The Supply and Demand of Baby Body Parts to Universities—Who is Participating?

The Supply and Demand of Baby Body Parts to Universities—Who is Participating?

Intercessors for America, LifeSiteNews— the special Select Investigative Panel of the Energy and Commerce Committee released its Final Report. The results of months of investigation, the special panel’s report addressed the involvement of Planned Parenthood in harvesting and possibly selling fetal tissue and organs harvested from aborted babies. Those results were summarized in Part One. In…

Stanford University Scientists Caught Using Aborted Babies’ Fingers in Tax-Funded Experiments

Stanford University Scientists Caught Using Aborted Babies’ Fingers in Tax-Funded Experiments

LifeSite News—A federal complaint filed against Stanford University on Tuesday includes disturbing details about how scientists are using aborted babies’ fingers in taxpayer-funded experiments. The complaint came from an animal rights group called the White Coat Waste Project, which aims to end taxpayer-funded experiments on animals, Fox News reports. It accused the university of failing to…

Ireland: New Law Makes it a Crime to Celebrate or Attend Public Mass

Ireland: New Law Makes it a Crime to Celebrate or Attend Public Mass

CNS—The head of the Irish bishops’ conference said the government’s move to criminalize attendance at Mass as part of COVID-19 regulations was a “potential infringement of religious freedom and of constitutional rights.” “The precise provisions are unclear and at first reading appear to be draconian, going further than the restrictions we have been cooperating with…

Society of Catholic Scientists prepares for conference on non-human intelligence

Society of Catholic Scientists prepares for conference on non-human intelligence

CNA—The Society of Catholic Scientists (SCS) will hold its 2021 conference in Washington D.C. on the subject of non-human intelligence. The conference is titled “Extraterrestrials, AI, and Minds Beyond the Human” and will take place at the Hilton Hotel from June 4-6. The event will also be live-streamed. Conference discussions will provide scientific and theological…

Catholic Marketing Network (CMN) Announces MOMENTUM’21 In-Person Event and Trade Show July 27-29, 2021

Catholic Marketing Network (CMN) Announces MOMENTUM’21 In-Person Event and Trade Show July 27-29, 2021

The Catholic Marketing Network MOMENTUM’21 event will be held at the beautiful and convenient Schaumburg Marriott Convention Center, in Schaumburg, Illinois, on July 27-29, 2021.  It’s the event where ministry-minded Catholics build personal and professional MOMENTUM! After a year that has been professionally, spiritually and emotionally difficult for so many people, Catholic Marketing Network is…

Tenebrae – a lesser known, beautiful part of the Easter Triduum for many – What is it?

Tenebrae – a lesser known, beautiful part of the Easter Triduum for many – What is it?

Celebrated by Catholic monasteries throughout the world and at many parishes, Tenebrae, which means “darkness” in Latin, focuses our attention on the sufferings and death of Our Saviour.  It takes place during the three days preceding Easter Day—Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday—with special psalms and ceremonies during  Matins and Lauds (the first two…

CATHOLIC BUSINESS PROFILE: Ken Strottman, A Career in Making Toys

CATHOLIC BUSINESS PROFILE: Ken Strottman, A Career in Making Toys

California-based Ken Strottman, founder and chairman of Strottman International, is a proud alumnus of the University of Notre Dame and has been a faithful, practicing Catholic all his life. This weekend on THE MENTORS RADIO, another faithful life-long Catholic, Host Ric Brutocao, talks with Ken Strottman about Strottman’s unexpected journey into founding the unique marketing…

6th Circuit upholds First Amendment rights of Shawnee State professor

6th Circuit upholds First Amendment rights of Shawnee State professor

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit ruled Friday in favor of Dr. Nicholas Meriwether, a philosophy professor at Shawnee State University, reversing a district court’s dismissal of his lawsuit against university officials. The university punished Meriwether because he declined a male student’s demand to be referred to as a woman, with feminine…

Portland archbishop thanks pope for Vatican ‘no’ to same-sex blessings

Portland archbishop thanks pope for Vatican ‘no’ to same-sex blessings

CNA—Archbishop Alexander Sample of Portland in Oregon on Tuesday thanked Pope Francis for the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith’s recent affirmation of the Church’s teaching on marriage and the human person. “I would like to express gratitude to the Holy Father for the recent statement from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the…

After Supreme Court victory, Colorado baker in court for declining gender transition cake

After Supreme Court victory, Colorado baker in court for declining gender transition cake

CNA—Jack Phillips, a Christian cake baker, was again in court for declining to make a cake that expresses messages contrary to his religious beliefs after an attorney who identifies as transgender filed suit over the bakery’s refusal to make a cake to celebrate a gender transition. The civil trial began March 22, conducted virtually by…

How to obtain a plenary indulgence during Holy Week

How to obtain a plenary indulgence during Holy Week

CNA, Catholic Catechism—A plenary indulgence is a grace granted by the Catholic Church through the merits of Jesus Christ, Mary and all the saints to remove the temporal punishment due to sin. The indulgence applies to sins already forgiven. A plenary indulgence cleanses the soul as if the person had just been baptized. A plenary…

Surprising connection between St. Patrick and Nigeria!

Surprising connection between St. Patrick and Nigeria!

Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!   Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!  It’s a special day for us here in the Archdiocese of New York because Saint Patrick is the patron saint of our archdiocese. He’s also the patron saint of Ireland and Nigeria. What a tribute to the fact that he was an evangelist who brought the…

The Great Saint Patrick of Ireland – HIS OWN WRITINGS!

The Great Saint Patrick of Ireland – HIS OWN WRITINGS!

I visited Westport Ireland three years ago in search of my grandmother’s (Cahill) birth certificate. It is a beautiful place on the West Coast of Ireland, north of Galway. It lies at the foot of Croagh Patrick which is named in honor of Saint Patrick, the apostle and patron of Ireland and the Irish race.…

Tehran’s new Catholic archbishop is ordained: ‘Offer the light of the Gospel’

Tehran’s new Catholic archbishop is ordained: ‘Offer the light of the Gospel’

CNA—A Franciscan friar was ordained archbishop of Tehran-Isfahan this week and commissioned to “offer the light of the Gospel” in Iran. Archbishop Dominique Mathieu, 57, was consecrated in Rome in the Basilica of the Twelve Holy Apostles on Feb. 16, the feast of St. Maruthas, the fourth-century bishop and patron saint of Iran. Cardinal Leonardo…

Judge Rules Texas Can Defund Planned Parenthood Abortion Business

Judge Rules Texas Can Defund Planned Parenthood Abortion Business

A state judge has ruled Texas can defund the Planned Parenthood abortion business. Siding with state officials, a judge in Travis County declined Planned Parenthood’s bid to block state officials from removing the abortion company from the state Medicaid program. State District Judge Lora Livingston said Planned Parenthood did not prove its contention that state…

Full Text: Pope Francis’ In-flight Press Conference after Historic Papal Visit to Iraq

Full Text: Pope Francis’ In-flight Press Conference after Historic Papal Visit to Iraq

Below is the full text of the inflight interview between Pope Francis and news media en route from from the Holy Father’s historic visit to Irac Baghdad, Iraq, to Rome, Italy that took place March 8, 2021, provided courtesy of CNA: Pope Francis: First of all, thank you for your work, your company, your fatigue.…

Bible Reading Boosts Mental Well-Being Among Christians, U.K. Survey Says

Bible Reading Boosts Mental Well-Being Among Christians, U.K. Survey Says

OCCatholic—Reading the Bible has had a positive effect on people’s “mental well-being” during the pandemic, according to a Christian Research survey conducted in the United Kingdom. The survey also found that respondents were reading the Bible more and turning to Bible-related videos more during the pandemic. The survey, carried out on behalf of the Bible…

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