Please pray that my brother’s hair and scalp would be healed and that his hair would grow back.
Please pray that my brother’s hair and scalp would be healed and that his hair would grow back.
I recently served as one of two moderators for our local St.
I am estranged from my Chinese-American family, I miss them terribly–I don’t know for sure what issues are involved (I have some ideas certainly) don’t you believe the nonsense that ‘time heals all wounds’ no it doesn’t, time is an enemy–the more time that lapses is another day for feelings and hopelessness to become hardened.…
The following exclusive Catholic Business Journal (CBJ) interview with Mary Peters, a Midwest former nurse and mother of nine, reveals not only her passion for the home-based business she started 15 years ago, but also an inside look at habits that have helped her succeed; insights that may inspire others to consider following her example,…
To find a career that keeps me close to my faith and supports my family.
Divine intervention in this business. For the success of the Beacon of ICT Awards 2012. And also the success of Nigeria CIOs forum 2012
Baby Jackson suffers from severe EB, please help him heal and grow to be healthy and strong.
Please pray for healing for Rosie Grimm if it be God’s will. She is a beautiful, vivacious, creative, intelligent and devout young college graduate suffering from a rare cancer who will soon undergo new treatment. We are especially asking for a miracle through the intercession of Cardinal John Newman; please join us in prayer.
For my husband’s severe kidney trouble. Prayers for healing. Thank you.
For accurate diagnosis and healing treatment for my daughter. That she knows how special she is.
Please pray that my Mom have many fulfilled days where she knows God’s love for her through the care of those around her.
No computers… No phones… Yet what powerful business tips are found in the life of this 16th Century saint! As we scramble to daily improve our FaceBook and Twitter sales and awareness outreach, it’s difficult to imagine that anything—or anyone—from the 16th Century could reveal powerful business tips for success today. But the life of…
That he may come back to his wife and be a model to his children rather than becoming involved in the drug culture with them. Pray that he will believe in God and that I as his w ife and he as my husband, follow the will of Our Lord and that we might discern…
Dear GOD, Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. THY will be done, not mine. Amen.
Please pray for Dan and his family as they help him fight cancer
5 ,20yr+ young men and single mom of 2 children looking for work
The Archdiocese of Detroit quickly posted a Kevorkian leaves ‘deadly legacy’
Please pray for my son. He is 22 years old, very gifted, graduated from college, has been accepted to graduate school. God has given him many gifts, one of which is AADD. He has finally gotten to the point that he is actively trying to deal with it, but is very reluctant to allow God…
The families of St. Jude Academy found out last night that the school was going to close. The parents found the news unacceptable and took on the challenge to try to raise $400K in 30 days to keep the school open. Please pray that we are successful in our endeavor and that we can save…
Alchoholism has taken my brother hostage and the Devil is fighting for his soul. Leona prays for her son but cannot let him go to get help. Please pray for God’s love and strenghth for them both that He will heal and support them if they just give Him the chance to “fix their broken…