Marist Poll Finds 3 in 4 Americans Support Substantial Abortion Restrictions

Marist Poll Finds 3 in 4 Americans Support Substantial Abortion Restrictions

Three in four Americans (75 percent) say abortion should be limited to – at most – the first three months of pregnancy. This includes most of those who identify as Republicans (92 percent), Independents (78 percent) and a majority of Democrats (60 percent). It also includes more than six in 10 (61 percent) who identify…

France Protests One Reality of Socialism, but there’s more under the surface

France Protests One Reality of Socialism, but there’s more under the surface

As Margaret Thatcher, former Prime Minister of England once noted, “The trouble with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people’s money.”  Unfortunately France didn’t get the message prior to voting for president in 2017.  It’s unclear if they get the message now.  But whether or not the French connect the dots between…

Foreign Abortion Funding a Top Issue in U.S. Budget Battle

Foreign Abortion Funding a Top Issue in U.S. Budget Battle

It’s not just “the wall.” Lifesite News and other sources report that the Trump administration made clear it would not consider a Democrat spending bill to fully reopen the federal government partially because it would also restore foreign aid to organizations that commit or promote abortions. The latest proposed legislation not only lacked the wall…

What Tech Will Invade Your Life in 2019 (or not)?

What Tech Will Invade Your Life in 2019 (or not)?

New York Times—Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) that responds to your voice. Next-generation wireless networks. If this year’s biggest consumer technology trends have a familiar ring, there’s a reason for that. Imagine a future where you are never truly alone. Even when your spouse is on a business trip or your children are away at summer camp,…

Blessed Fr. Jerzy Popiełuszko: A parishioner remembers his brave pastor

Blessed Fr. Jerzy Popiełuszko: A parishioner remembers his brave pastor

Crisis—2019 will mark the 30th anniversary of communism’s collapse in Poland and Eastern Europe. It will also mark 35 years since the murder of Father Jerzy Popiełuszko. I was safe in California when the communist secret police killed my old vicar in Poland in October 1984. In May 1980, Father “Jurek” Popiełuszko was assigned to our…

Newly ordained Alaska priest’s 1st homily looks at how to respond to life’s storms

Newly ordained Alaska priest’s 1st homily looks at how to respond to life’s storms

In light of Alaska’s 2018 earthquake in which the parish co-pastored by Fr. Arthur Roraff was the hardest hit, we reprint the excellent first homily of this same priest, given just 3 years ago. Adaptation for print 2015 by Catholic Anchor— Jesus was in a boat in the Sea of Galilee, which still exists in…

5 Lessons Learned from Tuesday’s Terror at  Strasbourg Christmas Market

5 Lessons Learned from Tuesday’s Terror at Strasbourg Christmas Market

William Kilpatrick nails it when he ticks off five important lessons to be learned from the December 11 terror attack at the Christmas Market in Strasbourg, killing five (as of the latest update) and wounding 13…. Read more>>

New book releases for young readers expose much bigger, stiffling issue

New book releases for young readers expose much bigger, stiffling issue

In a recent Wall Street Journal opinion piece, journalist and former diplomat Dave Seminara does an excellent job of showcasing the depth to which agenda-driven, cultural “group think” has saturated our culture, and hence, our children’s and grandchildren’s perception of the world.. Those of us who aren’t kids any more have no clue.  We assume…

Beginning December 17:  The beautiful “O Antiphons” of Advent

Beginning December 17: The beautiful “O Antiphons” of Advent

“Gazing afar off, behold I see the power of God coming, and a cloud covering all the land. Go out to meet him and say: tell me if you are the one who is to reign over the people Israel.” So sounds the cry of the world before Christ, a cry placed on the lips…

Ring belonging to Pontius Pilate found near Bethlehem

Ring belonging to Pontius Pilate found near Bethlehem

Aletia & Haaretz—Archaeologists have determined that a ring found 50 years ago near the West Bank’s Bethlehem belonged to the Roman governor Pontius Pilate, according to an article in Haaretz. The ring, reports Haaretz, was found during an excavation in the late sixties along with thousands over other artifacts, but was only recently throughly cleaned…

France: A Tale of Two Faiths

France: A Tale of Two Faiths

Crisis Magazine—Last March, an Islamist terrorist stormed a supermarket in Trèbes, France, shot two people dead and took others hostage. In negotiations with police, the terrorist agreed to accept a police lieutenant’s offer to swap places with the last hostage, a female cashier. The police officer, Arnaud Beltrame, was subsequently killed. In honor of his…

Why Archbishop of Algiers calls 19 newly beatified ‘Models for the Church’

Why Archbishop of Algiers calls 19 newly beatified ‘Models for the Church’

CNA—Archbishop Paul Desfarges of Algiers said that Bishop Pierre Claverie and his 18 companions, who were martyred in Algeria between 1994 and 1996, are “models for our lives as disciples today and tomorrow.” The Algerian martyrs were beatified Dec. 8 at the Shrine of Our Lady of the Holy Cross in Oran. “The beatification of…

NEVER BEFORE: Vatican Beatifies 19 Catholic Martyrs at Cathedral in Muslim-dominated Algeria

NEVER BEFORE: Vatican Beatifies 19 Catholic Martyrs at Cathedral in Muslim-dominated Algeria

A cardinal dispatched by the Vatican to Algeria has held an unusual beatification ceremony for 19 monks, nuns and other Roman Catholics who were killed during Algeria’s civil war in the 1990s. The ceremony, on Saturday in the western city of Oran, was the first in the Muslim world, according to Algeria’s religious affairs minister.…

Former George H.W. Bush Speechwriter on Why the President Was Shy About Talking About His World War II Service in Public

Former George H.W. Bush Speechwriter on Why the President Was Shy About Talking About His World War II Service in Public

Catholic Business Journal writers felt this short piece captured excellently what few others did, namely an inside glimpse at the noble and interesting profession of speech-writing. TIME, by Mary Kate Cary—I joined the Bush-Quayle presidential campaign in the summer of 1988 when I was 25, writing something called the “line of the day”—a one-page memo…

George H.W. Bush on Death, the After Life and Almost Dying in World War II

George H.W. Bush on Death, the After Life and Almost Dying in World War II

We at Catholic Business Journal felt that TIME magazine culled one of the most compelling, short video compilations—using only President George H.W. Bush’s quotes and images—that capture well the driving principles, faith and motivation behind the U.S. President we honor this week in his death. TIME—George H.W. Bush, who died on Nov. 30, 2018 at…

What the Cupich Moment Can Teach Ambitious Seminarians

What the Cupich Moment Can Teach Ambitious Seminarians

Crisis—In the American Catholic Church and in the Church worldwide under the Francis papacy, we’ve entered the Cupich Moment. With his appointment to the Archdiocese of Chicago, and with his being selected as the primary American organizer of the gathering of bishops this coming February for the purpose of addressing the sexual abuse crisis (which…

Peterson and Solzhenitsyn Speak Truth to Power

Peterson and Solzhenitsyn Speak Truth to Power

Crisis—It is not hard to see why Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, whose 100th birthday will be celebrated on December 11, would be such a compelling figure for Jordan Peterson, the Jungian psychologist who has become an international cause célèbre for defying Orwellian speech codes added to Canada’s Human Rights Act. In addition to advocating an ethic of individual…



When Rocky IV hit theaters in 1985, the humble appeal of the original film had all but vanished. The first Rocky had nothing to prove: An unanticipated success, its total lack of presumption mirrored that of the unassuming, low-born title character played famously by Sylvester Stallone. The rest, of course, is history. Audiences fell in…

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