Inside Reach 871, A US C-17 Packed With 640 Afghans Trying to Escape the Taliban

Inside Reach 871, A US C-17 Packed With 640 Afghans Trying to Escape the Taliban

Defense One—The Air Force evacuation flight from Kabul to Qatar came near the record for most people ever flown in the Boeing airlifter. A U.S. Air Force C-17 Globemaster III safely evacuated some 640 Afghans from Kabul late Sunday, according to U.S. defense officials and photos obtained by Defense One. That’s believed to be among the…

Taliban forges ahead with Afghanistan take over, Russia and China watch and plot in the wings

Taliban forges ahead with Afghanistan take over, Russia and China watch and plot in the wings

ObserverDesk—In the meantime, while the withdrawal is taking place, Taliban has already seized the country’s half of the 34 provincial capitals of the country, including Kandahar and Herat. And they were last reported to be in Logar, which is only a few miles away from Kabul. The former President, Donald Trump is furious over this…

I’m a woman journalist who has lived in Afghanistan for eight years. Now I’m helping evacuate citizens, and the horror show I’ve witnessed will stay with me for life.

I’m a woman journalist who has lived in Afghanistan for eight years. Now I’m helping evacuate citizens, and the horror show I’ve witnessed will stay with me for life.

…I am talking to Afghans from all over the country who are sharing terrifying stories of what the Taliban are doing in their cities. In Kandahar, they are executing people who they see as opposition on the streets. In Takhar and Samangan, they have cut off the limbs of those who they accused of being…

Terror in Afghanistan as people desperate to flee Taliban take-over

Terror in Afghanistan as people desperate to flee Taliban take-over

With the fall of Kabal to Taliban terrorists yesterday, the stakes couldn’t be higher in Afghanistan, especially for women and children who are particularly vulnerable to Taliban violence and abuse as a tool of aggression, manipulation, fear and terror. Mid-afternoon today, Biden unapologetically defended his decision to withdraw troops from Afghanistan, putting blame on the…

University Defends Aborting More Black Babies for Body Parts for Research: It’s to Foster the “Inclusion of Minorities”

University Defends Aborting More Black Babies for Body Parts for Research: It’s to Foster the “Inclusion of Minorities”

Lifesite—The University of Pittsburgh is defending newly exposed documents showing that it sets racial quotas for the aborted babies whose organs are harvested for scientific research. Earlier this week, Judicial Watch and the Center for Medical Progress discovered that the university has racial targets for the organs it harvests from aborted babies in documents they obtained from a Freedom of Information…

‘Abortion is not health care’: Members of Congress speak out against proposed abortion billing rule

‘Abortion is not health care’: Members of Congress speak out against proposed abortion billing rule

CNA—More than 25 Republican senators wrote to the Biden administration this week warning that a proposed rule would allow federal dollars to subsidize abortion coverage. “Abortion is not health care, and American taxpayers should not be forced to subsidize it,” the senators said in the letter. The members included Sens. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), Cindy Hyde-Smith…

Regardless of Party, This affects us All:  Congressman Roy from Texas Minces No Words as he Passionately Exposes the REALITY of what’s going on in Congress right now

Regardless of Party, This affects us All: Congressman Roy from Texas Minces No Words as he Passionately Exposes the REALITY of what’s going on in Congress right now

Forbes—Yesterday on the House floor, Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) laced into Speaker Pelosi over a new mask mandate for the House of Representatives.  CBJ— In his short, pithy comments, Congressman Roy lifted the veil on the staggering hypocrasy—”sham” he called it— of what’s happening on our southern border—with an avalanche of Covid-infected illegals pouring over…

Hyde Amendment Falls in House, What will U.S. Senate do?

Hyde Amendment Falls in House, What will U.S. Senate do?

Lifesite News—House Democrats passed the first bill ever to eliminate the Hyde Amendment and force Americans to fund the killing of unborn babies in abortions. On a 219-208 vote, Nancy Pelosi and House Democrats passed spending bills that, unless blocked by the Senate, would eliminate the Hyde Amendment and other longstanding pro-life policies that prevent…

Statement of San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone in response to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi defending efforts to permit federal funding of elective abortions

Statement of San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone in response to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi defending efforts to permit federal funding of elective abortions

Statement of San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone in response to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi defending efforts to permit federal funding of elective abortions July 22, 2021 — Let me repeat: no one can claim to be a devout Catholic and condone the killing of innocent human life, let alone have the government pay for it. …

Nancy Pelosi Blocks Vote on Bill to Ban Taxpayer-Funded Abortions FIFTY-FIVE TIMES (so far)

Nancy Pelosi Blocks Vote on Bill to Ban Taxpayer-Funded Abortions FIFTY-FIVE TIMES (so far)

It’s bad enough for a non-Catholic to deny the right to life of an unborn baby.  But when a boldly self-proclaimed Catholic and elected official—one who never fails to promote her Catholic faith—to deny the right to life to a pre-born infant, well, it’s something that would confound even a child who knows instinctively it’s…

University Health System Kicks Out Catholic Hospitals, Catholic Doctors

University Health System Kicks Out Catholic Hospitals, Catholic Doctors

Lifesite News & The College Fix—The University of California Board of Regents voted in June to end its affiliations with Catholic medical providers and other pro-life medical groups, despite warnings that the change could cut off healthcare to 35,000 people. The University of California is taxpayer funded. Its UC Health program runs healthcare facilities and…

Pelosi defends taxpayer-funded abortion while citing Catholic faith 

Pelosi defends taxpayer-funded abortion while citing Catholic faith 

July 22, 2021—Washington, D.C.—CNA—House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Thursday defended efforts to permit federal funding of elective abortions, and cited her own Catholic faith while doing so. A draft spending bill that was recently approved by the House Appropriations Committee would allow for federal funding of elective abortions in Medicaid. It excludes the Hyde…

Catholic Priest Beaten and Arrested Amid Protests in Cuba

Catholic Priest Beaten and Arrested Amid Protests in Cuba

CNA—Father Castor Álvarez was beaten and arrested in Camagüey while he was defending young protesters amid protests of Cuba’s communist government on Sunday. Protests took place across the island July 11. According to information confirmed by CNA’s sister agency, ACI Prensa, the priest is being held at the Montecarlo police station in Camagüey, accused of…

In midst of unprecedented protests in Cuba, Christian Movement calls for free elections

In midst of unprecedented protests in Cuba, Christian Movement calls for free elections

CNA—On Sunday, July 11th, the Christian Liberation Movement (MCL) called on Cubans to continue to pressure Cuban communist authorities to open general elections after thousands of people took the streets of major local cities to protest the unprecedented scarcity of essentials and the death rate produced by COVID-19. After months of food and medicine shortages…

USCCB implores Congress to restore pro-life policies to spending bills

USCCB implores Congress to restore pro-life policies to spending bills

CNA—A proposed federal spending bill is the most extreme pro-abortion funding bill in the history of the United States, said the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) in a July 14 statement. The current Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies (LHHS) appropriations bill does not include the “Hyde Amendment,” which bars federal…

Cuban-American bishops state solidarity with Cuba protests

Cuban-American bishops state solidarity with Cuba protests

CNA—July 14, 2021—Four Cuban-American bishops issued a statement Tuesday indicating their support for Cubans seeking recognition of their human rights, following protest’s of the island’s communist government. “We, Cuban-American bishops, join in solidarity with the Cuban people in their quest for responses to their human rights and needs.  We are deeply troubled by the aggressive…

Catholic Business Leaders in Hong Kong, China: Absolute Inspiration!

Catholic Business Leaders in Hong Kong, China: Absolute Inspiration!

Catholics make up only 12% of the population in Hong Kong. Yet these 12% are making a big difference for the sake of the greater good in the once free and thriving city, now oppressed by Communist China’s rule. You may not know their names or faces, but among this 12%, there are countless Catholic…

Catholic groups criticize abortion report backed by European Parliament

Catholic groups criticize abortion report backed by European Parliament

CNA, Rome—An international alliance of Catholic groups has criticized a report adopted by the European Parliament asserting that abortion is a “human right.” In a joint statement issued ahead of last month’s vote, 14 organizations said that they stood united in the defense of human life from conception until natural death. “Abortion eliminates an innocent…

End the Morally and Constitutionally Indefensible: Roe Must Go

End the Morally and Constitutionally Indefensible: Roe Must Go

First Things—Lynn Fitch, the attorney general of Mississippi, faces the most consequential litigation decision of the last 50 years: whether to ask the Supreme Court to reverse Roe v. Wade, the 1973 case that created a right to elective abortion, striking down abortion prohibitions that had long been in place in the states. She should…

Fastest rise in inflation since 2008 sets alarm bells ringing

Fastest rise in inflation since 2008 sets alarm bells ringing

Yahoo! Finance—Inflation in advanced nations is rising at the fastest pace since 2008, sparking fresh concerns over the state of the global economy in the wake of the pandemic. The annual rate of inflation among the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development’s 38 members averaged 3.8pc over May, up from 3.3pc in April. The figures…

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