A World of Difference: Clear communication vs Lukewarm statements

A World of Difference: Clear communication vs Lukewarm statements

God spat out the lukewarm. He was very clear there was no place for the lukewarm in His Kingdom.  For most of us, that’s typically where the matter ends.  Stand up for principles that matter, don’t be a doormat, and get on with life.  But as a young professional, I’ve begun to notice how often…

This Is What Comes After the Transgender Revolution

This Is What Comes After the Transgender Revolution

The Sexual Revolution must be understood as a process, or else it becomes incomprehensible. Those who promote it will never be satisfied with its present phase. They will always be pushing the envelope to the next new aberration. Few people ask, however, what the next new sexual frontier will be. No one should be shocked…

What’s Wrong with Socialism?

What’s Wrong with Socialism?

Any serious Catholic business professional, especially business owners, know how profoundly government affects business, work, profit, property ownership, taxation, regulations, R&D, and more. Much more, including freedom of lifestyle and choices, and even freedom of religious practices.  But many U.S. citizens today — most likely due to stunted elementary and college education, politically correct social…

Top Ranked Catholic Colleges for 2019

Top Ranked Catholic Colleges for 2019

College Consensus, a unique college ratings website that aggregates publisher rankings and student reviews, has published their ranking of the Best Catholic Colleges and Universities 2019. To identify the Best Catholic Colleges and Universities 2019, College Consensus combined the latest results from the most respected college rankings with thousands of real student reviews to produce…

Church of the Apostles FOUND: in Israel Archaeological Dig near Galilee

Church of the Apostles FOUND: in Israel Archaeological Dig near Galilee

Archaeologists in Israel’s Galilee have discovered the remains of an ancient structure now said to be the Church of the Apostles – a long-debated biblical site built atop the homes of the apostles Peter and Andrew. While mentions of the church can be found in Christian text dating as far back as the year 725…

John Paul II Institute responds to student and faculty criticisms

John Paul II Institute responds to student and faculty criticisms

The Pontifical John Paul II Institute issued a statement Monday, defending recent changes at the school. But some students and faculty members say that explanations do not address the full picture of issues at the theological institute. “The academic project of the new Institute, approved by the Congregation for Catholic Education, is designed as a…

Benedict XVI pays a surprise visit to Castel Gandolfo

Benedict XVI pays a surprise visit to Castel Gandolfo

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI left Vatican City Thursday to make a surprise visit to Castel Gandolfo. The pope emeritus visited the Pontifical Villas July 25 for the first time in four years, and walked the garden paths where he used to pray, according to Italian media. Benedict XVI then went to the 15th century Sanctuary…

The U.S. and the Reparations Quandary: Are we really worse than other nations?

The U.S. and the Reparations Quandary: Are we really worse than other nations?

NY Times: “The inaction of Great Britain …. has been not only absurd, but almost criminal.” The recent talks on Capitol Hill about reparations for African American slavery has reignited the topic across the country. Generally, politicians on one side are in favor of monetary reparations to be paid to current descendants of former slaves…

Tim Busch Issues a Call to Action for Catholic Laity at Napa Institute

Tim Busch Issues a Call to Action for Catholic Laity at Napa Institute

Special to the Catholic Business Journal—NAPA, CA, July 25, 2019 – “The Catholic Church is in crisis. Much has been done, but there is still much to do,” said Tim Busch,  founder and chairman of the Institute, in his opening remarks at this year’s annual Napa Institute. “This is a time of cleansing. And this…

CATHOLIC BUSINESS PROFILE: Andrew Newland—President, Hercules Industries

CATHOLIC BUSINESS PROFILE: Andrew Newland—President, Hercules Industries

Every cause needs a hero, and when it comes defending religious liberty, it is only fitting that one of the heroes of this cause is named Hercules. Like its namesake muscleman of Greek myths, Hercules Industries of Denver, CO, a Catholic family steel manufacturing company, led by its president Andrew (“Andy”) Newland (pictured left), has triumphed in…

I’ve gained hope, health and financial stability

I’ve gained hope, health and financial stability

About 13 years ago, I was facing a tough situation.  For the previous 20 years, as a single parent raising three children, I had been working full time as a hair-dresser. It was a great career for me.  But now it was coming to an end.  My health was slowly declining. I could no longer…

Oakcrest Catholic school becomes second to leave PVAC over transgender policy

Oakcrest Catholic school becomes second to leave PVAC over transgender policy

International Dateline—Oakcrest School announced its departure from the Potomac Valley Athletic Conference (PVAC) last week, becoming the second school to leave the conference because of the league’s inclusive policy regarding transgender athletes. Mary Ortiz, Oakcrest’s Head of School, wrote a letter to PVAC President Taisto Saloma on June 14 informing him of Oakcrest’s withdrawal from…

Keep it simple: Jim Horan helps businesses do just that to see profits soar

Keep it simple: Jim Horan helps businesses do just that to see profits soar

We all know the KISS shortcut for “Keep It Simple,” but the next guest mentor Jim Horan to be interviewed on The Mentors Radio Program, which is produced weekly by Catholic Business Journal, takes simplicity to a whole new level and applies it to business! Brilliant! After two decades in senior financial positions with Shaklee…

Italian nun honored in U.S., advises what we can do to fight human trafficking

Italian nun honored in U.S., advises what we can do to fight human trafficking

CNA—Human trafficking is “happening closer to us than we think,” and Catholic groups are increasingly committed to fighting it through advocacy, prayer and action, global anti-trafficking leader Sister Gabriella Bottani, S.M.C., has said. “What we should do, more and more, is to be aware and to try to understand what trafficking is in our reality,…

Four priests who were martyred for refusing to violate the seal of confession

Four priests who were martyred for refusing to violate the seal of confession

CNA, CBJ—In recent years, some Catholics have been concerned by pushes from governments in locations such as Louisiana and Australia, and now California, who challenge the secrecy of the sacrament of confession, asking that priests betray the solemnity of penitents’ confessions when they hear of serious crimes in the confessional. However, the words of Saint…

Seal of confession is an ‘intrinsic requirement,’ Vatican says

Seal of confession is an ‘intrinsic requirement,’ Vatican says

The head of the Vatican’s Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Penitentiary released a note Monday reaffirming the inviolability of the seal of confession and the importance of other forms of secrecy in the life of the Church. The text follows action by governments in Australia, California, and other parts of the world, to undermine the…

State Department removes ‘reproductive rights’ section from human rights report

State Department removes ‘reproductive rights’ section from human rights report

CNA—The U.S. State Department has removed the term “reproductive rights” from its annual human rights report, drawing praise from pro-life leaders who say that the phrase had become a thinly veiled reference to abortion.   “‘Reproductive rights’ has long been a euphemism for destroying human life in the womb,” said Lila Rose, founder and president…

HHS delays new conscience rights protections

HHS delays new conscience rights protections

CNA—A rule to protect the conscience rights of medical professionals will be delayed until the end of November, the Department of Health and Human Services announced July 1.  The administration said that the new rule, which would cover doctors and other medical practitioners objecting to procedures like abortion, sterilization, or facilitating euthanasia, is being held…

Tax credits: U.S. Supreme Court agrees to hear Montana school choice case

Tax credits: U.S. Supreme Court agrees to hear Montana school choice case

CNA—The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to hear a case addressing the question of whether states can deny tax credit programs to parents and children who choose religious private schools. “States cannot base laws on hostility to religion. Likewise, no provision of Montana’s constitution can enshrine hostility to religion into state law. We commend the…

IKEA in Poland fires employee for Biblical opposition to pride event

IKEA in Poland fires employee for Biblical opposition to pride event

CNA—An IKEA worker in Poland has filed a lawsuit after being fired last week for posting Bible verses opposing homosexual behavior on the company’s intranet. The issue could just as easily have happened in the U.S. or anywhere else, which means that as a Catholic business professional it is important to clearly understand the matter. …

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