Silicon Valley’s Secret Christians: Discomfort with faith cuts the tech industry off from a necessary moral foundation

Silicon Valley’s Secret Christians: Discomfort with faith cuts the tech industry off from a necessary moral foundation

WSJ—HBO’s “Silicon Valley” won praise during its six-season run for accurately satirizing Northern California’s tech startup culture. A classic episode depicts a meeting in which one of the main characters accidentally “outs” a colleague, leaving the gathered tech leaders uncomfortable. But they’re not upset that their potential partner is gay—rather, they’re shocked to learn that…

Business and faith – they work in tandem

Business and faith – they work in tandem

I have often been asked, “Can you be a good Catholic and successful in business?” The question is posed as if there is a contradiction between the two, assuming that to be successful in America, a CEO has to compromise his faith or morals. I believe that not only are the two not mutually exclusive,…

Putting the Catholic back in Catholic Schools

Putting the Catholic back in Catholic Schools

This week is Celebrate Catholic Schools Week across America. Catholic schools enrolled more than 5 million students in the mid-1960s but today just 1.6 million. Many things have contributed to this decline including family economic stress, rising college costs, and other factors. And, of course, massive secularization. The stakes are really high. Now, more than…

Pope Francis said on Wednesday that the dying need palliative care, not euthanasia or assisted suicide.

Pope Francis said on Wednesday that the dying need palliative care, not euthanasia or assisted suicide.

CNA—At his general audience in the Vatican’s Paul VI Hall on Feb. 9, the pope said that this ethical principle was valid not only for Christians but for everyone. He expressed gratitude for palliative care, which seeks to improve the quality of life of people suffering from severe illnesses. “However, we must be careful not…

Full text: Benedict XVI’s letter in response to the Munich abuse report

Full text: Benedict XVI’s letter in response to the Munich abuse report

The following is the full text of a letter by Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI addressing the report on abuse in the Archdiocese of Munich-Freising. This English translation of the original German text was released by the Vatican on Feb. 8, 2022.   Dear Sisters and Brothers, Following the presentation of the report on abuse in…

Fired nurse practitioner charges CVS Pharmacy with religious discrimination

Fired nurse practitioner charges CVS Pharmacy with religious discrimination

CNA—A Christian nurse practitioner formerly employed at a CVS Pharmacy in Texas has filed a discrimination complaint, saying that the company illegally discriminated against her on the basis of her religious beliefs against contraception and pressured her to change her beliefs. Robyn Strader, 72, was a nurse practitioner at the CVS Pharmacy MinuteClinic in the…

Preparing for Libor to Leave the Building

Preparing for Libor to Leave the Building

The London Interbank Offered Rate (Libor) — once called the world’s most important number — is an interest-rate benchmark that has influenced borrowing costs for consumers, businesses, and investors around the world since 1986.1–2 It’s been quoted in five currencies (British pound, Swiss franc, Euro, Japanese yen, and U.S. dollar) from the daily submissions of…

BOOK REVIEW: Buscemi’s Guide to Understanding the Family Office as a Source of Capital

BOOK REVIEW: Buscemi’s Guide to Understanding the Family Office as a Source of Capital

I noticed a sea-change in the investment landscape about 10 years ago as family offices, which were relatively unknown to entrepreneurs as a source of capital, expanded from investing solely in investment funds to investing directly in young companies. Family offices provide a wide range of services tailored to meet the needs of high-net-worth individuals,…

A Night with the Untouchables

A Night with the Untouchables

I live in downtown Ottawa, right in the middle of the trucker convoy protest. They are literally camped out below my bedroom window. My new neighbours moved in on Friday and they seem determined to stay. I have read a lot about what my new neighbours are supposedly like, mostly from reporters and columnists who…

GoFundMe Seizes $10 Million of Trucker Protest Fundraising, Will Give to Charities Instead

GoFundMe Seizes $10 Million of Trucker Protest Fundraising, Will Give to Charities Instead

GoFundMe says it won’t be giving the C$10 million ($8 million USD) raised to support the truckers protesting COVID-19 mandates to the organizers anymore, saying it will instead work with the organizers to send the funds to “established charities verified by GoFundMe.” “To ensure GoFundMe remains a trusted platform, we work with local authorities to…

Pivots to Fight Inflation

Pivots to Fight Inflation

On December 15, 2021, the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) of the Federal Reserve System made a significant shift in monetary policy in response to rising inflation. The Committee accelerated the reduction of its bond-buying program in order to tighten the money supply and projected three increases in the benchmark federal funds rate in 2022,…

Fantastic virtual course on Saint Joseph: A study of the heroic life of the second greatest saint to ever walk the earth!

Fantastic virtual course on Saint Joseph: A study of the heroic life of the second greatest saint to ever walk the earth!

CNA, with a few CBJ additions—When Daniel Campbell saw an email in his inbox last spring from Soroti, Uganda, his first thought was: Am I being scammed? Campbell, who directs Denver’s St. John Vianney Seminary Lay Division, had recently announced plans to teach a six-week online course that summer on St. Joseph. The email in…

“A Chocolate Chip Cookie and a Hail Mary” approach results in Abortions slowing to a trickle at St. Louis clinic after Convent opens across the street

“A Chocolate Chip Cookie and a Hail Mary” approach results in Abortions slowing to a trickle at St. Louis clinic after Convent opens across the street

CNA—Tucked away near the Forest Park neighborhood of St. Louis is a brick, three-story convent dedicated to Our Lady of Guadalupe. The convent, situated in a converted home on a corner lot, is nothing spectacular to the unknowing eye. But the convent is unique because it is located directly across the street from a Planned…

Benedictine Astronomer Helps Discover New Molecules in Interstellar Space

Benedictine Astronomer Helps Discover New Molecules in Interstellar Space

Dr. Christopher Shingledecker, assistant professor of Physics and Astronomy at Benedictine College, is part of a group of scientists announcing the discovery of numerous new molecules in interstellar space. Using observational data taken with the Green Bank Telescope (GBT) in West Virginia as part of the GOTHAM (GBT Observations of TMC-1: Hunting Aromatic Molecules) project,…

2,800 Catholics sign Traditional Latin Mass petition delivered to Arlington bishop

2,800 Catholics sign Traditional Latin Mass petition delivered to Arlington bishop

CNA—Nearly 2,800 supporters of the Traditional Latin Mass have signed a petition addressed to Bishop Michael Burbidge (featured image) of Arlington in Virginia. The organizer tells Catholic News Agency (CNA) he delivered that petition to the bishop’s office on Monday. The document asks Burbidge to lift restrictions he recently imposed on the celebration of the…

Dominican priest killed in Vietnam

Dominican priest killed in Vietnam

CNA—Fr. Giuse (Joseph) Trần Ngọc Thanh, O.P., was killed in a knife attack on Saturday, Jan. 29 at a mission of Dak Mot, about 40 miles northwest of Kon Tum. He was hearing confessions before the last Mass of the evening, according to Ordo Praedicatorum on Facebook.  The Diocese of Kon Tum said he was…

Knights of Columbus Donates 1,500th Ultrasound Machine to Help Save Babies from Abortion

Knights of Columbus Donates 1,500th Ultrasound Machine to Help Save Babies from Abortion

Lifesite News—The Knights of Columbus Ultrasound Initiative surpassed a major milestone today, placing its 1,500th ultrasound machine through its signature donation program. The machine was donated to the First Choice Women’s Resource Center in New Brunswick, N.J., and blessed by Bishop James Checchio of the Diocese of Metuchen during a dedication ceremony attended by Supreme…

LIST: March for Life DC, Walk for Life West Coast, and Other walks for Life

LIST: March for Life DC, Walk for Life West Coast, and Other walks for Life

Below please find a quick list of March for LIfe events around the country (and world, where applicable) where individuals and groups sacrifice a day of prayer and public gathering to honor those innocent lives lost in abortion—beginning with the Roe v. Wade decision of the U.S. Supreme court in 1973— and to pray and…

US bishops’ pro-life novena to begin this week: Jan 19 – 27

US bishops’ pro-life novena to begin this week: Jan 19 – 27

CNA—This year marks the 10th anniversary of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ “Nine Days for Life,” as the bishops again encourage everyone to pray for an end to abortion. “This pro-life novena is an opportunity for recollection and reparation in observation of the anniversary of Roe v. Wade—the Supreme Court decision that made…

The nuns who witnessed the life and death of Martin Luther King Jr

The nuns who witnessed the life and death of Martin Luther King Jr

CNA—Sister Mary Antona Ebo was the only black Catholic nun who marched with civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr. in Selma, Alabama, in 1965. “I’m here because I’m a Negro, a nun, a Catholic, and because I want to bear witness,” Sister Mary Antona Ebo said to fellow demonstrators at a March 10, 1965…

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