St. Monica, A Profile in Patience and Perseverance

By Loyola Press

The feast of St. Monica occurs the day before the feast of her son, St. Augustine. Her tears, prayers, and sacrifices over many years helped bring about his conversion. It is only proper that their feasts are celebrated close together.

Monica was born in North Africa. As a child she lived with her family, but she and her sisters were raised by an elderly servant. This wise woman had also raised Monica’s father.

As a young girl, Monica had a shocking experience. According to the custom of the time, her parents would ask her to bring up wine from the cellar for them. Once Monica took a sip of the wine before she brought it up. After that, she… Read more>>


Culled from Loyola Press, which produces Saint Stories for All Ages and such Catholic business relevant books as Make Today Matter: 10 Habits for a better life (and world), by Chris Lowney.

Note also Catholic Business Journal’s Daily Mass Posts here.

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