Ohio enacts health care conscience protections

Ohio enacts health care conscience protections

CNA—Ohio state law now includes conscience protections for medical professionals, after Governor Mike DeWine (R) signed a state budget bill into law on June 30. “Governor DeWine should be commended for his commitment to dignified health care. His clear understanding that health care professionals must have the right to freedom of conscience is vital to…

You Can’t Make-Up This Level of Horror: UCSF harvests aborted baby genitalia and organs for research — even during COVID while churches forced to close doors

You Can’t Make-Up This Level of Horror: UCSF harvests aborted baby genitalia and organs for research — even during COVID while churches forced to close doors

Lifesite News/ The Daily Wire—The University of California San Francisco, a hub for all things abortion in the U.S., is harvesting aborted babies’ genitalia and other organs for research, according to documents obtained by pro-life advocates. The Daily Wire reports Pro-Life San Francisco made the gruesome discovery in documents that it requested through the California Public…

Canadian police investigate two more ‘suspicious’ fires at Catholic churches

Canadian police investigate two more ‘suspicious’ fires at Catholic churches

CNA—The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) are investigating two more fires at Catholic churches in Canada as “suspicious,” after four churches on tribal lands burned down within one week.  At 3 a.m. on Wednesday, June 30, firefighters responded to a fire at St. Jean Baptiste Parish in the town of Morinville, Alberta. The church was…

JULY 1: Canada Day (formerly Dominion Day)… A Preacher Who Escaped Soviet Control Warns of Canada’s Encroaching Communism: ‘It’s Time We Push Back’

JULY 1: Canada Day (formerly Dominion Day)… A Preacher Who Escaped Soviet Control Warns of Canada’s Encroaching Communism: ‘It’s Time We Push Back’

154 years ago, on on July 1, 1867, Canada became a country—and was officially named by the country’s founding fathers as the Dominion of Canada, a name that was purposefully chosen as a recognition of the sovereignty of God, based on a reflection of Psalm 72:8 which proclaims “…and he shall have dominion from sea…

Top Chinese counterintelligence official defected to US, provided intel on Wuhan lab and China’s bioweapons programs: Reports

Top Chinese counterintelligence official defected to US, provided intel on Wuhan lab and China’s bioweapons programs: Reports

In this breaking news story—revealing what took place in February of this year—we anticipate gleaning new facts about COVID-19, the Wuhan lab and China’s bioweapons programs, not from just anybody, but from a Chinese Insider — a Top communist Chinese intel officer—who defected to the U.S. The truth ultimately wins out … every time.  Even…

Vatican Change of Plans: No Mass with Pope Francis for Biden

Vatican Change of Plans: No Mass with Pope Francis for Biden

CNA—President Joe Biden’s attendance at early morning Mass with Pope Francis has been nixed from an early plan of the June 15 meeting of both leaders, a reliable Vatican source told CNA. President Biden, who is in Europe for several high level meetings, is taking off the morning of June 15 to meet Pope Francis…

Biden Seeks to Gut Hyde Amendment

Biden Seeks to Gut Hyde Amendment

Lifesite News—When President Biden began assembling his Cabinet, several commentators predicted that his presidency would be something of an Obama third term. But now Biden has broken further from those predictions in his budget proposal by gutting the Hyde Amendment — a long-held and popular policy that prevents federal taxpayer dollars from directly funding abortions.…

Beware Your Habits!  Biden, G7 Leaders: Abortion, Abortion, Abortion — and WE pay for it!

Beware Your Habits! Biden, G7 Leaders: Abortion, Abortion, Abortion — and WE pay for it!

According to reports in mainstream media, Lifesite News and elsewhere, G7 leaders—including ‘Catholic’ president Biden—adopted an agreement promoting the ongoing relentless killing of unborn babies through choosing to support and foster abortion worldwide. These G7 leaders—including ‘Catholic’ President Biden—agreed to support abortion as part of “sexual and reproductive health and rights,” and to advance “gender…

A Real-Life St. Thomas More: Kentucky Attorney General Asks Supreme Court to Support Ban on Dismemberment Abortions

A Real-Life St. Thomas More: Kentucky Attorney General Asks Supreme Court to Support Ban on Dismemberment Abortions

Kentucky District Attorney General Daniel Cameron is one example among many outstanding lawyers tucked away in towns and states nationwide, and some in other countries, who are standing in the footsteps of the great Saint Thomas More, former Chancellor of England under King Henry VII. These are lawyers in a position of influence and are…

2nd Circuit Ends 21 Years of Discrimination: VT can’t exclude students at religious high schools from tuition program

2nd Circuit Ends 21 Years of Discrimination: VT can’t exclude students at religious high schools from tuition program

Vermont maintains a Town Tuition Program, which provides educational vouchers for students who live in the towns that lack public schools. Students at public and secular private schools are eligible, and so are home-schooled students, but students at religious private high schools are excluded. In a ruling Wednesday (June 2, 2021),  the U.S. Court of…

$2 Million Religious Liberty Settlement Triumphs Over California Governor’s COVID Prompted Overreach

$2 Million Religious Liberty Settlement Triumphs Over California Governor’s COVID Prompted Overreach

Attorneys with the Thomas More Society recently secured settlements in two major religious liberty cases: South Bay United Pentecostal Church, et al. v. Newsom, et al. and Father Trevor Burfitt v. Newsom, et al. The State of California agreed to pay $2,150,000 in “prevailing party” attorneys’ fees to settle both cases ($1,600,000 in South Bay…

Legal assisted suicide bill would mean killing, not caring, UK bishop warns

Legal assisted suicide bill would mean killing, not caring, UK bishop warns

CNA—A true culture of caring protects the sick, the vulnerable, and the elderly, said one English Catholic bishop in response to a proposal to legalize assisted suicide in the United Kingdom. “The culture built on the commandment ‘You shall not kill’ has protected the most vulnerable, led to the development of the finest end of…

The Archbishop Responds to Nancy Pelosi

The Archbishop Responds to Nancy Pelosi

Last Thursday at her weekly press conference, Speaker Nancy Pelosi was asked about Archbishop Cordileone’s pastoral letter InTheWomb.org. “I think I can use my own judgment on that but I’m pleased with what the Vatican put out on that subject. Did you read that?” Speaker Nancy Pelosi responded This morning, Archbishop Cordileone responded. Below please…

Uyghur journalist: “The Chinese government sees any religion as a threat to its rule” including Catholics

Uyghur journalist: “The Chinese government sees any religion as a threat to its rule” including Catholics

CNA—For Gulchehra Hoja, the Chinese government’s systematic repression of Uyghur Muslims is personal: her mother, father, brother, and more than 20 relatives are detained in “reeducation camps” in Xinjiang. “Last week, I learned that one of my relatives … had died in Chinese prison. His body has not been returned to his family,” Hoja said…

Catholics slam ‘lawless’ HHS ‘transgender mandate’

Catholics slam ‘lawless’ HHS ‘transgender mandate’

CNA—Catholic groups and legal experts denounced the Biden administration’s notice on Monday that it would prohibit denial of gender-transition procedures in health care. The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) on Monday issued a notice that it would include, as unlawful sex discrimination, “discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation” as well as “on…

Direct Assault:  California bill targets university healthcare links to Catholic hospitals, demands further moral compromise

Direct Assault: California bill targets university healthcare links to Catholic hospitals, demands further moral compromise

CNA—A bill threatens to ban University of California health systems from partnering with institutions that follow Catholic ethics, prompting concern ideological motives on abortion and LGBT issues will damage longtime partnerships and limit medical care access. An organization of Catholic hospitals has defended its efforts to adhere to Catholic ethics, but also defend the partnership…

Biden Overturns Trump Rule Protecting Doctors From Being Forced to Kill Babies in Abortions

Biden Overturns Trump Rule Protecting Doctors From Being Forced to Kill Babies in Abortions

LifeSite News—In June 2020, President Donald Trump issued a pro-life rule that will protect pro-life Americans and help save babies from abortion. His administration implemented a rule to block the effects of a dangerous Obamacare provision that could be used to compel doctors to participate in abortions. Today, Joe Biden reversed it. During the trump…

Sister Deirdre Byrne–a Retired U.S. Army Colonel and Surgeon — says Pro-lifers must be ‘battle ready’ to defend the family

Sister Deirdre Byrne–a Retired U.S. Army Colonel and Surgeon — says Pro-lifers must be ‘battle ready’ to defend the family

Catholics must be “battle ready” to defend the family and their faith, said Sister Deirdre Byrne, POSC, at an international pro-life conference on April 30. Byrne, a member of the Little Workers of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, is a surgeon and a retired colonel in the U.S. Army. She serves as the…

States Continue ‘Unprecedented’ Surge of Pro-life Bills, take a look:

States Continue ‘Unprecedented’ Surge of Pro-life Bills, take a look:

CNA—A multitude of pro-life bills passed through state legislatures last week, creating new protections for the unborn around the country. The enactment of pro-life bills is the continuation of efforts at the state level to put restrictions in place on abortion. According to a report published April 30 by the pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute, 536 pro-life…

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