Vatican cardinals linked to missing millions and financial scandal

Vatican cardinals linked to missing millions and financial scandal

Vatican City, Oct 29, 2019-CNA– An Italian dermatology hospital and two senior cardinals are at the center of a burgeoning financial scandal involving a Vatican bank, the U.S.-based Papal Foundation, and millions of euros from misallocated government grants. The events concern the financial collapse of the Istituto Dermopatico dell’Immacolata (IDI), an Italian hospital.  According to…

Human Dignity and the Purpose of Capitalism

Human Dignity and the Purpose of Capitalism

In a recent First Things article titled “What is Economics For,” Senator Marco Rubio explains how the teachings of the Catholic Church on the dignity of work and workers can rebuild the American economy. Rubio begins his article by quoting Pope Leo XIII’s Rerum Novarum: “Work and working people have a fundamental dignity that all societies are bound to respect and…

Becciu says $200 million London property deal was ‘accepted practice’

Becciu says $200 million London property deal was ‘accepted practice’

CNA—Cardinal Angelo Becciu has denied any impropriety in a real estate investment made with Vatican funds and insisted that he only acted in the best interests of the Holy See. In an interview with Italian media published Tuesday, the former deputy at the Holy See’s Secretariat of State rejected any wrongdoing in the authorization of…

How the Amazon Synod Turns Poverty Into a Utopian Ideal and Other Pan-Amazon Synod Reflections

How the Amazon Synod Turns Poverty Into a Utopian Ideal and Other Pan-Amazon Synod Reflections

(Catholic Business Journal may or may not agree fully with the opinions expressed in this article and those referenced at the end,  however we do believe these articles make very important points worth considering, especially by Catholic business leaders—See first article below and others at the end —ed.) Catholic doctrine teaches that both poverty and…

Polish bishops call for John Paul II to be named a doctor of the Church

Polish bishops call for John Paul II to be named a doctor of the Church

The Polish Bishops’ Conference has asked Pope Francis to name St. John Paul II a patron of Europe and doctor of the Church. Archbishop Stanislaw Gadecki of Poznan, president of the Polish Bishops Conference, sent the request to the pope on Oct. 22 – the feast day of John Paul II. “The pontificate of the…

Vatican documents detail suspicious investments at Secretariat of State

Vatican documents detail suspicious investments at Secretariat of State

A confidential report from the Vatican’s anti-corruption authority shows that the Secretariat of State has used about $725 million, most of which came from the pope’s charity fund, in off-books operations. Italian weekly L’Espresso published a report Oct. 20, revealing information from three confidential Vatican documents, one of which is a report from the pope’s…

Sad Day in Ireland: Abortion legalized in N Ireland, after deadlock in devolved legislature

Sad Day in Ireland: Abortion legalized in N Ireland, after deadlock in devolved legislature

CNA—Oct 21, 2019—Northern Ireland’s devolved legislature failed Monday to block a change to the region’s law imposed by the British parliament. As a result, both abortion and same-sex marriage will now be legal in the region. Same-sex marriages are expected to begin taking place in Northern Ireland by February 2020, while the new abortion law…

Dealing with Career Pressure: Meet the Catholic Chaplain to the Washington Nationals

Dealing with Career Pressure: Meet the Catholic Chaplain to the Washington Nationals

A professional baseball clubhouse might not be considered a particularly religious place today, but one chaplain says the Catholic priesthood is needed—and desired—as much as ever there. “When I walk in the [clubhouse], they kind of light up a little bit,” Monsignor Stephen Rossetti, a chaplain to the Washington Nationals professional baseball team, told CNA.…

What Cardinal Newman can teach the modern world about freedom of conscience

What Cardinal Newman can teach the modern world about freedom of conscience

CNA—The writings of newly-canonized St. John Henry Newman offer important reflections for contemporary society on freedom of conscience and the duty to search for truth, said a leading figure in international religious freedom. “Newman prefigured the Church’s 1965 Declaration on Religious Freedom, Dignitatis Humanae,” said Thomas Farr, president of the Religious Freedom Institute. Farr, who…

University of California and Calif. State College Campuses now Mandated to become Abortion Providers and Referral Centers

University of California and Calif. State College Campuses now Mandated to become Abortion Providers and Referral Centers

Abortion is an ugly business—and big business it is indeed— yet California governor Gavin Newsom signed into law Friday a measure mandating that public universities to provide free access to medical abortions for students. CNA, CBJ—The law will take effect in 2023, and applies to the 34 campuses of the University of California and California…

Good News for Catholic Physicians:  ‘Transgender mandate’ struck down by federal court

Good News for Catholic Physicians: ‘Transgender mandate’ struck down by federal court

CNA—A federal judge struck down the so-called “transgender mandate” on Tuesday, vacating an Obama-era requirement that doctors perform gender-transition surgeries upon request. Judge Reed O’Connor of the North District of Texas—who had issued a preliminary injunction on the transgender mandate at the end of 2016—struck down the mandate Oct. 15 in the case of Franciscan Alliance…

Cardinal Becciu at center of Vatican financial investigation

Cardinal Becciu at center of Vatican financial investigation

CNA—The recent raid of Vatican offices is connected to an investigation into charges that Vatican money financed the development of luxury properties in London, and led to a windfall for the Vatican’s investment managers, according to an Oct. 14 report from Financial Times. According to Financial Times, Vatican police and prosecutors are investigating the possibility…

Christopher Columbus: A Catholic businessman of his day?!

Christopher Columbus: A Catholic businessman of his day?!

OK, I might get some heat for this one, but it seems to me — before all the secularist, anti-Christian, anti-Judeo-Christian history revisionists rooted themselves in the re-writing of school history textbooks, in mainstream newsrooms, and as college professors and Google algorythm coders — that Christopher Columbus was a good guy, a respected leader and…

Why America’s Birth Rate is Still Tanking: The Cost of Raising a Child and Lost Millennial Wealth

Why America’s Birth Rate is Still Tanking: The Cost of Raising a Child and Lost Millennial Wealth

It’s been 10 years since the Great Recession ended. Yet, despite robust economic growth and low employment over the past two years, births in the United States have continued to plummet. Before the Great Recession, the fertility rate—the number of children women have on average during their lifetimes—had been on the rise. But once the…

Red Mass opens Supreme Court term with religious liberty and abortion on the docket

Red Mass opens Supreme Court term with religious liberty and abortion on the docket

Washington D.C., Oct 7, 2019-CNA – The Archbishop of Washington, D.C. exhorted Supreme Court justices to “rejoice” in the Holy Spirit at the annual Red Mass on Sunday in D.C. In his homily, celebrant Archbishop Wilton Gregory noted that “Saint Luke wrote the passage that we just heard saying that Jesus rejoiced in the Holy Spirit.”…

Vatican prosecutors conduct raid on Secretariat of State offices

Vatican prosecutors conduct raid on Secretariat of State offices

Vatican prosecutors seized documents and electronic devices in a raid executed Tuesday at the offices of the most senior curial department. According to a statement from the Holy See press office Oct. 1, the raid was conducted at the offices of the general affairs section of the Secretariat of State. The action was authorized by…

Worth Hearing: Bishop Emeritus of Hong Kong Cardinal Joseph Zen speaks clearly on China-Vatican arrangement

Worth Hearing: Bishop Emeritus of Hong Kong Cardinal Joseph Zen speaks clearly on China-Vatican arrangement

Earlier in 2019, the very sharp and prayerful Cardinal Joseph Zen, Bishop Emeritus of Hong Kong, was interviewed by Raymond Arroyo on the World Over.  The interview is clear, frank and very helpful in understanding the truth about Catholics in China, and the consequences of the China-Vatican arrangement.  In case you missed it, we bring…

New cardinal says he relied on Eucharist, Mary during time in Soviet prison camp

New cardinal says he relied on Eucharist, Mary during time in Soviet prison camp

Kaunas, Lithuania, CNA – One of the newest cardinals of the Church says he drew strength from the Mass and the Blessed Virgin during the decade he spent in a Soviet prison camp in Siberia. Sigitas Tamkevicius, archbishop emeritus of Kaunas, Lithuania, was elevated to the rank of cardinal in the Oct. 5 consistory. As…

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