bishops a letter regarding the recent controversy over the international development arm of the Conference – the…

Catholics for the Common Good Organization Laments CA Governor Latest Undermining of Marriage

Catholics for the Common Good Organization Laments CA Governor Latest Undermining of Marriage

CA Governor Signs Bill Recognizing Out-of-State Same Sex “Marriages” by Bill May Late Sunday night, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger further undermined marriage and the family in California by signing SB 54, a bill to recognize same-sex “marriages” in California that were performed in other states or countries. With the Governor’s signature, out-of-state same-sex “marriages” performed prior…

Senate Committee Moves Forward Healthcare: Bishops Objections Steady

Senate Committee Moves Forward Healthcare: Bishops Objections Steady

WASHINGTON DC, October 13, 2009, 3:25pm EST —  Minutes ago, the U.S. Senate Finance Committee approved the latest in a series of Congressional healthcare bills aimed at ultimately fulfilling Barak Obama’s fierce and public determination to institute a national health care plan by year’s end. Today’s bill passed on strict partisan lines with the exception…

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