Mary Jo
Job search/patience and trust that God has a plan for my life.
Job search/patience and trust that God has a plan for my life.
A few years back, I was meeting with my Spiritual Director regarding work. As we were praying, with a hint of uncertainty as to why he was asking me, he asked, “When people say to you ‘Who do you work for?’ how do you respond?” Having proudly extricated myself from the grind of a corporate environment and into entrepreneurial status, I said, “I tell them I work for myself.” My Spiritual Director looked at me, chuckled knowingly and said, “Oh, Okay.
Dear Dick: I’m a confidential secretary. The problem is my boss. In an effort to please people, she tells them what they want to hear. This means that many times she is untruthful, telling one person one story and another person a story that conflicts dramatically. These are not minor variations of the same story,…
job search
Please pray for me and my spouse that we may continue to have good health. I also pray that you pray for me at my job place. There are people there that have a bad spirit . I just want to do my work and be a good person. So Please pray that I am…
newly discovered cancer
cancer and related challenges
For protection, courage and inner peace for those in harm’s way
Greetings and peace. As the chaplain for the new Catholic Business Journal, I would like to welcome you to this excellent online resource for timely and appropriate business information brought to you with a Catholic perspective. In my column I hope to provide thoughtful reflections from my own experience as a monk, priest, and CEO.…
Dear Dick: I hear an awful lot about burnout these days. I’m tired a lot and have lost a lot of the enthusiasm I once had for my job. Does this mean I’m burned out? If so, what should I do about it? —Tired on the Job Dear Tired: If you dread the thought…
Are you a connector or a disconnector? Does it matter? Author Michael Stallard in his recently published Fired Up or Burned Out: How to Reignite your Team’s Passion, Creativity and Productivity thinks so. Stallard has had an interest in work cultures throughout his career as he wanted to understand the culture that would bring out…
U.S. ECONOMY As the nation’s housing bubble continues to deflate, the general economy remains reasonably robust. U. S. GNP figures for the second quarter showed growth of 3.4%, well above most economic estimates, as consumers and a newly growing export trade (due at least partially to a weaker dollar) pushed growth ahead. To date, the…
Penned by famed English writer Evelyn Waugh, this book is so well-written and historically accurate as to make the saint (and the times in which he lived) jump from the page and come alive before you. If you read only one book this year, consider this one! Evelyn Waugh presents his biography of St. Edmund…