Momentum Builds as Men from Across the Country and Around the World Sign-Up for the Free Promise Keepers’ Online Global Digital Experience July 31 and Aug. 1

Momentum Builds as Men from Across the Country and Around the World Sign-Up for the Free Promise Keepers’ Online Global Digital Experience July 31 and Aug. 1

Promise Keepers, the men’s ministry founded in 1990 by Coach Bill McCartney and known for their massive stadium events, is bringing the power of that stadium experience to homes, churches, universities, military installations, and prisons across the country and around the world through its first-ever online Global Digital Experience July 31 and Aug. 1, 2020.…

Napa Institute Now Virtual Only:  One Week Left to Take Advantage of Discounted Registration

Napa Institute Now Virtual Only: One Week Left to Take Advantage of Discounted Registration

Registration is now open for the 2020 Napa Institute Virtual Conference, “Finding Hope in the New America,” to be held August 14-15. Take advantage of the early registration discount before the price increases on August 1st.  We have expanded our speaker line-up to allow for more content on the urgent issues facing our faith and…

Online Conference on the Renewal of Catholic Education Triples in Attendance

Online Conference on the Renewal of Catholic Education Triples in Attendance

More than 700 Catholic educators from across the country and overseas will gather online next week to explore, celebrate, and strengthen the growing movement to save Catholic schools through the recovery of the Church’s proven tradition of education. The Institute for Catholic Liberal Education’s 8th National Conference was forced to shift to an online format…



Catholic League—Catholic League president Bill Donohue comments on two Supreme Court decisions handed down today: In the last week of its 2019-2020 term, the U.S. Supreme Court delivered two back-to-back victories for religious liberty; they were both 7-2 decisions. Catholic schools and agencies were the big winners. The Supreme Court ruled in 2012 that religious…

Ongoing rampant Marxist destruction of history, Persecution of Catholics increasing

Ongoing rampant Marxist destruction of history, Persecution of Catholics increasing

IN CALIFORNIA, a 429-year-old Franciscan missionary edifice — almost five centuries old — is torched in the dark of night. That was Mission San Gabriel Arcángel, founded in 1771 by Franciscan missionary Junipero Serra — the fourth mission in present-day California established by the saint, whose legacy has been unfairly tainted by overzealous (historically naieve —CBJ…

California Council Votes to Remove Statue of Spanish Priest Canonized by Pope Francis

California Council Votes to Remove Statue of Spanish Priest Canonized by Pope Francis

Newsweek—(reporting includes a video that will make your heart cry—CBJ ed.)  A California city council voted unanimously to remove a statue of a Spanish priest who Pope Francis had canonized. The Ventura City Council cast a 6–0 vote during its meeting Wednesday night to remove a statue of Father Junipero Serra from outside its city…

Award-winning, mainstream doctor: “We have a winning game plan for COVID-19, now!”

Award-winning, mainstream doctor: “We have a winning game plan for COVID-19, now!”

Richard M. Bartlett M.D., a prominent Texas doctor says a treatment protocol he began using weeks after the deadly Covid-19 virus triggered government shutdowns has proved to be “a winning game plan” for shutting down Covid-19 in his patients, including for a multi-cancer patient undergoing chemotherapy.  In June, Europe launched a major clinical trial of…

Churches and statues vandalized, burnt, attacked across US over weekend

Churches and statues vandalized, burnt, attacked across US over weekend

After violent mobs toppled the Saint Junipero Serra statue in San Francisco, Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone performed a public exorcism on the same spot.  “An act of sacrilege occurred here. That is an act of the Evil One,” the Archbishop said. He is right. Absolutely right. When a deadly COVID virus—one that now has several…

Attacks on Catholic churches: Mission San Gabriel Early Morning Fire Destroys church

Attacks on Catholic churches: Mission San Gabriel Early Morning Fire Destroys church

July 13, 2020—In the early morning hours Saturday, firefighters responded to a fire at the San Gabriel Mission where they found a massive blaze engulfing the roof and front entrance of the church, San Gabriel Fire Department fire captain Antonio Negrete told CNN. The church sits about 11 miles northeast of Los Angeles. When firefighters…

HUGE: MASSIVE CDC FRAUD UNCOVERED – CDC Grossly Overcounting Active China Coronavirus Cases Causing States to Keep Their Economies Closed Indefinitely

HUGE: MASSIVE CDC FRAUD UNCOVERED – CDC Grossly Overcounting Active China Coronavirus Cases Causing States to Keep Their Economies Closed Indefinitely

The CDC is over counting the number of China coronavirus cases in an apparent effort to keep the country shut down throughout the summer.  This fraudulent activity was uncovered by the far-left Atlantic proving even a dead clock is right twice a day.  On May 21, 2020, the Atlantic reported that the CDC was over…

Archbishop Cordileone offers exorcism prayers after St. Junípero Serra statue torn down

Archbishop Cordileone offers exorcism prayers after St. Junípero Serra statue torn down

After a mob tore down statues, including a figure of St. Junípero Serra statue, in a San Francisco park, Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone was joined by several dozen Catholics Saturday in prayer and acts of spiritual reparation. “Evil has made itself present here. So we have gathered together to pray for God, to ask the saints…for…

Catholic priest among defenders of St Louis statue; Muslim Action Network “take this thing down”

Catholic priest among defenders of St Louis statue; Muslim Action Network “take this thing down”

Fr. Stephen Schumacher, a priest of the Archdiocese of St. Louis, was among the defenders of a prominent statue of the city’s namesake as protesters called for its removal Saturday. Umar Lee, an organizer of the protests, said June 27 that the statue “is gonna come down,” reported Joel Currier of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.…

More than 200 Citizens and Catholics Protect City’s Namesake Statue from Mob in St. Louis

More than 200 Citizens and Catholics Protect City’s Namesake Statue from Mob in St. Louis

CNA—According to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, some 200 people were at the protest on Saturday. Catholics defending the statue at the protest prayed the rosary and sang, and several police officers separated them from the protesters. The Archdiocese of St. Louis on Sunday released a statement defending the city’s namesake, amid calls from activists to…

SAINTS AT WORK: New Beatification, Carlos Acutis, Age 15, New Patron of the Internet

SAINTS AT WORK: New Beatification, Carlos Acutis, Age 15, New Patron of the Internet

Los Angeles Times—The good news for anyone praying for a little less online vitriol or a much faster internet connection is that the Vatican is on the case. Showing that it has one foot in the 21st century, the ancient institution is backing a 15-year-old computer whiz to become the first patron saint of the…

Defending American History from Angry, Violent Mobs

Defending American History from Angry, Violent Mobs

Personally, I am not a fan of “Executive Orders,” regardless of which U.S. President issues them.  However, when our national historic heritage is at stake and when local police and city officials do NOTHING to stop mad mob destruction of our historic monuments,  maybe I’ll make an exception, especially if a bill is also introduced…

Dr. James Dobson, Students for Life and More Call Out Supreme Court Decision that Prioritizes Abortion Over the Health of Women

Dr. James Dobson, Students for Life and More Call Out Supreme Court Decision that Prioritizes Abortion Over the Health of Women

In a disturbing decision released this morning (June 29, 2020), five U.S. Supreme Court justices struck down a Louisiana law that offered the most basic of health protections for women seeking abortions. Why would anyone – let alone the high court of the land – oppose such a commonsense law? Because, according to Dr. James…

Not my hero, young black American speaks out

Not my hero, young black American speaks out

As employees at more than a few major corporations such as Home Depot and countless others are forced to endure various levels of virtual, anti-racial discrimination zoom meetings and discussions, a significant number of African Americans are fed up with the false narratives, victimhood mentality and white guilt assumptions repeated daily on mainstream nightly news. …

BOOK REVIEW: Which Pain Will You Choose? The Pain of Discipline or the Pain of Regret?

BOOK REVIEW: Which Pain Will You Choose? The Pain of Discipline or the Pain of Regret?

BOOK REVIEW: The Reinvented Leader: Five Critical Steps to Becoming Your Best, by Chuck Bolton (Paperback)

In The Reinvented Leader, author Chuck Bolton shares the wisdom and tools he has developed from working with more than 1,000 executives and 100 top leadership teams. Like Pat Lencioni and Ram Charan, Bolton sees patterns while working across many organizations and

Father and Son: A very special Father’s Day!

Father and Son: A very special Father’s Day!

CNA—Edmond Ilg, 62, has been a father since the birth of his son in 1986.  But on June 21, he became a “father” in a whole new sense: Edmond was ordained a priest of the Archdiocese of Newark (New Jersey).  It was Father’s Day. Making the day even more special, it was Edmond’s son —…

Muhammad Ali’s son says dad would have hated ‘racist’ Black Lives Matter

Muhammad Ali’s son says dad would have hated ‘racist’ Black Lives Matter

New York Post—On the fourth anniversary of his death, Muhammad Ali’s only biological son says that his father would be against Black Lives Matter, calling the movement “racist” and the protesters “devils.” The legendary boxer and activist stood up against racism throughout his life, but Muhammad Ali Jr. says his dad would have been sickened…

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