How a Kansas humanities program shaped a generation of Catholic leaders

How a Kansas humanities program shaped a generation of Catholic leaders

Hope in the workplace!  Sometimes in our work, especially in our efforts to integrate our faith in every aspect of our work and decisions, it can feel like we’re fighting against windmills.  But we underestimate God’s ability to use our feeble efforts for his greater glory.  As Fr. Benedict Groeschel once told me, “God can…

Pope Francis condemns euthanasia as utilitarianism, not freedom

Pope Francis condemns euthanasia as utilitarianism, not freedom

Vatican City, Sep 2, 2019 / 07:13 am (CNA) – Euthanasia is a way of treating the human person as an object; while it may appear to give freedom, it is really a rejection of hope, Pope Francis told an oncology association Sept. 2. “The practice of euthanasia, which has already been legalized in several…

The world needs “St.” Gilbert Keith Chesterton

The world needs “St.” Gilbert Keith Chesterton

For those who have experienced the joy of savoring any writing by G.K. Chesterton (photo, left), the following Crisis article is for you—ed.   Crisis Magazine—…I’ve called Chesterton “The Apostle of Common Sense.” I’d also like to call him “The Apostle of Life.” In his fantastical novel The Man Who Was Thursday, Chesterton says that modern…

Hong Kong Catholics Continue Fight for Freedom

Hong Kong Catholics Continue Fight for Freedom

NCRegister—Hong Kong Catholics have played an important role in the massive protests that have overtaken the city nearly every weekend since mid-June. At the height of the protests, crowds swelled to an estimated 2 million people, and violence erupted. Catholics have been at the forefront of the efforts to keep the protests peaceful, while also…

Make Today Matter: A remarkable little life-transforming, award-winning book by Chris Lowney

Make Today Matter: A remarkable little life-transforming, award-winning book by Chris Lowney

Everybody wants to live a better life. Whether we are graduating or encountering post-retirement opportunities and challenges, we want to stay on track and contribute to what is good, inspiring, and helpful in the world. But how? Chris Lowney, a popular speaker on leadership, corporate ethics, and decision making, wants to share with you his…

Why primary care costs a trillion dollars more than it should

Why primary care costs a trillion dollars more than it should

A cartoon featured in The Greeneville Sun on Father’s Day weekend was both sad and sobering. A young girl was shown graciously offering Uncle Sam a gift exclaiming, “Happy Father’s Day! I got you something,” only to be handed a gigantic ball and chain from Uncle Sam complete with leg iron stating, “$21 TRILLION NATIONAL…

Stories of Hope: I Quit My Membership in the Daily Ibuprofen Club

Stories of Hope: I Quit My Membership in the Daily Ibuprofen Club

It was during a daily commute while listening to the local Catholic radio show (The Catholic Business Hour) that I heard an ad that caught my ear.  I was kind of looking for something else to do that didn’t involve working for someone else.  I was also looking for “something” that would provide a more…

St. Monica, A Profile in Patience and Perseverance

St. Monica, A Profile in Patience and Perseverance

The feast of St. Monica occurs the day before the feast of her son, St. Augustine. Her tears, prayers, and sacrifices over many years helped bring about his conversion. It is only proper that their feasts are celebrated close together. Monica was born in North Africa. As a child she lived with her family, but…

After 8 years, Lumberjack Catholic Congressman Sean Duffy Retires for a Higher Purpose

After 8 years, Lumberjack Catholic Congressman Sean Duffy Retires for a Higher Purpose

Rep. Sean Duffy (R-WI), a practicing Catholic and—yes, really—a lumberjack champion who has served in Congress since 2011, will be stepping down from his seat on September 23. He made the announcement in a post on his personal Facebook page.  Duffy made the announcement Aug. 26, citing a desire to be with his family ahead…

Napa Institute Spotlight: Courage in the Public Square, Nick Sandmann’s parents speak out

Napa Institute Spotlight: Courage in the Public Square, Nick Sandmann’s parents speak out

Special to the Catholic Business Journal—2019 Napa Institute, Napa, CA — Ted and Julie Sandmann (and in absentia, son Nick) accepted the Charles Chaput “Courage in the Public Square” Award at the recently completed 2019 Napa Institute. In a breakout session, the Sandmann’s detailed what they have suffered through as a result of Nick’s participation…

The Catholic case for the free market

The Catholic case for the free market

As history has proved and previous popes have noted, no economic system is better at lifting people out of poverty and providing work — and in the process, offering human dignity — than the free market. First posted Sept 23, 2015 on CNN, this Op.Ed piece is as relevant now as then, and expresses the…

The Truth about What’s Going On in Hong Kong

The Truth about What’s Going On in Hong Kong

This short first-hand video says what 4-second news bytes in the U.S. don’t.  See for yourself how desperate is the fight for freedom in Hong Kong, these clips taken yesterday—August 13, 2019—in Hong Kong’s International airport.  Live proof, sadly, that all the Catholic and papal condemnations of communism throughout history are more than justified.  See…

Catholics march for peace in Hong Kong as unrest continues

Catholics march for peace in Hong Kong as unrest continues

13 Aug 2019—Protestors are at Hong Kong airport again today leading to another potential day of chaos. Large protests started in response to a proposed extradition bill, which has now been suspended, but have evolved into a more demanding pro-democracy movement. Meanwhile, over 1,000 Catholics have marched for peace in the city as mass unrest…

Communism v Catholicism: Religion is a big factor on Hong Kong’s streets

Communism v Catholicism: Religion is a big factor on Hong Kong’s streets

Less than 2 months ago, June 19, 2019, this article was posted in the South China Post—Hong Kong: Hong Kong chief executive Carrie Lam faced the public on Tuesday evening and apologized just days after two million people marched against her extradition bill, many of them calling for her resignation. But on Monday, Lam took…

Beautiful Feast of the Assumption

Beautiful Feast of the Assumption

CNA—On Aug. 15, Catholics around the world mark the Feast of the Assumption of Mary, commemorating the end of her earthly life and her assumption into Heaven. But while the feast day is a relatively new one, the history of the holiday – and the mystery behind it – has its roots in the earliest…

The Miraculous Medal: St Maximilian Kolbe’s weapon for evangelization

The Miraculous Medal: St Maximilian Kolbe’s weapon for evangelization

CNA—As World War II raged around him in Poland, St. Maximilian Kolbe fought for souls using a printing press and another “weapon” – the Miraculous Medal. “Even though a person be the worst sort, if only he agrees to wear the medal, give it to him…and then pray for him, and at the proper moment…

Small Graces Can Lead to Abundant Blessings

Small Graces Can Lead to Abundant Blessings

“In the end, the only memorable stories, like the only memorable experiences, are religious and moral.  They give men the heart to suffer the ordeal of a life that perpetually rends them between its beauty and its terror.” ∼ Whittaker Chambers, Witness Evil loves the spotlight. It is exceedingly easy to perceive the chain reaction…

The Land O’ Lakes Statement Caused Devastation For 50 Years

The Land O’ Lakes Statement Caused Devastation For 50 Years

Catholic Business Journal—You may not be familiar with the Land O’Lakes Statement, but it radically—radically—changed Catholic higher education from the date of its signing in 1967 by major Catholic college and university presidents until 1990, when Saint Pope John Paul II issued Ex Corde Ecclesiae.  Ex Corde Ecclesiae, the apostolic constitution for Catholic universities, soundly…

Choose American-made medicine, not socialized medicine

Choose American-made medicine, not socialized medicine

Through social media and political rallies, proponents of Medicare for All are touting the benefits of a single-payer universal health care system for America. But socializing medicine bit by bit, as the Affordable Care Act has done, or in one fell swoop, such as Medicare for All would do, certainly isn’t the answer. Unfortunately, the…

CUA’s Abela Claims Today’s Defense of Capitalism is Missing the Mark

CUA’s Abela Claims Today’s Defense of Capitalism is Missing the Mark

Special to the Catholic Business Journal—2019 Napa Institute, Napa, CA—Dr. Andrew Abela, in a keynote talk at the just completed Annual Napa Institute, said that we have taken the bait and are trying to defend something that cannot be defended. Capitalism, a term created by Karl Marx as an “ism,” is ambiguous and does not…

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