Justice Alito is right: The pandemic brought an assault on our basic rights

Justice Alito is right: The pandemic brought an assault on our basic rights

New York Post—The usual mainstream-media suspects wasted no time in blasting as inappropriate Samuel Alito’s address last week to the Federalist ­Society. Which is another way of saying they didn’t like what he had to say. The Supreme Court justice warned that “religious liberty is fast becoming a disfavored right,” that freedom of speech is…

The McCarrick Report’s Unanswered Questions

The McCarrick Report’s Unanswered Questions

Like the editor and staff of Catholic Business Journal, others had unanswered questions after the McCarrick Report. Michael Warsaw, head of EWTN, shares his observations here: National Catholic Register—The long-awaited McCarrick Report, detailing the rise and fall of the former Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, was finally released Nov. 10. First promised two years ago, the report…

‘We want Mass’: Catholics in France protest ban on public worship

‘We want Mass’: Catholics in France protest ban on public worship

CNA—“On veut la Messe!” (“We want Mass!) signs read as Catholics in France gathered outside churches in multiple cities this weekend calling on the government to allow them to attend Mass during the national lockdown. Protests took place across France, including in Nantes, Strasbourg, Bordeaux, Rennes, and Versailles, Nov. 14 and 15. A Sunday protest…

The Great Reset:  You Ain’t Seen Nothin’ Yet, and It Should Terrify You, say those who know

The Great Reset: You Ain’t Seen Nothin’ Yet, and It Should Terrify You, say those who know

A close  friend of mine who grew up in Poland under Communism called me on the phone in March of this year.  She told me to sit down. She was going to tell me something I would not believe. OK. I sat down and listened. She was voting for Trump.  WHAT?!!! Even she couldn’t believe…

Businesses Trying to Rebound After Unrest Face a Challenge: Not Enough Insurance

Businesses Trying to Rebound After Unrest Face a Challenge: Not Enough Insurance

New York Times—It’s a prominent refrain these days from activists in the aftermath of arson and looting — businesses have insurance. Buildings can be repaired. Broken glass is a small price to pay in a movement for justice. One new book, called “In Defense of Looting,” for example, argued that looting is an essential tactic…

Pastors – including Catholic priests – sue state governors for discrimination against houses of worship

Pastors – including Catholic priests – sue state governors for discrimination against houses of worship

While mainstream media and PBS news continue to stir ordinary citizens into a state of near perpetual fear with hourly news reports that drone on about new covid cases — never about the new vaccine(s) recently announced that have so far shown 93% success rates, nor about successful recovery — many many MANY people wonder……

HISTORY: The Past gives valuable Perspective to the Present

HISTORY: The Past gives valuable Perspective to the Present

Popular culture holds a dismissive attitude toward history. Common headlines include “unprecedented times”, “worse than ever”, and “never before.” But how often is that really true? What do we face that is truly without precedent? This mindset—that all things have either escalated or de-escalated, that the present is always somehow more or less than the…

J.R.R. Tolkein on the Eucharist, in a letter to his son

J.R.R. Tolkein on the Eucharist, in a letter to his son

“Out of the darkness of my life, so much frustrated, I put before you the one great thing to love on earth: the Blessed Sacrament… There you will find romance, glory, honour, fidelity, and the true way of all your loves on earth, and more than that: Death. By the divine paradox, that which ends life,…

Victory for Life in Louisiana

Victory for Life in Louisiana

With 100% of the precincts reporting, the live results for Louisiana Amendment 1, which would update the state’s constitution to say that “nothing in this constitution shall be construed to secure or protect a right to abortion or require the funding of abortion,” are as follows: Louisiana Amendment 1 – Ban Abortion Rights – Ballot…

Biden COVID advisor has ‘deeply troubling’ views on healthcare rationing

Biden COVID advisor has ‘deeply troubling’ views on healthcare rationing

Presumptive president-elect Joe Biden announced his advisory board to deal with the coronavirus pandemic, with one member attracting criticism for his views on the elderly and people with disabilities. Biden’s transition team on Monday tapped Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, who advised the Obama administration on health policy, to join a team of other public health experts…

The McCarrick Report: What Cardinal O’Connor said in 1999

The McCarrick Report: What Cardinal O’Connor said in 1999

CNA—The Vatican’s report on Theodore McCarrick released Tuesday includes a letter written by an American cardinal in 1999, who objected to McCarrick’s potential appointment to higher office, on the basis of existing allegations of misconduct, including incidents involving sharing a bed with seminarians at a New Jersey beach house. On Oct. 28, 1999, Cardinal John…

Supreme Court, with Barrett, hears Affordable Care Act case

Supreme Court, with Barrett, hears Affordable Care Act case

CNA—The Supreme Court heard oral arguments on Tuesday in the latest legal challenge to the Affordable Care Act. How the court might decide the case was a crucial part of Democratic opposition to the confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett to the court last month. In the cases of California v. Texas and Texas v. California,…

Texas bishop calls for prayer until election result is ‘officially authenticated’

Texas bishop calls for prayer until election result is ‘officially authenticated’

CNA—While the U.S. bishops’ conference congratulated presumptive president-elect Joe Biden on the election results this weekend, the bishop of Fort Worth has called for prayer, saying the vote tallies are not yet official. “This is still a time for prudence and patience as the results of the presidential election have not been officially authenticated,” Bishop…

McCarrick Report: Vatican details McCarrick’s career and decades of sexual misconduct

McCarrick Report: Vatican details McCarrick’s career and decades of sexual misconduct

CNA—The Vatican’s Secretariat of State published Tuesday a report on Theodore McCarrick, saying that the Holy See had received inaccurate information about McCarrick from three New Jersey bishops before McCarrick’s 2001 appointment as Archbishop of Washington. (Click here to read The McCarrick Report for yourself) The false information presented by those bishops might have been…

The McCarrick Report: What to know

The McCarrick Report: What to know

CNA—On Tuesday, Nov. 10, the Vatican’s Secretariat of State will release a report on its two-year investigation into the career of ex-cardinal Theodore McCarrick, who has been found canonically guilty of serial sexual abuse and misconduct, and was laicized in 2019. (Click here to read The McCarrick Report for yourself) Who is Theodore McCarrick? Theodore…

Steven Moser explains ‘Color Revolution:’ a scripted coup intended to take down America — regardless of which candidate you favor

Steven Moser explains ‘Color Revolution:’ a scripted coup intended to take down America — regardless of which candidate you favor

“This is a carefully scripted coup intended to take down our constitutional republic and transform it into something unrecognizable to our Founders and inimical to our liberties” In an article first appearing in LifeSite News, Steven Mosher, president of the Population Research Institute and a long-time expert on China and China policies, describes a chilling…

Obituary: Much admired EWTN News President Andrew Walther succumbs to complications related to leukemia

Obituary: Much admired EWTN News President Andrew Walther succumbs to complications related to leukemia

Catholic and political leaders paid tribute to the late EWTN News president Andrew Walther on Monday and Tuesday. Walther, who died Nov. 1, was remembered as a communications strategist, an advocate for persecuted Christians, a faithful Catholic, and a husband and father. Walther died on All Saints’ Day, from complications related to leukemia. He had…

Archbishop Coleridge speaks out after Horrific Islamic Terrorist Attacks in Catholic Church in France

Archbishop Coleridge speaks out after Horrific Islamic Terrorist Attacks in Catholic Church in France

The Catholic Leader—BRISBANE Archbishop Mark Coleridge has joined church leaders from around the world condemning the killing of three people in southern France – hacked to death in Nice’s Notre Dame Basilica while preparing for morning Mass. “Violence in the name of God is the ultimate contradiction and is utterly abhorrent, whatever historic injustices are…

France on High Terror Alert after Three Slain in Catholic Church

WSJ—NICE, France—A knife-wielding man killed three people—nearly decapitating one of them—in the Notre Dame Basilica in Nice, police said, in an assault being treated as an act of terrorism. Surveillance footage showed the attacker entered the towering basilica before 9 a.m. and spent some 25 minutes inside before a 44-year-old woman fled the building with…

Quick U.S. news headlines you won’t find on mainstream media – 10/28/20

Quick U.S. news headlines you won’t find on mainstream media – 10/28/20

In western Arizona, over a hundred miles of new border wall is getting results – Washington Examiner There Really Has Been a ‘Trump Effect’ on Immigration – National Review The Riots in Philadelphia: Decisions by the city’s leadership are not likely to reduce such tragedies – WSJ Texas energy production is key to maintaining national…

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