A Sobering Look at the Muslim Expansion: Evangelization in Context

A Sobering Look at the Muslim Expansion: Evangelization in Context

 October 7, 1571, the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary. The Feast date was so named for the powerful role of the Rosary in winning the Battle of Lepanto; a victory that literally turned around the unrelenting tide of ongoing Islamic invasion and conquering of Christian Europe at the time. (Remember, today’s city of…

Consecration to Mary: Start This Week and Finish on Feast of Assumption

Consecration to Mary: Start This Week and Finish on Feast of Assumption

In talking with a friend a while back, we figured out that if you start the Consecration to Mary today (July 14) — the St. Louis de Montefort one is the most popular one and the one that St. Maximillian Kolbe used originally, then you’ll end up making your Consecration on the Feast of the…

Why a Year for Priests?

Why a Year for Priests?

Vatican Spokesman Notes Objectives VATICAN CITY (Zenit.org)—The priesthood is a gift for humanity, but it is enduring more than a few difficulties, and the newly inaugurated Year for Priests aims to address that, says a Vatican spokesman. Jesuit Father Federico Lombardi, director of the Vatican press office, spoke of the Year for Priests during the…

Simple, Powerful Reflections from St. John Vianney and St. Therese of Lisieux

Simple, Powerful Reflections from St. John Vianney and St. Therese of Lisieux

As you know, today, Friday June 19, 2009, is the 150th Anniversary of the death of St. John Vianney, known by many as the beloved Cure d’Ars and the patron saint of parish priests.  Today is also the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.  In light of these converging monumental and historical truths, Pope…

Catholic Relief Services: Empowering Women through Microfinance

Catholic Relief Services: Empowering Women through Microfinance

by Marc D’Silva One Billion People Struggle to Survive on Less than a Dollar a Day. Imagine trying to get through the day without spending more than one dollar.  No latte.  No newspaper.  No taxi.  Most of us living in the United States will never have to face such a daunting challenge. And yet, one…

California Public School District Will Force All First Graders to Follow Curriculum That Normalizes Same-Sex Unions

California Public School District Will Force All First Graders to Follow Curriculum That Normalizes Same-Sex Unions

Bill May, founder of Catholics for the Common Good has promised to write an article for the Catholic Business Journal addressing the Catholic principles, perspective and action suggested regarding the kinds of serious moral and ethical issues that the following news item evokes. Please lend your voice to comments and insights section at the end.—ed.…

University of Notre Dame Students and Alumni Protest University’s Choice of Radical Pro-Abortion Obama as Commencement Speaker

May 17, 2009 — As the University of Notre Dame administration this year boasts securing the most aggressively pro-abortion president of the United States ever, Barrack Hussein Obama, as its 2009 Commencement Speaker, not far away a large — very large — gathering of faithful students, alumni and others gather in protest. In the 10-minute…


please pray for me and my family. That everything will be OK..

BOOK REVIEW: “Raving Fans,” by Ken Blanchard and Sheldon Bowles

BOOK REVIEW: “Raving Fans,” by Ken Blanchard and Sheldon Bowles

Raving Fans: A revolutionary Approach to Customer Service, by Ken Blanchard and Sheldon Bowles (1993, William Morrow and Company) is a simple and satisfying morsel of sage business advice echoing Catholic economic and moral principles of subsidiary, self-surrender and charity. Written as a fast-moving fable, resulting in a simple, quick read, typical of Blanchard’s style,…

Dennis Goulding

15 year old, for complete healing from suicide attempt

At What Cost Do We Stand Up for Principles?

At What Cost Do We Stand Up for Principles?

Another inspirational woman merely answers a question with candor and charity, standing up for Biblical principles, even though it may have cost her the Miss USA crown. That one moment, before millions of viewers and a live audience, dramatically affected her next year, her career, and how she will impact young people in the future.…

Catholic Leaders Mourn Death of Thomas Aquinas College President

Catholic Leaders Mourn Death of Thomas Aquinas College President

  Thomas E. Dillon, Ph.D., president of the only four-year, fully integrated Catholic Great Books program in the nation, Thomas Aquinas College in Santa Paula, Calif., was killed Wednesday, April 15, in a solo car crash while driving with his wife, Terri, in Ireland, en route to the International Council of Universities of St. Thomas…

spiritaullee created

for pro life ministry and health issues. God bless..


My family and I are going through finacial difficulties and our home has recently been forclosed. I feel so ashamed and can’t sleep at night. We have 3 small childern and we struggle everyday to keep a positive attitude for therm, somedays it’s so hard. Please pray for us to have a fresh new start…

Totus Tuus: Pope Benedict XVI Remembers John Paul II

Totus Tuus: Pope Benedict XVI Remembers John Paul II

VATICAN CITY  (Zenit.org)— Below is a translation of the homily delivered by Pope Benedict XVI on April 2, at the Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica, to mark the fourth anniversary of Pope John Paul II’s death. * * * [Translation from Italian:] Dear Brothers and Sisters! Four years ago, exactly today [April 2], my beloved…


Please pray for me. While I once had such faith that I felt totally at peace despite great illness, I am now completely healthy but suffer great anxiety over many religious questions as well as feelings of guilt that my life is going so well. Please pray that I will know that God wants Good for me and help me to stop obsessing and instead devote my effort and energy to others.

Thank you!

To That Lovely Lady, Raised High on a Dome

To That Lovely Lady, Raised High on a Dome

On May 17, 2009 President Barack Obama will ascend the steps of the Joyce Auditorium stage to accept Notre Dame’s highest honor as a doctor of laws, amid deafening applause.  And doubtless, it will come after months of intense debate on messy things like academic freedom, the nature and mission of Catholic universities, and what…

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